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Castoro Chiaro, reporting for fandom!


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About Myself: Above all things I enjoy making people laugh. I'm not as avid a writer as I used to be, but I quite like making up stories for characters and building worlds up around them Also I doodle. A lot.

How I found Canterlot.com: I found it via Google search.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It took a bit of coercing, but I watched the first few episodes after it got really popular on another forum I go to.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
Howdy, hullo, and all manner of greetings to you, Canterlot forums! I've been trying to be a little more active in fandom, and I really dig how much emphasis is put on RPing on this site as I'm an avid RPer myself. So I hope to enjoy my stay here. c:

Nice meeting you all!

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I love making people laugh too, but it almost never works. How do you do it?

Welcome to Canterlot, boi.

Honestly, I just say the weird things that pop into my head and they seem to amuse people pretty well. The jokes fall flat sometimes, of course, but darn it all, even if I'm the only one laughing at least ONE person was entertained by my joke and that's good enough for me.

c: Thanks for the welcome!

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