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Legends of the Pony Pirates! OOC discussion [open]


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I would love to continue this. I really would. This is probably my favorite roleplay. It's just that now it hurts, and feels... different

Dusk II, it's always a bit awkward the first time, don't worry about it :) (and don't take that out of contents either xD)

Umm... I still want this to keep going, but I'm unsure how to do it :???: Ideas?

edit: heck, I might just reply, but I don't know when. And I do realize this is waiting on me. Sorry about that

double edit: If anyone wants to continue without me for a bit, I'm giving you permission to say that Black Mane went to sleep in the captain's cabin (cus sleeping on the job is something he would totally do, AND it gives me the chance to join back into the rp whenever I feel like it. :P)

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..My first mate's whole plot is centered around Sleek Wind.. If that's as amazingly awkward as I think it is, I can send him on a goal.. O-o I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable.

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-I'm not sure If I'll ever be able to reply to this again-

I would love to continue this. I really would. This is probably my favorite roleplay. It's just that now it hurts, and feels... different


double edit: If anyone wants to continue without me for a bit, I'm giving you permission to say that Black Mane went to sleep in the captain's cabin (cus sleeping on the job is something he would totally do, AND it gives me the chance to join back into the rp whenever I feel like it. :razz:)

I hate to be a butt, chardude. But I just have no drive to rp right now, especially with this one. I'm not depressed (as much) anymore but every time I go into the thread I loose all inspiration. Forgive me. But hey! who knows! Maybe I'll think of something and we can all pick back up on this. Until then, everyone can brainstorm things here if they want. Or if you have suggestions on something Black Mane should do to keep this going, I want you to forcefully throw them at me. :)

throw the ideas WITH FORCE! xD

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also i was thinking about starting up an rp based on ponies and magical creatures of the far east (the land of the rising sun.....oh wait that title goes to where ever celestia lives at the time).

with ninja, samurai, and other kinds of iconic eastern figures.

another idea is an rp based around the royal guards and their lives both on and off the job.

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I know I kinda disappeared for a while after apping Roaring Flame, but that was at the time where the Main RP was getting tl;dr, and the OoC was getting awkward, but I think I got a few ideas.

Roaring Flame's drive was to leave his legacy with something big. While it's not going to be centered around him, he's going to be the "hook" to get something big started. (See: He wants to burn down the equivalent of Port Royale (I'll think of a better pony-ish name later) because he wants to.)

Alternatively, there's a legend of some sort of mystic relic, I have a few ideas in mind. What you want with the relic(s) is for you to decide, but it's a good set-up for a good old fashioned treasure race.

I've been holding on to these ideas for a while, since I came up with it at an incredibly awkward time, but I feel like now's a good time before I completely forget about them.

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The treasure race would be a fun idea, and considering Soul Flare has a mysterious book, we could use that as part of the relic. We could say it has a map hidden inside it or something. Hence to why it's so important. (Both Black Mane and the empire it belongs to have been interested in getting their hooves on it.) So once everyone figures that out then it could be a race for the treasure leading down to a climatic battle. What do ya say guys? C:

Granted, everyone is sort of on the same ship right now >.> So we either wait for that to get to port and move on from there... OR... seeing as this is now at an incredibly awkward stage, we start a new chapter. Say that a week has past, and explain that once everyone got to port they all went their separate ways and the prisoners escaped. Now here's how I plan we could all met back up for the treasure race...

-Black Mane could still be curious about the book and be hunting Soul Flare down.

-Red Stripe and Shimmers could be hunting Black Mane down.

-Black Powder seems to have taken a liking to Black Mane and could do something around becoming his ally.

-The navy is the navy, they'll just be paroling the waters and met up like they did last time.

-Red sail is a pirate hunter/criminal for breaking the treaty. He's bound to show up somehow. And violently I'm expecting

-Harla and Cloud Shimmers could say they've been sailing the sky for sometime, and Harla misses her crew/ship. They could go looking for Red Stripe/Shimmers

-Wood Wing could say he has a grudge against Black Mane, and start hunting him down.

-I have no idea if anyone else is playing besides that

So there ya go. Those are my ideas of how we could get STARTED in a new chapter. Then we take it from there. Feel free to alter any part you wish. These are just suggestions. But what do you guys think about the whole idea of a new chapter and with an actual plot this time?

(Also, I think we should just take Sleek Wind out of this completely. I talked with Dusk II and she won't be on here anymore. I don't think explaining how her character left will be easy. So for Red stripe and black mane, let's just say she was a dear crew member, and that she's no longer here. But the chase for her returning to Red's crew can still be existent)

Any thoughts/opinions/ideas/suggestions? ;)

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Hmm. A time skip would be a splendid idea actually. I might need a bit more than a week though, how about a month? The Alicorn need repairs after that last battle, and Royal Range needs to be officially promoted to Captain. We might need to discuss how the other pirates escaped. Soul Flare in particular. Black Mane and Black Powder could have left quite easily at that point. A Treasure Race sounds like a great idea too. Give this rp a loose structure to follow, while free-form can be fun sometimes it felt a bit too aimless.

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Yes, Cain, I like that idea too.

Red Sail could heal up, get his eyepatch, and Celestia could lay the bounty on his head. He could run amok and become a real problem, slaughtering traders and sinking every ship he comes across.

Scarred psychopath with lots of guns and violence to go around.

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