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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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Due to the amount of ponies who wanted Dragon Heart, I'll make an RP for that too...because I am awesome like that. You all can thank me later ;) but unfortunately, I won't make it until tomorrow evening. So, from this post forward, no more on the subject. Back to Revolution!

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It is mandatory that everyone single one of us takes the location/who thing very seriously or it doesn't work.

Also put it in "-" "-" so its easier to distinguish from the rest. Make it bold also (I know you did)

Also Fermata needs to tell me what the hell happened, I totally lost track after the incident with Azure and idk what she wants for Cadence atm anyway.

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Well, Twi had a sort of breakdown, blaming the RLF for the destruction of her city and the death of her foal, Azure. Freelancer comes in and explains that it was a setup, Twi doesn't really believe it, but passes out due to the emotional and physical strain of recent events. With that, Frost carried her away to prevent her from harm, and everypony is going their separate ways.

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Scythe's system sounds like a good idea. So anything that affects the environment around the character will be bolded so others can take note of it.

Cadence is currently suffering from an emotional breakdown upon seeing the destruction of Equina. Since they were in range of Twilight, they observed everything: Twilight's collapse, the REF breaking the negotiations off, and Frost carrying away Twi.

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i want to explain my recent post illustrating one of the effects of this event on the rest of the GEF draco radioed to other towns trying to get rescue teams since by then all the ones at the negotiations should be there but i illustrated the fact that when news got round of Equenias destruction some towns hunkered down in defense against what force did it some think the GEF is toast and others don't wanna help in case the enemy connects them to the GEF and destroys them too

hope that cleared some stuff up

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Welp I've decided on what to post, it's gonna be huge, it'll basically be about what happened Freelancer-related during the timeskip expect Character development, more appearances of Freelancers that have only had one appearance, Tex gets a proper introduction, and the appearances of more Agents that have yet to show up, pretty much what Freelancer did throughout and leading up to the negotiations/Equinia's destruction. ZE PLOT SHALL BE GLORIOUS! :D

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Attention, everyone. Due to the lack of movement in the Revolution RP, I've decided to change it to Private. There will be invites handed out to the people whom I believe to have been the most serious about the RP, this way Revolution: A Hoof In The Dark won't just go *poof* and disappear. Now, invites will be sent and handed out to a few specific people. If you don't receive an invite by the time the changes are made...then I am sorry, and thank you for helping us get a start off. :)

In complete honesty, the story has become rather important for me, and it has been agreed that this is the best way to continue on. I will make the changes later in the week, and once again, thank you to everyone who participated in the first run of Revolution.

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I haven't fully decided on who and who isn't going to be invited...the ones Fermata listed are only those who I have already contacted. So, there is still a chance for a couple more...butI have an obligation to keep the RP popuation small, for the benefit of my players.

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