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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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Oh dear golly...that post was annoying to make on my cell-phone, lol...also, I couldn't resist bringing in a insane, prophetic pegasus who knows what happened :lol: I have left quite a few hints on what is likely to occur later down to road...can you guys find them all and guess them correctly? :P

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How widespread is the rioting? Could it be ignored by some of the groups?

Widespread enough to for word to reach back to RLF's outpost and if its bad enough for them to KO Twilight and abduct her, its got to be pretty crazy.

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So much to read! Ima get craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy - seriously guys, we need a 15 lines limit or sth ima die from all that or have to focus on the chrysalis/cadence lovestory solely.

Well, I'm not sure if we CAN do that. 15 lines can appear differently for phones and CPUs, and also there IS a lot of information that people need to post...also, I believe we made the Name-Location rule just for that reason, so you can focus on the areas you are in.

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