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Skydancer (final)


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Roleplay Type:

World of Equestria and Crossovers.









Eye colour:

hazel with gold flecks

Coat Colour:

chocolate brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Colour & Style:

ream coloured mane and tail, with a chocolate streak


Small to the point of almost being filly size, tho being full grown. Her wings on the other hand are normal size for a large Pegasus. She is exceptionally strong for short periods with wiry strength and a excellent glider due to the wings.

Cutie Mark:

A pair of upwards extended wings in a light gold colour.

Cutie Mark Story:

It was the summer of her 4th year at school and the school yard was baking ly hot, the obstacle course for the running races had gotten a little beaten up over the day, what with all the senior classes going first the ground itself was almost an obstacle for the smaller ponies and especially for her, she had never been particularly good at running, the large wings on her sides making her top heavy and she often fell over the slightest bump.

But today was different she had been practicing at home around the few rain barrels that father had setup and she had learned a new trick of extending her wings and flexing them so she would shoot round the barrels without sliding out and today she was going to show her friend cloud herder that she was faster once and for all.

As she lined up with the other foals, she quivered in anticipation she had never seen anyone in her age group try this more advanced trick and it would make the difference for her being one of the smallest foals there.

She looked down the line smiling a little till her eyes came to rest on cloud herder , she smiled even more because cloud was currently covered head to hoof in bright yellow spandex and look for all the world like a four legged banana, she had come up with some crazy idea that you could go faster if you were smoother or something after she had seen a book on the wonder bolts and they had spent a good afternoon arguing about it and so here we were ready to prove what was better speed or agility.

Looking past she saw a unicorn foal named Zappa poof, he was a nasty one that one, always pulling her wings and playing tricks on me, and he noticed the look and smirked back, yep! He was up to something alright.

The whistle blew and it was time to get ready, all the foals moved to the line in the dirt and stood ready to go, WHEEEEEEP!.

Sky ran as fast as she could but was easily outpaced by the larger foals and soon found herself at the back of the pack but with the first corner coming up she readied herself and ran even faster.

The crowd gave a little gasp as a small foal at the rear of the pack ran full speed into the corner and everypony turned their heads just a little away and grimaced expecting a very large crash was about to happen, but to everyponies surprise she performed a perfect Pegasus cornering manoeuvre making it round the barrel and even passing a few foals in the act, it was a bit of a shock to see this performed in such a young foal but not unheard of , the crowd gave a little cheer for this talented foal and settled to watch a unexpectedly more interesting race.

Sky dancer revelled in the cheer of the crowd and spurned on ran even faster at the next corner and actually passed a chubby foal on the way, her tiny legs were a blur and she felt that she was the fastest foal in the world and approaching the right hoof corner flicked out her left wing almost straight up and ran as hard as she could round the corner but this time it almost didn’t work the ground was soft and the breeze was flowing to the left , she almost fell scrabbling with all four hooves to find purchase but eventually got round the corner, she was proud that she had kept it together for the final corner and as an added bonus could see a yellow spandexed foal just ahead of her.

She grinned and ran with all her might, the air burned in her lungs and her legs were starting to feel a little like jelly but she just caught up with Cloud as they were about to enter the left hoof hairpin corner, sky flicked up her right wing and was about to perform her manoeuvre when all four hooves gave way on the loose soil of the corner, sky panicked and spread both wings as a natural reaction to a Pegasus when leaving the ground , the sudden extra lift of sky’s large wings picking her up and launching her into the sky like a paper bag in the wind , causing her to shoot directly for the stands all the ponies were on , she didn’t know what to do this was her first flight of more than a foot and at this speed it was going to hurt .

There was a sudden scream of "up pull up" and responding to the command she shot straight up and into a stall turn , now she was heading straight down and doing the only thing she knew at this moment pulled up again this time into a loop which fortunate for her ended with a loud THUMP! Into the high jump mats.

The crowd rushed over to see if the foal was alright, it had been a spectacular display of aerobatics and they all wanted to congratulate the foal on a brilliant display …. Even if it had happened out of the blue and ended with the foal failing to land properly, they had thought it was part of the school display and clapped and cheered for the foal as she staggered out of the mats, looking a little dishevelled, a yellow banana ran up to her and hugged the foal and everyone went AWWWW so cute.

Sky pulled herself out of the mats, the world was spinning a little and she was just a bit shaky on her hooves but alright, out of the crowd Cloud came galloping over asking if she was alright, “anything broken” she asked, nope just my pride, “I thought you were going to die, all I could think was to scream at you to pull up, thank Celestia you did” said Cloud.

Cloud suddenly gasped and pointed to sky’s flank “Oh my gosh, Squeeeee”, you got your cutie mark she quickly grabbed sky and hugged her all the while smiling like a mare possessed, “now you won’t be a blank flank anymore” she stated and hugged even harder, sky couldn’t wait anymore and had to look at her cutie mark, it was a set of spread wings in gold raise in a high V .

Today she may not have won the race but she had found something better.


Born in Trottingham of thumpa wing and silver flare.

Thumpa wing was a heavy lift construction Pegasus he was renowned for his strength and size and for how much he could lift to the high building in stalliongrad, going from place to place as he built every higher buildings and as life has it met a nice mare named silver flare a dancer at the round theatre in Trottingham it was love at first sight and after a whirlwind romance they got married having a foal before moving to Canterlot for the work and the location of good education for Sky.

As she grew up she got her mother’s body but her father’s wings and colouring, and after gaining her cutie mark enrolled in aerobatic classes and low level dance routine schools, but in the end her mother was her greatest teacher, the pony that she looked up to and wished to be like , the grace, the poise, the drama, it was like water to the young filly as she grew into the mare she is today.

Sky currently lives in Manehatten as a professional dancer and even tried a little of the Modern art sky writing that was popular these days. She also runs a small dance studio as teacher to young fillies.


Unfortunately Sky’s past is fraught with failed jobs , not because she was not enthusiastic enough but because a tiny filly like mare just isn’t much use to a job, tho there was that one job where she had to squeeze into the ventilation and clean the ducts but she always came home dirty and her wings were always scratched up from it.

Thankfully her mother had come to the rescue one day setting her up with a small company doing duck pond where due to her tiny body and huge wings she got to play the duck :), the audience love it and great reviews for the show got her better shows. Now a few years down the road She is doing well enough to pick what she wants to be in and known just enough to get fillies through the door of her small dance studio.


Ever since she had seen the Wonder bolts as a young filly she has wanted to join them and once she had even tried out to join up, but failed due to not only lack of speed but also stamina, in the agility trials she was much better than anypony, but the Wonder bolts are made for the best Pegasus strengths of speed, stamina and agility and most of the time she was out of the trials before they even turned up for the finals.

As Sky grew up she has attended her mothers dance classes as well as other styles from various dancers her mother set her up with and she always attended her mothers dance perfomances and has always marveled at her mothers grace and beauty on the stage, she has always wanted to be just like her but due to her top heavy nature is not naturally gracefull and has a tendency to fall over very easily while on the ground.

Thankfully she has used her wings for make up for this trait while dancing by spreading them and using their balancing effect as well as the lifting effect to her perfomances making her literally glide round the dance floor.

She hopes to one day create something unique in the world of dance and maybe get famous doing it.

Likes: (optional)

Cookies and Cream ice cream

Dislikes: (optional)

Wet wings (they take ages to dry outL)


Well she can be a little too hard working at times and just a bit too much of a perfectionist, sometimes quick to anger but also quick to laugh and forgive.

Character Summary:

Skydancer or Sky to her friends, is an easy going fun free mare, she has a great love for dance and the arts but also a burning passion for aerobatics.

Unfortunately she is a tiny mare with big wings that although are great in slow speed manoeuvring they are oversized for her and as such are very heavy and hard to flap with such a small frame so she can’t fly very fast (think earth pony running speeds) .

Fortunately due to the need to learn how to make her wings work better against faster Pegasi , she has learned to flex and mould her wings with greater dexterity than the standard Pegasus (think yoga for wings ), this makes her able to perform great slow motion aerobatic routines that can be done indoors.

As a side bonus of being of small stature with big wings , she is one of Equestrian’s premier competition gliders and has won many competitions for her efforts, though calling it a competition was like saying frogs eat flies, when she flew she would glide , an Equestrian Pegasus with just their wings out flat was like watching a brick drop from the sky , it was more of a glud than a glide and in reality there were only a hooffull of ponies that came close and all of them had similar body shapes.

Her parents are still alive and retired, they currently caravan from place to place so seem to turn up out of the blue at the most inconvenient times.

She isn't a shy pony that's for sure but she appreciates her lack of fame after seeing others fly badly into the ground as soon as fame popped in for a visit, (don't you just hate fame he's a nasty pony).

Finishing comment:

Sky will hopefully be able to attend most of Canterlot's events and hopefully surprise a few ponies with her antics.

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Nice application. Interesting to see another fast flying pegasus. The concept of a small body for fast flying is a rather original concept and I like it ^^ THough, some few things are wrong with your app. Some big, some small...

1. Main problem with your app is that your cutie mark story relies heavily Skydancer's relationship with Cloud Kicker. Previous relationships with cast characters are against the OC rules. A name change should suffice, instead of being a cast character, change it to just another pony who was her friend.

2. I would suggest a revision and reread. Your Use of "omg" is out of place and could be substituted with "Oh sweet Celestia!" or something of the sort. Also your use of 'foal' in the cutiemark story is misused. Rather "fillies and colts" or "young ponies" would work.

3. You mention the outcome of her interest in acting and dancing. More information on how she got there and why would be helpful. Was she interested in plays since she was a filly? Did she perform in one and felt upstaged and wanted to be in the limelight?

Other than that, it looks fine. ^^ Rememebr to post when you've edited!

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1. k fixed cloud after looking up her name (gotta research all the names note to self).

2. had to think of something a young foal would say so changed it to Oh My Celestia or OMC (still not sure doesn't roll of the tongue).

3. I thought i covered that she was intrested in aerobatics but couldn't do normal aerobatics due to the size of her and her wings but it looks like i forgot to put in the dancing classes her mother used to run (mum was a dancer after all ), so fixed it a bit as well.

thank you for your advice after going through the application again (not late at night for once ) i found a few mistakes and fixed them.

Also i'm trying to limit myself for the application, i get carried away , the cutie mark story used to be 3 pages long :), so i am holding it all back so i don't set her in stone .

Won a picture from KloudMutt so requested a filly sized dancer with big wings , well i got the filly size alright and i got it for free so don't look a gift pony in the mouth so to speak lol.

So as my avatar i now have a filly skydancer till i can get a more accurate picture , tho she is very cute.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some things still need some sorting out, your mention of specific plays and productions need to be substituted with something more general. Instead of mentioing specific productions like "Cats" and the "Maretrix" I would suggest just taking it all out and saying she performed as a professional dancer and actor for a bit.

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You should remove the references to Swan Lake as well. This is a very small detail though, so I'm not going to hold out on you just for that, especially given the application looks fine everywhere outside that one small, little reference.



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