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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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All across Equestria, an unseen magical force began to wind itself into the very fabric of the land, sea, and sky. Unbeknownst to those who lived in the mortal existence, the threads of Fate were being plucked by a force both benevolent and malevolent, one which cared only for the passage of time and history. Good and Evil had no effect on its actions, and as the magic began to settle deep within the very structure of the world...it triggered. Like a massive, spinning wheel, time began to turn faster and faster. As soon as the magic arrived, it vanished...leaving the world and its inhabitants three days ahead. An unknown figure smiled from atop its perch in the sky, its lips moving to speak unheard words.

[colour=#000000]"...let the games begin..."[/colour]

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Draxis watched as the elevator slowly ascended up the shaft. The smoke in the tunnel behind him began to shift as the bodies of diamond dog mooks rushed through the passage. He lay his head on the ground and took a few calming breaths. It wouldn't be too hard for him to look like a dead, beat up pony. There was no way the that he was done here, he was a blade for his leader and a beacon for the guards. A slightly adverse situation could no more stop him than a wax paper wall could stop a bear.

He focused his changeling magic in order to make his body look beat up, his legs were already decently screwed up and with some added paw shaped bruising around the throat and some chest bruises and some bluing in the face he could look like a choked out guard. With his disguise complete he lay perfectly still and allowed the dogs to pile into the chamber. They searched the room and immediately found the three bodies, two dogs and one pony. Just as Draxis planned they decided to try and dispose of the corpses quickly before they stunk up the tunnels.Before he knew it he was being dragged down the tunnels by the tail. The diamond dog lifted him up by the tail (geez that hurt) and tossed his limp body down a wet shoot. The dog poured a bucked of water down after him to make sure he slid easily down the path.

The disposal ended in a field about one mile outside of the capital. Draxis smell like manure, and maggot ridden flesh, and his legs burned from the grim in his wounds, but he was alive and out of the den. Reverting back to his changeling form he took off, using his powerful wings to propel him towards the city.

(OOC: and that's how Draxis escaped and made it back. During the three days Draxis would have gotten Draco sworn into the guard officially, given him two medals, and began his defense and weapon training.)

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Twilight awoke to the sound of wheels rumbling, the distant chatter of ponies, and the chirping of birds. Three days...three days have past since she had called the negotiations to the other factions, and she was finally almost to her destination. Sitting up, she yawned and stretched her tired limbs, climbing up from the small bed she had in the large armored vehicle. Looking at herself in the mirror, she began to clean herself and fixing herself up to be presentable. Today was the day that Equestria had been waiting for five years...the day this potential conflict could end. However, so many things could go wrong...so many things...Twilight looked slightly sick, but she knew full well why. Grabbing and putting on the elegant violet clothing she had bought for this event, she approached the exit of her small room, but hesitated in front of it. The image of her foal, Azure, came into her head once more. This...this was all for him, the one last beacon of light she had in this world. Firming her resolve, she opened the iron door and stepped out into the blinding light. Letting her eyes adjust, she gazed around from the perch at the rolling, green grassland. Her caravan was driving to the mystical Starlight Hill, perhaps the only fully-neutral spot in all of Equestria, due to its near-divine nature.

[colour=#40e0d0]"...Lady Twilight, are you sure you will be able to make these negotiations today? You...you had another of those night-terrors last evening, and you don't look well." [/colour]Rainbow Dash said as she approached her old friend, her tone respectful but concerned at the same time. Twilight gave the Chancellor a wry smile, shaking her head gently. [colour=#ff0000]"I am fine, Chancellor Dash. A few nightmares aren't going to keep me from doing my duty...Equestria and the Federation come first above all else, even my own health. Once these negotiations are out of the way, I'll have the time to rest...dead or alive." [/colour]The pegasus looked at her leader with a frown, then turning her head. It seemed that, to Rainbow, that Twilight was prepared to die either today or sometime soon...and if that were the case, it made Rainbow afraid of how this could turn out. Something was different about the unicorn next to her...as if she had changed in some way since only a few days ago. What could it have been that made her so...calm? Her thoughts were broken when her eyes caught sight of the huge altar off in the distance, a spiraling white marble pillar which appeared very much like a tree, with a large and thick base and branch-like limbs extending from the epicenter. However, at the ends of the branches were representations of the sun, moon, and several stars. At the very top stood a glistening black orb made of obsidian.

[colour=#ff0000]"Tell me, Rainbow...it is quite possible that a couple of our former friends may be here today. How will you react if you see them...?"[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"...why would I have any reaction? That was many years ago, our friendship...those days are over, as far as anypony can see it. You said it yourself, Lady Twilight...'Never dwell on the past, forgive and forget it.' ..."[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"...but after today, what if you could be friends again? Have you thought about that, my dear Chancellor?"[/colour] Rainbow Dash blinked at the statement, glancing back at Twilight with a startled expression. Nothing could be discerned from the unicorn's visage...it was a blank mask, something that the unicorn had mastered long ago. Sighing, Rainbow looked back at the pillar in the distance.

[colour=#40e0d0]"I just...I don't think that will ever happen again, Lady Twilight. We have all changed so much...especially you. It will never be the same, so why bother trying to bring it back...? I..." [/colour]She stifled her words when Twilight laid a gentle hoof on her shoulder. [colour=#ff0000]"...speak no more, Rainbow Dash. I was only...reminiscing. Please forgive me if I brought any painful memories back." [/colour]Leaving the pegasus staring after her, Twilight moved away and began to cross the pathway to another of the armored cars, closing yet another door behind her as she went inside. She continued going down the aisles, passing through two more cars before arriving at the front of the caravan, making herself fully visible to anypony who could be watching her from afar. The guards at the front saluted her, and a couple of Shade Corps bowed respectfully, their special black armor glinting in the sunlight. Nodding to them, Twilight sat down in the chair prepared for her. As a final, precautionary measure, Twilight placed several magical wards on the car...to prevent any bullets or other harmful projectiles from harming her or the members of her crew. When she was done, the unicorn let out a small, inaudible whisper.

[colour=#ff0000]"...I just hope that I am not too late."[/colour]

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One of the ponies who Twilight passed was a certain Mistress of Shadows, who for reasons only known to itself had weaved the flawless illusion of a filly version of Celestia: pink hair, pure white coat, wings and horn, as it's chosen disguise. It was one of the few ponies not in black besides the other noncombat personnel. Well the Mistress of Shadows was indeed a combat operative, but it sure didn't look the part. Yet it was perhaps the most dangerous mare in the caravan besides Twilight herself.

The Mistress of Shadows made a rather undignified display of waving eagerly at Twilight as she passed and looking dejected as she left into her place at the front of the caravan. It contented itself with a showing of rank to the guards assigned to the room.

[colour=#afeeee]"Protect Lady Twilight with your lives, you hear me, soldiers?" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadows was rude, ambitious, and not well liked amongst the rest of the GEF. But it's power couldn't be denied, so it was tolerated. [/colour]


[colour=#000000]Vinyl was in her recording studio, an abandoned half eaten salad and an equally abandoned disc of samples lying on the soundboard beside her. Her hooves were tinkering idly with the switches, moving them up and down even though there were no levels being recorded at the moment. She was nervous, her legs shifting about. And why was that? The peace summit was being broadcast, the meeting of a bunch of factions Vinyl hadn't even known existed until now was on air for the citizens of Equina. Indeed, it was an impressive showing for most of those loyal to the GEF, for they were assured that their side would receive all in the end after the negotiations.[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"This is gonna be crazy..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl's eyes were glued to her TV screen.[/colour]

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[colour=#a9a9a9]Gray Rainfall[/colour]

The old monk wearing flowing white robes watched from the base of the Celestial Pillar as the distinct factions began to arrive off in the distance, their banners and flags easily seen from where he was standing. The GEF...the RLF...the LEH...and a few others, as well. All were coming here to discuss the end of this terrible conflict, one in which Gray had heard much tell of from ponies and non-ponies who visited here from a ways off. A couple of younger monks stood at his sides, both wearing light gray robes. One of them narrowing her eyes at the GEF caravan, the other simply inspecting his hooves. This would be the second time a history-changing event would occur here at Starlight Hill...hopefully, it will be the last. Slowly going down the marble steps, the two monks followed along in silence. As the Peacekeeper of the assembly arriving, Gray would serve as the regulator and dispenser of order here on these sacred grounds.

[colour=#a9a9a9]"...Brother Sparrow, Sister Waltz...please perform the Sanctuary Seal." [/colour]With two brief nods, the two monks approached ancient runes on the ground, standing on their respective sides as they began to make a series of movements. Chanting gentle, whisper-like words, the monks continued their odd ritual, the runes beginning to glow, one a brilliant blue, the other a deep red. The lights began to spread out along the ground, going farther and farther, increasing their pace and creating larger versions of the symbols throughout a small bit of the grassland around Starlight Hill. Soon, about mile-wide circle of the runes surrounded the area, and as the monks began to finish their strange dance, a large glowing wall had risen from the ground, its brilliant silver light extending up to the heavens above and disappearing into the clouds, the runes vanishing but keeping the walls intact. Despite the fact that neither of the young monks were unicorns, the magic was designed to be triggered by anypony who knew the sacred forms.

The spell was created for occasions such as this...it was an anti-aggression zone, in which it made any creature inside it incapable of physical harm. It was a precautionary measure, for it was expected that without it...these dangerous groups could indeed break out into fighting. The least the monks wanted was a catastrophic battle on their hollowed grounds...and thus they waited for the approaching factions. Gray inspected the magical work, satisfied and muttered a few prayers under his breath.

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The Archmage stood on top of one of the armored GEF transports, immovable, he utterly controlled the space he occupied, so didn't fear falling at all. He raised his hoof up to his mouth and took a bite out of his apple. No chunks flew away, and his mane, tail, and cloak remained still despite the wind whipping past him. He controlled this space. It good to flex his magic casually like this for some obscure, yet practical reason. It reminded him of the days back when he was just a spry young stallion (he still appeared to be in his prime, but that's not really the point), back when he would do things like warp space time to keep rain from ruining picnics or warp blown away hats back onto a cute mare's head. Everything that had happened in the past few days had truly brought Chronarch back to life.

Chronarch warped his orientation to the earth relative to the position of the vehicle. As if it was the most natural thing in the world Chronarch simply stepped off the side of the vehicle. Instead of falling to the speeding ground below his hoof simply seemed to guide itself to the side of the vehicle, like he was falling side ways. The stallion casually trotted along the side of the caravan vehicles, occasionally taking a bite from and apple that he was levitating. Looking down through the windows his saw the mysterious mare, The Mistress of Shadows in the form she'd chosen for this outing. He rolled his eyes as the mare ordered around the soldiers, going so far as to give them obvious commands, no doubt because she could. Whatever, he didn't care, Chronarch neither answered to her nor did he care to command troops.

Once he was at the front of the of the caravan he though about giving his magic a light work out. What was around him...trees off in the distance, grass all around, stones and...........a massive plateau. This was going to piss somepony off, but he couldn't let this chance pass him by. He stared at the massive stone formation and focused on it. His eyes and his horn began to glow with a golden aura as the massive (well massive to you average unicorn) amount of magic surged through his body. His cloak began to bellow wildly from the building magical charge around him.

The plateau wavered and bent, half of it appeared to crumple like tissue paper, while the other half was chopped into several uniform cubes. The cubes all disappeared simultaneously and reappeared in free fall above the caravan. Every single stone, aged to dust before they could bury anypony. Chronarch covered his mouth as he yawned, regretting the choice to go to bed at such a late hour. He moved to the top of the vehicle and stood, looking forward.

Looking towards the monument, no the future, Chronarch heart was filled with pride for his nation and for what his kin was about to accomplish. A peace unlike anything that the world has ever seen, all at the hands of Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps after all of this, he could gain so normalcy to his life, maybe even return to being Regulus. He closed his eyes and released his spatial control spell so that the wind could whip across his face. He let himself fall into his memories.

Banners and streamers decorated the grand halls of Canterlot Castle. A very special coronation was to occur this night, one to that would help push Equestria forward.

[colour=#ffd700]"Regulus Leonis, I Princess Celestia and the council of the ten Magi, hereby dub thee Archmagus of the royal court!"[/colour] The large white alicorn declared to the room.

Regulus slowly rose from his deep bow and gave the princess eye contact. [colour=#40e0d0]"It is an honor to be give this position your majesty."[/colour] The young stallion said respectfully. His black mane covered one of his eyes as he spoke, the gold and amber highlights seemingly amplifying his pride as he stood there basking in the presence of his god-ruler.

[colour=#ffd700]"No my little pony, nothing was given to you, you seized this opportunity through hard work and dedication." [/colour]Celestia, much to the surprise of the entire court, bowed to the newly appointed Archmage. "You are the youngest unicorn ever in the history of Equestria to earn the status of Archmagus." She rose and beamed down on her subject, her regal smile as bright an warming as the sun itself. In Regulus' mind, even if Celestia had not been the god of the sun, her name would have still fit perfectly.

Celestia turned to face the court and the noble, with a single gesture and the use of the Royal Canterlot Voice she declared the banquet a go. Regulus sat down with his peers, The Ten Magi, during his tests and trails he had made friends with those mares and stallions. All of them where genius' in their respective fields and each had the others utmost respect. Surprisingly, for a bunch of "no-life tome dusters", the mages held quite the interesting idle chat. No work was mentioned, no mulling over spells or incantations just a normal, if a little bit inappropriate, table talk full of the things you'd expect of ponies.

"...Hahaha, Let me tell you, we weren't always such good mannered stallions. Isn't that right Reg?" The red stallion said to the mare across from him, both wore the cloaks of the Magi. The stallion's coat was a bright orange colour, his mane and eyes looked like a burning inferno, guess that's why his parents named him Wild Fire. The mare, on the other hoof was a reflective silver, her eyes were a minty green and her mane was greyish silver, her name was Myst.

"Remember when we were young colts and you where just learning how to slow down time, and we use to use your magic to sneak into the bathhouse and look at wet mares...brrrrr, those were the days!" Wild Fire announced proudly. Wild Fire and and Regulus came from the same providence and as youngsters they ripped up and down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot together. Both were unicorns of exceptional magical talent and as such pushed each other to be the best they could be through competition.

Regulus wrap his leg around his friends neck and they clanked their cups together in triumph. [colour=#40e0d0]"Dang right! Oh how the low have risen!" [/colour]Perhaps not the best response when the ratio of sexes in the general area was about three mares to every one stallion. Myst, along with Celestia and the other mares close to the two stallion stared at them like they had a dead fish stuck to their faces. A pregnant silence filled the hall, no pony dared say a word lest they cause the volcano of emotions to erupt. Celestia's bottom lip curled up and the princess face started to twist...Archmage for an hour and Regulus was already about to lose it.

[colour=#ffd700]"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"[/colour] Everypony turned to the princess. Celestia, seeing that all eyes were on her, put a hoof over her mouth and blushed in embarrassment. Soon another chuckle was heard, not even a second later the entire hall was in an uproar.

Celestia wiped a tear from her eye. [colour=#ffd700]"It's been awhile since I've heard such foalish tales, and to imagine that Equestria's new Archmage use to partake in such ridiculous actions, it makes you seem so much more," [/colour]She pondered on the subject for a second.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Unworthy?"[/colour] Regulus whispered.

[colour=#ffd700]"No, approachable."[/colour] The Princess corrected.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Well I-" [/colour]


The the wall exploded, raining massive chunks of stone onto the ponies at the feast.


Chronarch snapped back to reality, with a heavy sigh put his thoughts behind him. The tower was fast approaching.

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Massive wings cast dark shadows across the lands, and the thunderous calls of the brood deafened the ears. Four figures flew in from the east, two larger ones with something on their backs and two smaller ones in front of the pack. All of them cloaked.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Do you believe that transmission, that Twilight Sparkle leads the GEF now,"[/colour] said one of the smaller figures, in a feminine voice.

[colour=#800080]"We'll see when we get there, If it is her, it will make things more... manageable."[/colour] Said the other small figure in flight next to her. His

was obviously male, but laced with a strange sort of ancient power that was thought gone from this land.
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The Federation caravan soon began to arrive at its destination, the guards and other GEF officials staring warily at the magical silver, membrane-like wall. Standing up, Twilight passed an order down to the pilot of the caravan, ordering him to take them through the wall and to camp at it's ring. All the ponies in the front platform gave nervous glances at each other and the strange spell before them, but the pilot saluted his leader and began to drive the caravan forward. As they began to pass through the Sanctuary Seal, it began to mold around them, and as the ponies were carried through the wall...they felt a sensation of peace and calm, as if all their cares in the world had simply vanished. As the membrane hit Twilight, she felt her insides convulse. She was awfully sensitive to magical energy, and it was due to that sensitivity that she could tell how ancient the magic was...and how powerful. However, the convulsions ended as quickly as they came, and a sense of ease came upon her, all aggressive thoughts removed from her consciousness. A smile drifted over her face, and she pondered on this work of magical power. Perhaps...just perhaps...she could copy this spell and use it as a way to keep the peace within the cities of the GEF. No more crime, no more violence...a marvelous idea, indeed! She'll have to consider it later...for now, she had a job to do.

[colour=#ff0000]"...Chronarch, Mistress of Shadows, Chancellor Dash. Come, it is time for us to begin. You know what you have to do if things go...wrongly." [/colour]Her voice boomed in their minds, a psychic command that seemed to sheer through any thoughts they were having at that point of time. Standing up from the chair, she approached the front of the platform as the ponies on deck moved out of the way. As soon as all the armored cars were within the Sanctuary Seal, they began to disconnect and disperse, making a defensive ring in their sanctioned area. Metal stairs extended from where Twilight was standing, leading to the grassy ground below. With a calm, royal grace, Twilight descended the steps with her two Shade Corps guards by her side. Unlike the others, the two guards' armor were white...an opposite of the standard Shade Corps garb. On their chests and flanks was a symbol with one star, surrounded by thorns...Twilight's crest. Indeed, they were quite intimidating, despite the bright colors in their uniforms. Their silver capes flapped in the wind behind her, bearing a black crescent moon on their backs. The three of them silently trotted across the small length of grassland, stopping at the foot of the steps up to the monument. There sat Gray Rainhoof and his two monks, watching them curiously with a warm smile. Twilight made a respectful bow to the old monk, her guards doing likewise.

[colour=#ff0000]"Greetings, Gray Rainhoof...I am Twilight Sparkle, representative of the Grand Equestrian Federation."[/colour]


[colour=#a9a9a9]Gray Rainhoof[/colour]

He studied the strange unicorn before him, his mind digging around the store of information it held in its depths. Twilight...Twilight...where had he heard that name before? Oh, of course! She was one of the former users of the Elements of Harmony, and Princess Celestia's protege as well. Gray wondered why the mare before him had joined the Federation...the very government that had executed her former mentor and ruler? Surely, this unicorn was a mystery...and the old monk looked forward to speaking with her. Bowing respectfully in turn, his students followed suit...although Waltz had a hidden pained expression at doing so.

[colour=#a9a9a9]"Welcome, Lady Twilight. We are humbly glad to have you with us during these tense times. The Federation has chosen wisely to have you here, young one...for surely one as adept at magic as you must know the necessity of peace and order." [/colour]He knew she might accept it as flattery...but that was how he felt. If Twilight truly was the new leader of the Federation, then perhaps hope for Equestria wasn't lost yet. With that tyrant, Red Fox, gone...Equestria could finally mend itself fully, rather than superficially. Rising from his bow, he gestured up the stairs, stepping aside as he beckoned the mare to walk beside him. Seeing the unicorn smile, he smiled in return as she accepted his offer. Calmly, they walked up the white marble steps side-by-side. [colour=#a9a9a9]"...you've changed much since I last saw you in Canterlot, Lady Twilight. Although we never met, I was there at the Royal Wedding to keep an eye on the proceedings, and to offer my blessings when the ceremony was finished. Why, that was a very happy day...well, once the Changelings were taken care of, that is." [/colour]The monk spoke softly, chuckling at the end. Twilight didn't respond, but simply nodded. Gray shrugged, moving on to a different subject. [colour=#a9a9a9]"By the way...that fight you had with the Red Fox, it must have been rather brutal for you to be so exhausted, even after four days of recovery..."[/colour] The unicorn mare nodded once more.

[colour=#ff0000]"...yes, but my health is of less concern when it comes to the fate of Equestria."[/colour]

[colour=#a9a9a9]"If that is the case, forgive my intrusion."[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"No harm done, Monk Rainhoof...no harm done."[/colour]


[colour=#40e0d0]Rainbow Dash[/colour]

Hearing Twilight's summons, she dashed off the platform and took off, soaring up into the sky, her wings carrying her on the wind as she climbed up. When she went through the Sanctuary Seal, the emotional impact it had on her made her unbalance, making her drop a few meters in the air, but she quickly regained her stability. What the...? This magic...it felt so odd. She didn't like it...the sudden arrest of her emotions. However, it was nice to lose the stress those emotions came with...so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. Drifting down from the sky, she landed on the steps at the bottom of Starlight Hill, following the group up the steps quietly.

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A loud buzzing can be heard as the General made his arrival . He knew this was an important meeting so he made no hesitation to arrive. He was dressed in his armor escorted by two guards. It took a while to get to this strange place. Changelings dont really use that infernal technology that the ponies use to fight there battles. Dopple walked to the monks with a small smile. His guards on the other hand had identical stoic expressions. He looked at Twilight with a smug grin as he cleared his throat. "Greetings to you. My name is General Dopple-Ganger. I am the representative of her majesty Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling hive."

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(posting from phone)

Free frowned as he saw the other leaders walking into the sanctuary, sighing as he and Applejack neared them. Soon enough, the negotiations he had promised Cadence he would see through would begin. Applejack let out an audible huff as she unslung her shotgun and threw it to the other RLF ponies waiting in their convoy, Free handing over his knife as well. Free looked back and forth from Applejack and Twilight worryingly, not sure how the two would react. It had taken a lot to get Applejack to come with him after she had heard about Twilight, and he was hoping it all wouldn't be undone by a simple glance. "Fancy see'in you here traitor." Applejack growled as she walked over to Twilight. However, soon after she had said this comment, she lost most of her anger. Free noticed this as well, wondering how the munks had perfected such a spell.

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(also posting from phone)

Knowledge watched the proceedings from ten different points of view. During three days (that he had found shortened thanks to the one known as *insert conspiracy here*) he had been visiting the non-living information centers. He had found a lot. This GEF leader was the same as the first. Freelancers had a big project going on. And Goliath was not something to tickle. Either way, he would try to get a lot of info from this meeting. And mabye he would introduce himself. He complimented himself on his plot. Plotting to have a good time, of course.

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"Uh....... Commander Applejack." Applejack said hesitantly, shaking the channeling's hoof quickly before removing hers from his grip. The munk's spell may have diffused anger, but it couldn't remove old beliefs. She huffed before trotting back over to Free, shaking her head. "Changelings....." The mare growled, looking over at Free. "They are trying to help our cause, the least you could do is be remotely friendly to them." Free chuckled. He looked over at Twilight curiously, wondering why she would side with the GEF, let alone lead them.

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[colour=#afeeee]The Mistress of Shadows (GEF Caravan)[/colour]

The Mistress of Shadows was pleasantly surprised by Twilight's command, it always did it well to hear Twilight's voice. It didn't bother to respond, even though it could have easily. This was Twilight's big moment, and it was sure that Twilight had official business to attend to. No need for the Mistress to make her voice known... yet. It was strange, the effect of the spell that had been woven over the sanctuary. When given time to think, really think, The Mistress of Shadows found that it wasn't really sure why it was so feverishly loyal to Twilight. Twilight had saved it's life, true. But there was no love between them, everypony knew that. As much as the Mistress wanted...

For this train of thought, the Mistress was strangely disconnected from her own emotions. It wasn't having a crisis of faith, it was simply a thought exercise, a calm musing on it's place in life. It stayed in the caravan, not needing to go out. It did not need to be seen for it's influence to be exerted if it came down to that.


[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza [/colour][colour=#000000]and [/colour][colour=#b22222]Lypris [/colour][colour=#000000](Starlight Hill)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]The Princess trotted slowly behind Free and Applejack, her appearance restored to it's former glory. She had been rested, fed, her mane and tail had their colour scheme painstakingly restored. It had been deemed that she had to look the part if she wanted to have a chance of negotiating her way to peace in Equestria. She had heard that Red Fox had been overthrown, replaced by a certain Twilight Sparkle. It was a shock, learning that Twilight supported an order that had destroyed the old ways. But Cadence supposed it was at least nice that their enemy was led by a familiar face now. Perhaps their chances of reaching an agreement would be improved. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Cadence's head buzzed with numbers, figures, data about the various factions that would be represented at the summit. Since she was one of the faces with official authority over the people, she would have the burden of having to sound the smartest and most eloquent. It comforted Cadence in a way, reminded her of the perfections that her aunties had to wear when they were the royal sovereigns of Equestria. She was following in their hoofsteps, her posture perfect, her knowledge impeccable. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]She had no nerves. For one thing, this was exactly what she wanted, and she could see nothing bad coming from a negotiations. And two, the monk's spell was strong indeed. Cadence smiled at the Changelings they were currently speaking with. She had forgiven their queen, so she'd forgive them as a whole. The past was long and gone.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Lypris meanwhile was somewhat uneasy. She looked around, saw many old faces that had once been their enemies. Her wings would have been buzzing if she had any. Even with the peace of the monk's spell soothing her, she couldn't help but be nervous. She contacted Dopple through the hive mind:[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"Lot of faces here that used to be our enemy. You think we're going to be fine, sir?"[/colour]

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The magical field washed over him, his thought pattern changed little, but he did feel some of the tense he had before wash away. [colour=#40e0d0]Interesting.[/colour] He thought. [colour=#40e0d0]Celestia had something similar. [/colour]

Twilight's command touched his mind, the moment the order was done he teleported to her and grouped up with the rest of the party. His white cloak flowed a little in the wind. The garment was trimmed in gold and bore Twilight's crest in black on its back. Silently he followed the group. Time to watch her work her magic.


[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

The griffons followed behind Free and Applejack, none of them were comfortable with the feeling that the magic field seemed to simply eradicate from their minds. Then they for the most part were unarmed, Quick Scope and Gilda did not like this at all, it made them feel featherless and exposed. Then a changeling walked up and introduced himself to Applejack...Tech and Gilda have not had good experiences with changelings...and that's being nice about it.


[colour=#ff8c00]Broodmother Kaalia[/colour] and [colour=#800080]Patriarch Karrthus[/colour]

The creatures passed through the barrier, and the spells effect was felt strongly on them...like part of their nature was just axed away. Once they landed, it was pretty obvious that two of them were fully grown dragons with...ponies on their backs. The two dragon scale armor ponies slid off the backs of their rides and placed their lances into specially made sheathes on the sides of the dragons' saddles.

[colour=#800080]"Praetorians, remain here, occupy yourselves in whatever manner you see fit."[/colour] Patriarch Karrthus called out to the dragons. [colour=#800080]"Dragoon Knights on us!"[/colour] Karrthus looked back to his group, eyes shining green from within the darkness of his cloak.

Karrthus stood nearly seven feet tall, from under his cloak a thick scaled tails waved back and forth across the grass. He was biped like a diamond dog, but his scaled feet and claws suggested that he was some sort of reptile. None of that mattered though, only his position as leader of the LEH mattered for these negotiations.

The armored ponies donned tattered green and teal cloaks and drew their cloaks over their heads, both ponies eyes glowing red from with their cloaks. Prepped and ready they trotted up to Karrthus and Kaalia

Broodmother Kaalia's cloak swayed in the wind as she cantered to her husband's side. She walked on all fours like their pony guards, her muzzle poked out from under the hood her canines hung down in a vicious overbite similar to that of a timberwolf. A blade of grass flew through the air and tickled her nose. She raised up an orange scaled hoof to get rid of the offending plant matter, but before she could Karrthus had already playfully flicked it off. Looking up with burning purple eyes, she started at the patriarch and gave him a loving smile before nuzzling up to him.

The party walked up the stairs, falling in behind the other factions. Had Karrthus and Kaalia not been as resolved as their were their jaws would have hit the floor. Twilight, Applejack, Cadence, and Rainbow Dash. All alive and well. Kaalia had to fight urges she thought she had suppress years ago to to keep herself grounded.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Seeing them, It just doesn't feel real..."[/colour] Kaalia's said in a cracked voice.

[colour=#800080]"No it doesn't, but still we do have a job to do. Try and focus on that."[/colour] Karrthus said as he rubbed his wife's side.

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She looked around at all the newcomers, many of whom she had once known, others she had just met. Seeing Applejack and Cadence brought back demons hidden in her past...painful, repressed memories that Twilight had buried during her life as the Red Fox. However, none of these ponies knew that...and Twilight planned to keep it that way. Pushing a bit of black mane aside, Twilight offered a response to the southern pony whom she had once called her friend. [colour=#ff0000]"...such a powerful word for a pony who has no idea what I have done. You know little about me anymore, Commander Applejack...maybe once these negotiations are over, I may fill you in on the details. The Principality was gone by the time I returned...and so, what better way to ensure the ongoing survival of Equestria then to join and overthrow that cursed Red Fox? In either case, the creature is dead...and I plan on fixing everything it did wrong." [/colour]She closed her eyes and turned away from Applejack, whispering to the Monk in soft, quiet words. [colour=#ff0000]"...are you certain the Seal will remain intact throughout these negotiations?"[/colour]

The old monk nodded assuringly, tapping her lightly on the shoulder to comfort her, before approaching the base of the pillar, and turning around to every creature that had gathered. [colour=#a9a9a9]"Welcome, esteemed members of the Three Factions. It is my honor and joy to grant you the use of our tranquil and sacred home, in order to forge a new, brighter future for our dear Equestria. When you entered the area, you came through the Sanctuary Seal...while inside it, you will find yourselves unable to do any harm to one another, regardless of the reasons or words spoken. This is a place of peace...and those who break the peace, will be punished...regardless of who you are." [/colour]Sparrow, who was at Gray's side, smashed his two hooves together, giving a delightful grin to all the occupants of the area, but was quickly reprimanded with a look by Gray Rainhoof and settled back to a quiet, emotionless state. Clearing his throat, Gray returned to his speech. [colour=#a9a9a9]"...not only is this monument a shrine, but also our home. Underneath the ground, within the hill, we have built a haven for ourselves and any who arrive here. Your designated resting quarters will be shown to you all in due time...but for now, please get acquainted. Thank you for listening..." [/colour]The three monks bowed to the guests, then turned around to the monument. Placing his hoof on the marble, Gray uttered a silent word as a part of the wall sank into the ground, revealing a large opening.

Rainbow Dash watched the scene with a mix of nervousness and wonder. All these ponies...each from factions that were at each others throats...sure, the spell helped them calm themselves, but it still was an odd collection. [colour=#40e0d0]"...I wonder how quickly this will turn into a bloodbath..." [/colour]She mumbled to herself.

Gladius watched as well, remaining close to Cadence's side and eying Twilight cautiously. Those eyes of hers...where had he seen them before? That swirl of red and violet...it was strange. He frowned at some of the words many of the current arrivals were exchanging, and he whispered in Cadence's ear. [colour=#4b0082]"...at this rate, they'll be trying to stab each other in their throats, regardless of this Sanctuary thing..."[/colour]

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[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

[colour=#daa520]"You're really testing the limits of this strange magic aren't you?"[/colour] Gilda chocked out through her clenched beak. She blocked him from view with her clock work wing.

Tech simply scowled at the changeling, he would have nothing to do with the bug. He continued to pretend to ignore him, thanking the maker that this spell surrounding him kept his emotions in check.

Quick Scope motioned to point her heavy rifle at the changeling's head, but then came to the realization that she didn't have it. So she settled for a sigh and a frown.

Baxter was not amused by the changeling taunting his squad. As much as he'd like to...do something to him he just couldn't find the drive to take action so he just kept walking. "Lucky bug, comeback and pester my griffons when we aren't under anti aggression magics. We'll see who squawks then." He pushed past the obnoxious changeling continued keeping pace with Free and Cadence.

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He buzzed close to baxter "oh i look forward to it i always wondered what a chickens fear tastes like." he smiled sincerly. He certainly loved to tease. He let out a fake gasp hearing twilights comment. "the red fox dead ih my thank goodness someone got rid of that hideous minster!" he didnt know how many other people knew twilight was red fox but again he liked to tease so he would play along with Twilights lie.

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Free narrowed his eyes as he trotted over to Dopple, looking him in the eye. [colour=#000080]"We are on the same side. Now shut it before I shut your mouth for you."[/colour] He growled. His organisation was already in chaos, he didn't need a stupid changeling to turn the griffons away from peace as well. [colour=#000080]"I'm sure your queen wouldn't be too pleased if it was you that ruined the meeting with your bad attitude now would she?" [/colour]He finished, before turning to Baxter. [colour=#000080]"Please keep your men from being too brash, there's already a lot at stake without added confrontations." [/colour]Free added quietly, before walking away from the griffons, towards the GEF group. [colour=#000080]"Miss Sparkle." [/colour]Free said, holding out a hoof to shake, sounding like anypony who knows the volatile trigger of the meeting was close to being struck. [colour=#000080]"It's an honour to meet you. Let us hope that this meeting will lead to peace."[/colour]

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