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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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[colour=#EE82EE]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#EE82EE]"H-hello." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence was startled by Striker's appearance. She had assumed that nopony would approach her when it was clear that she was conversing with the Queen of Changelings. Not that she really minded, but Chrysalis might have been miffed by the rudeness. [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]"I'm flattered, but I'm conversing with Queen Chrysalis at the moment. If you'll please? I will speak with you later, if you wish!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She tried to say it as nicely as possible. She didn't want to drive away any potential supporters.[/colour]

Striker looks over at the Changeling Queen. He doesn't not glare but his eyes are not very welcoming. He looks back at the princess and salutes again. [colour=#008000]"Yes, my princess! I am sorry for the intrusion, mam. I would like to converse with you later. Have a pleasent evening, mam." [/colour]Striker then turns and walks away. Suddenly he hears Chancellor Dash refernece Red Fox... suddenly a nighmare'ish vision of Staff Sgt. Tender Care lifeless body in his arms plagues his mind...

After he blacks out for few seconds, Striker returns to reality and returns to the Chancellor's company. He walks up [colour=#008000]"Chancellor... I'm going to be straight to the point with you so we can skip the polite ****. Who was Red Fox? I need to know..."[/colour] His eyes are stern with anger but behind that is great pain. There is still no reliable intel on the idenity or death of Red Fox... he needs to know... the ******* deserves far worse than what he probably got.

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Draco looked down. he could not dispute the evidence nor did he have any to indicate that Draxis deserved hatred and resentment.. and even then he was not sure if he could bring himself to hate him... he stood there contemplating his life and that of his captain he looked around wondering what they were even guarding it had been so long since the whole peace conference started that he did not know where he was in the place anymore.. time just slipped by him again.

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Rainbow was surprised at the RLF stallion's return, and even further at his question. In response, she gave the soldier a mysterious smile. "...you will know soon enough. We've brought the creature's corpse in, perfectly preserved since the day it died. I am sure the revelation will be...rather shocking. It certainly was for me..." Her smile transformed into a frown at the end of her statement. Oh yes...the Red Fox's true appearance was shocking indeed.

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Striker gives the mare a critical look. If Red Fox is dead, why delay and play games? Why not just release pictures and the COD? The Chancellor's expressions also appear strange... Something about this feels similar to the faulty intel from before... [colour=#008000]"I guess I will find out soon... I only wish I was the one who put a bullet between the SOB's eyes..." [/colour] He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a .44 Magnum round. It was painted red but looks to have a lot of wear showing it's age. [colour=#008000]"I was saving this for him..." [/colour] He looks down at the round. The pain behind his eyes became more apparent as he remembers the true significance of the bullet... it was molded from the round that killed his lost love...


His .44 Magnum Colt Anaconda double-action revolver is more of a decorative piece for his uniform than a regularly used weapon. It is slung under his left arm in its holster. He perfers the larger magazines and faster rate of fire of his semi-automatic Beretta M9 when in combat but this weapon... it was his father's...

His father's sidearm:


His normal sidearm:


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Pffft dopple couldnt believe what he was hearing well it was time he tried out his plan to gather evidence he turned to leave. He had lypis and jis queen to represent the changelings so he could leave to go look for evidence. He decided to fly to citadel where hes been before

(OOC: Just to let you know, its quite the journey from Equinia to Starlight Hill...it'd take him two days to fly there and back.)

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[colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"Uh, sir...? Unless you want to not be here when we need you, may I recommend that you use a teleportation spell? I would be more than happy to expend some of my energy for you..."[/colour]

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Rainbow Dash looked at the gun, then at Striker, seeing the pain in his eyes. For the first time, Rainbow actually felt...sympathy...for him. She bit her lip, looking down at her hooves. "...I'm sorry for your loss. War is...always a terrible thing, regardless of the intent or purpose." The rainbow-maned pegasus meant her words, for she had seen too many ponies in a similar state, on both sides of the conflict. She...she just wanted this madness to disappear.

"...would you like a drink? I heard that the monks keep a celler with some alcohol...though it has to be untouched for quite some time. You know what they say...the more its aged, the better it tastes." She smiled gently at him. Even if they were enemies outside of this place, she could do this much for him.

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[colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"Uh, sir...? Unless you want to not be here when we need you, may I recommend that you use a teleportation spell? I would be more than happy to expend some of my energy for you..."[/colour]

(OOC: Bwahaha! All in my genius plan to weaken your strength...! :D )

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Well see what happens im just gonna go ahead with this in case shes offline.)) in a flash of bright light dopple was infront of the castle. He looked

Around getting bearing of his sourondings then went inside the defenses were low since most of the leaders were gone. He actually had to sneak around a few guards before he made it to what he thought was twilights private chambers.

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[colour=#009966]"I'm sorry Cadence"[/colour], Chrysalis started, looking quite serious for her usual oh so happy and seducing looks. She closed in until her head was right next to Cadence's. [colour=#009966]"I have to tell you something very important. It isn't related to what happened at the hive between us, but it's about Twilight."[/colour] A long sigh escaped her lips. [colour=#009966]"Doppelganger informed me that Twilight was the Red Fox. She did not defeat him but she was him - all those horrible things were done by her and only her. She even killed your husband. I know you both had a deep connection, I saw that at the wedding when you escaped the crystal mine. But you might reconsider who is your friend and who is your enemy - I still want to reign with you."[/colour] Chrysalis feared she wouldn't believe her, but what reason did she have to mistrust her? She was honest all along and they had a special relationship after all too. There was also no evidence that someone else could be the Rex Fox - it all added up.

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Azure was busying reading a few historical reference books while his caretaker, Rarity, was out on business to collect supplies for this weeks' meals. He just finished reading one on the Three Pony Tribes when he saw the changeling stride into the main chamber. The small foal stared at him curiously, his dark-green eyes narrowed. "...why are you here? I thought you changelings lived up north...did my mama sent you? No...you must be here for another reason." His voice was a bit quiet, for he was miserable is missing his foster mother. "...make it quick, please sir. I'd like to get back to my reading..."

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"Now who said that?" Knowledge chuckled. "All I'm saying is she has a fox tattoo." Then he realized he had dragged her along with him towards the director. She had anchored him, and he moved the anchor. Thus moving her. "Well, this is a predicament." he said to himself. He stopped halfway to the destination and dispersed the anchor with a spell of his own. "if you value your magical ability Mistress, you will not come with me. I am Knowledge, and I know how to get rid of planets. What do you think you will be like?" With that it conjured a fish from the monk's pond to land on the head of the shadow, slapping it repeatedly.

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[colour=#009966]"I'm sorry Cadence"[/colour], Chrysalis started, looking quite serious for her usual oh so happy and seducing looks. She closed in until her head was right next to Cadence's. [colour=#009966]"I have to tell you something very important. It isn't related to what happened at the hive between us, but it's about Twilight."[/colour] A long sigh escaped her lips. [colour=#009966]"Doppelganger informed me that Twilight was the Red Fox. She did not defeat him but she was him - all those horrible things were done by her and only her. She even killed your husband. I know you both had a deep connection, I saw that at the wedding when you escaped the crystal mine. But you might reconsider who is your friend and who is your enemy - I still want to reign with you."[/colour] Chrysalis feared she wouldn't believe her, but what reason did she have to mistrust her? She was honest all along and they had a special relationship after all too. There was also no evidence that someone else could be the Rex Fox - it all added up.

(OOC: Dang it, completely forgot about that...alright, I'll have to make some other dramatic information in replacement of that for later.)

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Azure squirmed a bit when Dopple picked him up, but when he was dropped on the changeling's back, he giggled a bit. "...no offense, Mr. Dopple...but you look kinda funny. I've only seen your kind through books that Mama gave me. Hey, is it true to can turn yourself into whoever you want?!" The foal interrogated Dopple, his voice revealing his excitement as he wrapped his small hooves around the changeling.

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He smiled "ya kid I can...its my talent" He decided to have a look around her room while bouncing azure around this was great Twilight the tyranical leader of the GEF has a foal. Poor kid though. His parents must have died in the war. There were so many innocent casualties like...No he would not think about that now not when with the boy. He hoped no one would walk in this would look really bad.

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Rainbow Dash looked at the gun, then at Striker, seeing the pain in his eyes. For the first time, Rainbow actually felt...sympathy...for him. She bit her lip, looking down at her hooves. "...I'm sorry for your loss. War is...always a terrible thing, regardless of the intent or purpose." The rainbow-maned pegasus meant her words, for she had seen too many ponies in a similar state, on both sides of the conflict. She...she just wanted this madness to disappear.

"...would you like a drink? I heard that the monks keep a celler with some alcohol...though it has to be untouched for quite some time. You know what they say...the more its aged, the better it tastes." She smiled gently at him. Even if they were enemies outside of this place, she could do this much for him.

Striker instantly gets defensive at Dash's realization of the purpose of the bullet. [colour=#008000]"I-I... I didn't lose anypony but friends and good soldiers! Don't pretend like you know me!" [/colour]A single tear leaks from his left eye but he quickly wipes it and regains his composure and stomps off as he grips the bullet tightly in his hand. Striker could use a drink right now but... he drinks enough as is because of the nightmares... He goes and sits down at the negotiation table by himself. He fiddles with the red bullet...

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"So, why are you here, Mr. Dopple? Are you a friend of my Mama? Is she okay? She said she'd have to be gone a few days...it worries me when she's gone for awhile. But...there are ponies out there who would hurt her...wouldn't they?" Azure looked at Dopple for his reaction to the young foal's words. "...despite my age, I'm not stupid...I know what I can see, and at night I secretly turn on the television to watch what happens on the outside..."

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Rainbow Dash watched the stallion leave, her mouth tightening slightly. She was just trying to be nice...but, of course, stallions always got defensive when it came to their pride. Whoever Striker had lost, it had hurt him badly...that much was evident...and the fact that he blamed himself as much as the Red Fox. Shaking her head, she looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for the negotiations...she had better go fetch Twilight. Excusing herself politely, she left the room and went off to find her leader.

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He stopped moving. he picks up azure and sets him down. "your mama is very safe son she is the strongest most powerful pony in the world there...well yea there are bad ponies that would try to hurt her. But remeber somepony will always be there to protect you...whats happening pitaide this place is beypnd your control so you should not let it bother you. Besides if ur mum cant protect you i certainly would." he didnt know why he was comforting the foal. Perhaps it was because he reminded him of something

From his past....but that would be revealed later.

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Azure peered into the changeling's glowing green eyes warily, but then the wariness turned into a bright smile, and the young male unicorn foal hugged the changeling gently. "Thank you, Mr. Dopple. That means a lot to me...I don't know what everypony else thinks...but if they took the time to get to know my mama...they'd know how sweet she is." Releasing his hug, the foal moved back a bit, a mischievous grin on his face. "...you'd better get what you need and leave, before Miss Rarity gets back. I don't think she'll take kindly to a random changeling near me."

(OOC: Intelligent little bugger, isn't he? :) What can you expect from the adopted son of Twilight?)

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Knowledge checked his scan. The equine in front of him was The Director. He read from his posture that he didn't like interruptions. So he decided heavy metal over hard rock. He blared a few chords behind the pony. After that, he asked a pleasant, "How goes it big guy?" No visible reaction was seen, but he was happy to have somepony to talk to.

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