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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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Knowledge checked his scan. The equine in front of him was The Director. He read from his posture that he didn't like interruptions. So he decided heavy metal over hard rock. He blared a few chords behind the pony. After that, he asked a pleasant, "How goes it big guy?" No visible reaction was seen, but he was happy to have somepony to talk to.

Freelancer isn't at the negotiations.

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Twilight was speaking with Rainbow Dash quietly when they suddenly heard a knock at the door. Using her magic, the unicorn mare opened the door, frowning at seeing Dopple. "...Chancellor, please leave us be and secure my spot at the negotiations table." Rainbow looked at Twilight worriedly, but complied, nodding and moving past Dopple cautiously. Once she was gone, Twilight turned her back on the changeling and began to braid her black mane. "...what is it that you want, General Dopple-Ganger? As you can see, I am a little busy..."

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Striker gives the mare a critical look. If Red Fox is dead, why delay and play games? Why not just release pictures and the COD? The Chancellor's expressions also appear strange... Something about this feels similar to the faulty intel from before... [colour=#008000]"I guess I will find out soon... I only wish I was the one who put a bullet between the SOB's eyes..." [/colour] He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a .44 Magnum round. It was painted red but looks to have a lot of wear showing it's age. [colour=#008000]"I was saving this for him..." [/colour] He looks down at the round. The pain behind his eyes became more apparent as he remembers the true significance of the bullet... it was molded from the round that killed his lost love...


His .44 Magnum Colt Anaconda double-action revolver is more of a decorative piece for his uniform than a regularly used weapon. It is slung under his left arm in its holster. He perfers the larger magazines and faster rate of fire of his semi-automatic Beretta M9 when in combat but this weapon... it was his father's...

His father's sidearm:


His normal sidearm:


(OOC: Edited my post just to let you know so you know what I'm packing. Plus the the whole thing about the single round is more practical with a revolver. Sorry, kinda a gun nerd. lol)

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Twilight was completely silent, her body motionless. Almost instantaneously, she whirled on the changeling and slammed him against the wall with magical force, glaring at him malevolently. "How do you know about-" The unicorn's magic grip sudden was lost, as she doubled over and began to convulse painfully, gagging and struggling to control the nausea caused by her aggressive assault on the changeling. After a moment of recovery, she glared at him from the floor and whispered. "...how did you find out m-my foal...? Wh-what did you do to my Az-azure...?!" Her voice sounded on the edge of hysteria, a tone a mother would make after hearing that her child was in danger.

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"I didn't touch the boy if anything he thinks I am his friend....you should be ashamed that it was so easy to get into ur chambers no one was even watching him" he practically hissed this. It mustve been odd to see him so upset. She probably thought he would tease but not this time it. He would be serious.

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(OOC: Edited my post just to let you know so you know what I'm packing. Plus the the whole thing about the single round is more practical with a revolver. Sorry, kinda a gun nerd. lol)

And then Striker turned into General Shepard (Modern Warfare 2 Shepard) and burned two of his peons before shooting one in the head and one in the stomach then bombed his own base causing hundreds of other casualties and nearly causing a world war because he lost 30,000 men in a nuking 5 years ago.

God help us we're so screwed I can just hear his monologue now...

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[colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Fortunately, Lypris had caught Dopple before he had gone too far in his mistake. In the excitement, she supposed it wasn't too stupid a mistake to make. He seemed to be really intent on his sudden realization. Well, Lypris was now drained, teleportation was not easy as a mage, especially to teleport others. It was a testament to her ability that she could even pull it off at all. She didn't feel so weakened, she was sure Cadence be well warded in case of an emergency. But it was going to be a close run thing. Lypris hoped Dopple was onto something big... Speaking of him...[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"I'll understand if you don't want to tell me, but if you can spare a moment for me... What the heck are you up to, Dopple?"[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

((What happened at the hive between them!?!?))

[colour=#000000]Cadence listened, first enthralled by her Queen's words, then increasingly horrified. That Twilight, her Twilight, the one she had foalsitted for a long time ago... that she would be the one Red Fox, the one name Cadence could actually bring herself to hate... The idea that any pony she knew at all, which was frankly likely by sheer statistics... Perhaps Twilight had been the most logical idea all along. But how the bucking hell could Twilight have done that? To her mentor, to her brother?! No, no. Cadence couldn't believe it. Not yet, not in spite of the strong logic, not in spite of her bond with the Queen of Changelings. Her heart could not make that leap yet.[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Are... are you absolutely sure, my Queen? I am not saying I do not trust you, but... I find it hard to accept what you have said, frankly. You know how much Twilight meant to me once." [/colour][colour=#000000]Mistrusting what she'd become was one thing. But blaming her for the past?[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]The Mistress of Shadows (Somewhere in Limbo)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadows was so enraptured by Knowledge's words that it failed to notice when it was bodily ripped from Equestria, taking on an astral projection alongside the errant observer. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"You are not serious. Twilight would not..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Oh, but she would lie to The Mistress, and The Mistress knew it. It found itself becoming angry suddenly, found that anger directed toward the one thing in sight. It roared at Knowledge:[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"Just who do you think you are anyways, threatening to destroy Equestria? For all I know, you are just trying to turn me against my Twilight for your own nefarious ends?" [/colour][colour=#000000]In anger a knife flashed, telepathically held, it slashed the fish into bloody gore and ribbons. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Do not patronize me you foal! I am The Great and Powerful Trixie, The Mistress of Shadows, I will not be lied to now cowed by the likes of you!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Mistress of Shadow's guise shattered, and revealed the mare beneath. White hair, light blue coat, eyes both prideful and angry because that pride had been insulted. The Great and Powerful Trixie was ready to make one hell of a comeback performance and teach this interloper a lesson for his slander.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]((Where the buck did all of these posts come from!?!?))[/colour]

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Hearing the changeling's words suddenly caused her to freeze, her eyes wide as her teeth began to grind together. When she left, she had placed several upon several protective spells and wards upon her chambers and foal...and the fact that this creature before her got through them without an issue brought up a disturbing and possibly very real threat...sabotage! Struggling to get up, her body shook from a mixture of fear and rage.

"...im-impossible...somepony...somepony dispelled my magic...! You should never have even been able to teleport to Equinia! S-something is wrong...there must be something wrong. Nopony I know could have destroyed all my wards and protections so easily..." In her fear, she had forgotten all about the changeling before her. Getting up, she lumbered past him, rushing down the hallway in a hurry. I've been sabotaged...my foal! My foal is in danger!

(Celestia save you all...Mama Grizzly is PO'd)

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"I will join you.." was all he said as he followed her. She was so calm and collected at there first meeting he was suprised to see her so upset. It was all to familiar Twilight's expression the horrified look the heavy breathing the wide eyes. That look was plastered on his face once. He could almost remember that awful day...that day when he didn't get there in time to save her...to save his daughter.

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Striker notices the comotion over between Twilight and the Changeling. Something about Twilight's kid... wait, she has a kid?!?! Damnit... if she became a threat now then the Captain would have a harder time pulling the trigger if needed. Suddenly she runs away down a hall. [colour=#008000]"What the..." [/colour]Striker looks toward the open door confused.

(Wait...is Striker in the hallway? Because Twi and Dopple were in her private chambers.)

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In a sudden burst of moment, Twilight burst into the negotiations chamber, her eyes wild with panic. She didn't care about how the others would see her, nothing mattered at this moment other than her adopted son's safety. "Chronarch! Rainbow Dash! Quick...! We must return to the Citadel! NOW!" The rainbow-maned pegasus' eyes widened at the sudden appearance and order from Twilight, obeying immediately and flying out one of the large open windows toward the GEF caravan.

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Chronarch was making idle chat with randoms in the negotiation room when Twilight burst in panicked. Rainbow Dash jumped out a window and flew towards the cavaran, no pony was thinking straight at the moment and if this was serious enough to freak Twilight out someone needed their head on straight.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Everypony on me, The troops can port in later!"[/colour] He focused his magic and forcefully teleported the Chancellor back to him after her announcement Then without warning he teleported everypony to his positision. He surrounded the group in a protective bubble of warped space and folded the world around them in on itself. Not even a second after the order was given they were at the Citadel.

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