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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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[colour=#AFEEEE]The Great and Powerful Trixie (Equina, Citadel)[/colour]

[colour=#AFEEEE]"And what of the Princesses you support? The massacre at Stalliongrad didn't make itself out of thin air you know." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie remembered the day she had been told- shown, magically- the truth of the events on that day. To be fair, she had already been beholden to Twilight for saving her life then. But still, it outraged her to know that the Princesses had ordered destruction on such a scale. Small wonder they were retaliated against. [/colour][colour=#AFEEEE]"GEF casualties under the Red Fox have been minimal, under Twilight they have been as of yet zero if you assume- with very good reason- that this attack on the capital was by an outside force." [/colour][colour=#000000]She spat those last two words, shot evil eyes at both the Director and Free. [/colour][colour=#AFEEEE]"Now if any of you so much as pull a weapon in Twilight's direction, I will make your last moments on this earth hell."[/colour]

Striker anger by the arrogant unicorn walks right up to her and gets right in her face to size her up. [colour=#008000]"I don't think you are in any position to make threats, GEF dog..." [/colour]His pistol is tight in his hand and this b**** make his trigger finger itchy. However... he holsters his weapon and turns away with a grunt but not before insulting the unicorn further, [colour=#008000]"You are not even worth the empty shell casings..." [/colour]Striker walks back to Free and salutes him. [colour=#008000] "Understood, sir. I will return to base to rally the 75th. See you, later."[/colour] Striker begins to walk away until he walks right next to Twilight but stops. He doesn't look at her but he makes sure she hears his words. [colour=#008000]"You took, Red Fox, my vengence away from me... you better have made him suffer..."[/colour] With that he continues on into the flaming ruins...

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[colour=#008080]"Thank you, your information just saved us a lot of valuable time."[/colour] Draxis looked around him, there was really no where for the unicorn to go, everything was either rubble or burning. He shifted uncomfortably, he'd never had to deal with anything like this. [colour=#008080]"There are a lot of survivors around the citadel, I've dispatched most the guard there and was heading over personally to assist."[/colour] He looked her in the eyes, remembering how she backed away from him earlier.[colour=#008080] "I understand what happened must have been traumatizing, so i give you the option of finding someplace safe and out of the way or coming with me to help ponies."[/colour]


[colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour]

Baxter picked up Free's orders over the comm, and immediately frowned. "Get out?" What the hay was Free thinking? The city was burning and the dead and dying were littered on the streets like discarded paper bags. He can seriously be pulling out, the griffon gritted his teeth and called for the regroup. His orders were to follow Free's orders as long as they didn't conflict with his prime directive...and right now they conflicted heavily. How would Equestria even think of comprimising anything when they Representative force of the United Griffon Nations simply bailed out on them when their capital was swimming in a sea of flames. "I'm sorry Free, but **** that order." He didn't care what dispute Free and Twilight must have come to while there in the ruins of Equinia, and he didn't care. Whatever it was it was between those two, not the innocents that could be waiting to be rescued. He dispersed his team after informing them to ignore all RLF orders until further notice.

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[colour=#afeeee]The Great and Powerful Trixie (Equina, Citadel)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Trixie glared. She could easily have pulled something, reminded these upstarts why The Mistress of Shadows was one of the GEF's most feared operatives. But she was tired. She wanted to get Twilight medical attention, save Twilight's city, and get things back on track. These idiots were just a sideshow, rebels without a cause, crusaders without a holy grail. She had nothing to prove, nothing to gain by chasing down and kicking their asses now. So she turned away from them, before they were even gone. To her infinite relief Chronarch had finally recovered, she trotted up to him with one eye firmly on Twilight to ensure that no further harm came to her.[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"Chronarch, I'm glad to see you. For once." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie had been an idiot, a hotheaded stubborn agent in the past. To be frank, she was always going to be. But the enormity of events had managed to remind her for once that she was beholden to others, that she needed their help. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"Twilight is not dead, but she seems to be suffering from some injuries, though our ever-so wonderful counterparts refuse to tell us why she collapsed as she did. We need to get her medical attention immediately." [/colour][colour=#000000]Above all else that was Trixie's primary concern. Almost as an afterthought, she threw in, [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"And I do believe that negotiations have effectively broken down."[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Vinyl Scratch (Equina, Ruins)[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"I'm helping." [/colour][colour=#000000]There was no question about it. Now that she knew she could trust these ponies, she wasn't going to stand by while innocents were possibly dying on the streets. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"I've got magic, I know the city. Just tell me what you need."[/colour]

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Free groaned as Baxter denied his order. "Baxter, this is Twilight's fault, she'll only put the blame on us when all this is over." Free sighed, knowing how stupid he sounded. He switched his comm to the faction wide frequency. "All units, belay my previous order on falling back. Help out with the rescue effort as much as you can." Free then switched to his squads channel. "Applejack, I want you spearheading the rescue efforts. I have other matters to attend to." Free spoke into the comm, walking into an alleyway and leaning against the wall. "Yessir." Applejack spoke from the other end, but Free then turned off his radio. He needed to clear his head. Over the past two hours, peace negotiations had failed catastrophicly, the capital of Equestria had been bombed, and Twilight had told that not even the most magically powerful beings in existence could shatter her magic. Only one unicorn had surpassed the princesses magic, and that was..... Free's eyes widened as he realized the truth. "Twilight is the Red Fox. Twilight. Red Fox." He had to say it multiple times to believe it. Of all the twisted schemes, of all the greatest betrayals...... That mare...... What had happened? Suddenly, he was overcome with rage. Twilight had destroyed Canterlot, Twilight was responsible for the thousands of lives lost in the war, Twilight had forced him to watch Luna's death...... Twilight was going to die by his hand.

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Frost had watched the scene surrounding the unicorn Twilight Sparkle from a safe distance for some time, his keen hearing picking up the entire conversation. The death of that mare would be disastrous...these fools, of course, wouldn' know. He recognized the work of this destruction...and knew whom he had to look for. First, he had to retrieve and protect Twilight Sparkle...and go against his life debt. With his odd, icy sword rotating around his body, he began to climb down the hill of rubble and broken stone.

The ground and debris beneath his hooves froze on contact, the runes hidden underneath his uniform glowing with a gentle blue gleam. In truth, he knew exactly what happened to cause Twilight Sparkle's sudden change...it was not a mystery to him. He found it tragic. Still, that did not change the fact that she was a champion of the Old Gods...and creatures like them had to stick together. Soon enough, he was upon the gathered group, giving a sheepish smile and his peculiar bow of respect.

"...sorrowful evening, everyone. Quite the tragedy, this is. I couldn't help but listen in...and make a few criticisms myself. First of, Mr. Director, you know very little of what you speak. The perpetrators of this heinous act have nothing to with divine wrath. No...more like the wrath of Tartarus." He gave a cynical smile, moving past Chronarch and Trixie as he knelt before Twilight's unconscious form. Gently, he stroked her mane, descending down to her chest and parting the robes, revealing the fox-tattoo. His smile became more calm and relaxed, as he nodded to himself. "...at last, I have found you, Eon-ja." The name he spoke seemed to hold a magical meaning over it, the word holding a power of its own.

Standing up, his sword sheathed itself as he lifted Twilight off the ground and onto his back. Turning his head toward the assembled group, he narrowed his eyes and whispered once more, which seemed to be directed at the unconscious mare on his back. "...no more will you suffer, Eon-Ja." With a small grimace, he looked at the last standing part of the Citadel...a small building with a sun and moon etched on its surface. "...none of you who have malicious intent may follow. If this mare is to heal...she will do so before the tomb of her former rulers." Caring little for what the others had to say, he turned toward the lone tomb and trotted away. Activating his RLF Radio, he cleared his throat and spoke. "Commanders Applejack and Free...this is Captain Frost. I am afraid that I must defect from your cause...for more urgent matters have come up. I will settle my life-debt with you on a later date, Applejack. For now, though...the Goliath needs me more." Leaving the words to float on the radio broadcast, he turned off the communicator and smashed it against one of the stones.

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Striker cannot help but become even angier as those around him who call themselves allies break the chain of command. So far proving that Gen. Free, AJ, and his fellow Rangers are the only people he can trust. He radios in for and evac and it isn't long before a stealth Black Hawk chopper lands to pick him up and takes him home. As the lone captain flies away he gazes out into the firery wreckage that was the GEF capital... [colour=#008000]"Someone will pay for this... the GEF can wait but once this is done... I will get my vengence... I swear... you did not die in vain..."[/colour]

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Draco had just saved two more pony's.. how many burning buildings could be left?... too many.. he continues on his way through the burning streets as he looks around only so few soldiers could help... the ones at the peace negotiations were all that's left. or that's what draco thought.. he saw some RLF Soldiers looking flabbergasted and when he saw them they looked at him in wonder and amazement.. at this one soldier helping pony's.. wondering if they should take the city or help the rescues.. Draco was Frankly tired of this and the war.. [colour=#008000]"Don't just stand there!"[/colour] he yelled as he walked up and handed them one of the pony's gently as he continued on... they fell in line helping.. [colour=#008000]"HELP all you can no matter what force you come from! just help!"[/colour] he yelled as he continued on.. he soon was in the area where Draxis was and he looked rough... his armor was messy and sooty.. torn and broke he was badly burned and looked older than he was... due to stress..

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[colour=#AFEEEE]The Great and Powerful Trixie (Equina, Citadel)[/colour]

[colour=#AFEEEE]"What the...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]How many ponies intended to show up to this farce of a meeting? Trixie blanched when he trotted up, right past herself and Cronarch, towards Twilight. She spun on the spot, more than prepared to punch holes into the stallion. He wasn't armed. He was undressing her, which was frankly even worse in Trixie's eyes, but then he said something. A word. Eon-Ja, which Trixie didn't comprehend in any of the three magical languages she'd been taught during her tenure in the GEF. But she sensed a power inherent in the word, a power connected to her fallen beloved... [/colour]

[colour=#000000]He was trotting away with her, deeper into the Citadel. Pretty much all of Trixie's instincts were blearing, alarms of alarm klaxon like in her mind. [/colour][colour=#AFEEEE]"Cronarch, come on!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie galloped after Frost. She saw him smash his radio, which was interesting. She didn't even know what faction he had been serving, for all she knew he was a GEF servitor, but... Trixie was somehow sure that this stallion intended their leader no ha[/colour]rm. She called out after him:

[colour=#AFEEEE]"What are you doing with Twilight?"[/colour]


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The Director couldn't help but be amused by the new arrival and the GEF's scurrying to save their pathetic leader, "Oh I do, Goliath will be the GEF's undoing. Possibly even Equestria and you'll have Twilight to thank for that she's destroyed her own capital and ended hundreds of innocent lives for a mistake she committed years ago, Freelancer will take it's leave now, we have taken what we needed from your Tower and destroyed all the reserves and backup you may contain even the old paper files, Essentially we hold the cards and the intel now, run you dogs, run." The Director left that statement in the air ominously and disappeared with Tex behind him to the LZ where they vanished into a far off dropship that took them out of the capital, satisfied with the mission's success the Director smirked coldly as he saw the GEF run away.

Tex stared at the ruined capital from the flying dropship, watching as fires burned wildly across the capital and looked to the vast pillar of ash the rose hundreds of meters into the sky to where the heart of Equinia would've been...her thoughts were still shrouded with memories of Twilight during her supposed death, did she really die?...What brought her back?...Who was that Unicorn?... Still so full of questions and no answers...She couldn't ask the Director personally for some unknown reason yet it seemed such a logical idea...What was stopping her?...

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(OOC: Goliath had nothing to do with that ^^' its not a superweapon, but Pierrot and a few others with him are after it...and destroyed the capital because the GEF was involved with Goliath as well. As I said before...none of you will expect what the Goliath will be like.)

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Chronarch remained silent most through most of what occurred. Frost walked right past him and Trixie, the archmage barely even acknowledged his presence. He didn't need to look at somepony to know what they were doing. The pony spoke the name Eon-Ja, causing his ears to perk up. A language of old he suspected, He'd become familiar with the language, but never proficient in it. Today, that language was dead though, and any information on it, likely lost. Curiousity took over, and he chanced a look back...That tattoo on Twilight's chest...the mark of an old god.

"Cronarch, come on!"

[colour=#000000]His he was snapped out of his daze by Trixie's voice calling him. He trailed behind the party, his mind running through what had just happened. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"There's someone I need to speak with...later."[/colour][colour=#000000] he mumble[/colour]

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Frost turned his head in their direction, his face as impassive and smooth as ice. He grunted slightly, turning away and continuing on. "...I will explain everything once inside the Princesses' Burial Tomb...I bet you didn't believe the Red Fox here actually gave them that honor, did you? Of course...Eon-Ja was unable to control her own body for over five years, with brief periods of revival." A wave of pity fell over Frost as he considered that sorry truth. A pawn is what she had become...although he supposed she never admitted it. There was no telling when Herald would assume dominance over Twilight's body again...unless the hold was broken.

It took them another few minutes to finally arive at the crypt, and upon reaching the stone door, he gently set Twilight aside. Glancing at the door, his sword slid out of its sheath as it hovered in front of the slabs. Closing his eyes, Frost willed the sword to trace the markings on the door, the bladed tip leaving a gentle white aura. Once he was done, the moon and sun markings shined with a flash of light, and the slab doors slid into the earth below them.

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Dopple walked up to Twilight who seemed to go off by herself. "I know the answer to this question but...are you ok?" He sat next to her. He used to dream of seeing her upset and suffering. But not like this. No one should lose there foal

(OOC: Er...lol...Twi's passed out, and was carried away by Frost XD)

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[colour=#40e0d0]"I'm positive that what you reveal will both anger and disappoint me."[/colour] He said to Frost. [colour=#40e0d0]"I've had a few suspicions, but I never acted on them."[/colour]

If Twilight had done what he thinks she did than the entire situation was far worst than what he imagined. His wounds had healed completely by the time the reached the burial tomb. Oh how fast things devolved, this morning they were on the verge of the greatest era of peace and prosperity the nation had known in hundreds of years and now they were under their destroyed capital, traversing a path to the tombs of the prior rulers.



"I don't completely believe that Free, but that doesn't matter at the moment when we return to base I'd like to hear about how you know this." He rounded up Alpha inForce once more that the RLF had resumed rescue operations. Baxter was silent on the radio for a moment. "Free...thank you for recalling those orders, no one deserves to be left out to dry."

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-Frost and Twilight, at the Princesses' Tomb in the center of the Equinia Citadel, currently with Trixie and Chronarch-

Frost gave a half-smile to the powerful chronomage. He would have to be wary around that one...more so than the illusionist, due to the almost parental feelings he could sense from the stallion and the deep connection between him and Twilight. Of course, he wasn't going to lower his guard around Trixie either...love had an odd way of influencing somepony's actions. After giving a brief nod, he lifted up Twilight and gestured inside. "...you will indeed be surprised by a few revelations I have in store, Herr Chronarch. However, it is not I who you will be speaking to. Please...this way."

Turning from the two unicorns, the earth pony went inside of the crypt, descending its cold staircase. The smell of mold and decay had not settled in yet, due to the relative young age of the tomb, and it still looked the same as it had when it was first built...shortly after the death of the Royal Family. Frost supposed Twilight had it built during one of her few occasions of self-control...and indeed, as they arrived at the bottom of the staircase, they came across a room with three coffins, arranged in a triangular pattern. In their center stood a small column with a silver plaque. May you three rest in peace...and forgive me for my actions against you. Hopefully, I will see you when my time is over as well. -Twilight Sparkle

Gently laying Twilight at the foot of the front-most coffin, Celestia's, he lifted his head and cleared his throat. "...I've brought her along as you have asked. I think it is time you have revealed yourself...and saved your sister, eh Sir Armor?"

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