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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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(OOC: Don't worry :( it'll slow down once I make this last post...plenty of time for everyone to respond.)

As soon as they arrived at the Citadel's main courtyard...the sight was certainly something to behold. All around them, the massive stronghold was in flames, as were many buildings off in the distance of Equinia. Everything was a mess...and dead silent. The only noise was the flicker of flames and the cracking of stone. Looking around in horror, Twilight dropped down to her knees and watched in terrified silence. Her home...it was gone...up in flames.

(I had to get this out of the way, since I'll be out for a couple of days. This'll give you guys plenty of time to explore and other stuff.)

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((Okay, okay. I think this was probably just a burst of posting between some of our most active RPers and I've probably bitten off more than I can chew with 5 characters, all of them being roughly in the same place. I'm not quitting, I just got really pissed because I was preparing a nice long post and suddenly 8 replies out of the blue))

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(Sorry all...didn't mean to do that to you all :( but anyway, you guys basically have a two-day reprieve or so, that'll give you plenty of time I hope.

Setting: Equinia and the Citadel, all in a nearly-destroyed state, burning and devoid of life.

Things will definitely slow down from this point...again, sorry guys)

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Everything was still, that kind of unnatural still that exists after an unspeakable atrocity has been commited...

[colour=#40e0d0]"Nonononono, how? How did this happen!?"[/colour] He took several deep breaths as he head panned around and took in the destruction. [colour=#40e0d0]"Twilight, TWILIGHT! we can't stand out here. We need to get somewhere less exposed."[/colour] He knelt down besides her and put head under her arms and lifted her up.[colour=#40e0d0] "Dash, help me get Twilight out of all this!"[/colour] Twilight looked broke, like she had lost a piece of her soul it was as i... as if...His eyes nearly doubled in size. Azure. Oh this was bad, the largest attack on the GEF since it's founding and Twilight's son could be...

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A few tears streaked down Rainbow Dash's cheek. Gone...all gone. Years worth of progress...years worth of blood, sweat, and tears...gone in a single night. It was almost too difficult to believe. The only colour she could see was the orange-red of the flames as they devoured at the stones and plants. Who could have known...that this would happen? At first, she didn't hear Chronarch's frantic words, but she soon shook herself out of her daze, looking over and dully nodding as she took Twilight's other side and lifted the distraught mare off the ground.

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Twilight barreled out of the door yelling for everypony to get the portals set get back to the Citadel.

[colour=#008080]"Get those unicorn in formation now!"[/colour] Draxis barked orders, yelling at anypony he thought could be moving faster. [colour=#008080]"I don't give a buck! Twilight said get back to the Citadel and so that mean get the transporter runes transfixed NOW!"[/colour] Draxis ran over to one of the armored vehicles and pulled out a shotgun, he tossed the weapon to Draco. [colour=#008080]"With me Draco, we're going through first."[/colour] The unicorns had only finished one set of runes by the time Draxis was ready. He and Draco stood in the teleportation circle. [colour=#008080]"Send us."[/colour] He said to the Unicorn.

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[colour=#800080]Karrthus[/colour] and [colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia [/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Kaalia, what's going on!"[/colour] He yelled over scrambling GEF ponies.

The dragoness shook her head in confusion, it was the only response she could give.[colour=#ff8c00] "Twilight burst through the doors to the negotiation chamber on a warpath screaming about her foal then Dash sent out an all call for all GEF forces to return to the Citadel."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Twilight," [/colour]Karrthus looked up through the windows of the monastery in the direction of Equestria's capital. The sky seemed like it was painted a darker shade. Karrthus gripped his chest as he felt a light pinch right where his heart was.

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the were teleported into the middle of the courtyard away from mistress Twilight and the others. what Draco saw horrified him the sky was red and black with smoke and fire there was a silence like he never heard before. [colour=#008000]"what could have done this?!.."[/colour] he said as he slung his shotgun onto his back ready to run. [colour=#008000]"sir no time to fight we have to look for survivors NOW!"[/colour] he said in a authoritative voice. this was worse than the diamond dogs this was just death and destruction on a different scale than anything ever seen. [colour=#008000]"In case there are hostiles still around to fan the flames we better stay together sir."[/colour] he recommended he tried to peer through the smoke but all he saw was death and fire. [colour=#008000]"but sir.. if we do find out who did this to these innocent ponys and creatures we will make them pay.."[/colour] he said not spiteful but in the way that made it seem like retribution more than anything

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It smiled from its chair up on one of the Citadel's spires, powerful cloaking magic encasing it from the unworthy eyes of the creatures below it. A dark smile spread across its face...they had finally arrived, to see the beginning of the end. The alicorn shifted in its seat boredly, watching the distant and flickering flames in silence. All the fun was over now...and it would soon have to return to its leader. The alicorn dipped its head to the side, its deep blue gaze centered on the creatures below it, all of whom were completely unaware of its presence.

It's name was Pierrot...and it had been sent here to eliminate the GEF's power at its source. Goliath belonged to them...and no other living creature was going to lay their hooves or talons upon it. The Federation had served its purpose...and now was worthless. For now, though, Pierrot had an adorable little foal to take care of... Smiling once more, the Alicorn's cloaking magic faded, his scarlet colored coat shining under the moon's similar red glow, before blinking away and out of sight.

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Chronarch didn't shed a tear, It's not that he didn't care quite the opposite actually. He projected his usual calm demeanor and kept himself in check, but inside he mind thrashed the breast called rage. Everypony's hard work gone, good ponies, innocent ponies dead. There no tears because tears couldn't express what he felt. He was hoping to rebuild his life here, but what was there now, fire? Rubble? Why everything was about to settle life was going to improve for everypony who would do this? Chronarch swore, that when he found those responsible for this he'd rip them into shreds and keep the shred alive then send him them through the blind eternities and feed them to the flow eater. He'd do this not for himself, but for everypony whose lives went into building the GEF up.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Over there,"[/colour] Chronarch said as he pointed a hoof at an mostly intact building. Flames tried to lick at the parties coats, but Chronarch's magic kept them at bay. Entering the building, he pointed at a half burned couch to lay Twilight on. [colour=#40e0d0]"Keep her safe, I'll return shortly." [/colour][colour=#000000]Chronarch's voice was heavily distorted by magical energy. His body started to disolve into silver and golden energy, he'd only done this once before.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"Regulus! Come on Archmage stay with me. Get the apothecaries and the doctors NOW!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Celestia screamed, her face was press against he coat and her tears matted the fur on his chest. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]His breaths came in ragged gasps, his entire form shuddered and blood leaked from his mouth ears and nose. A thin layer of frost had formed over his body due to exposure and a many of his veins and arteries were bulged. The medical staff thundered into the room and stopped at the sight of the violently convulsing archmage. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"DON'T JUST STAND THERE DO SOMETHING!"[/colour][colour=#000000] the princess wailed. immediately they all snapped back to reality, they doctors levitated Regulus onto a stretcher and carried him off.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]"What happened to him Princess?" one of the doctors asked.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"He came for me, through The Aether."[/colour][colour=#000000] was all she whimpered. [/colour]

[colour=#000000](OOC: what could have possible happened between Celestia and Chronarch to make him turn against her?)[/colour]

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Rainbow nodded, leading the stricken, heart-broken unicorn over to the couch and gently setting her down. There were no words she could say to comfort Twilight...so she kept to herself, silent and watchful. Glancing at the Bracelet she wore on her right hoof, she took it off and gently set it aside. "...what need do I have for it anymore...? Equinia is already destroyed..."

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[colour=#ff0000]Vinyl Scratch (Equina)[/colour]

The negotiations were taking a while to get along... Vinyl wasn't really tempted to do anything else, though. There was nothing else to do. This was history about to happen, no doubt about it. The outcome of these negotiations could... what was that rumbling? She heard a low, dull roar, felt her seat shuddering. Vinyl wondered if she was perhaps having some mechanical errors, something wrong in the building's plumbing or something. She was about to dismiss it, go back to the screen. Then the screen blacked out, the negotiation tables at Starlight Hill replaced with blackness. Then she heard the first screams.

As Vinyl galloped for the door, the thing that worried her most was that there were only a few screams, but the rumbling was continuing unabated. It did not bode well... she virtually bashed her way through the door, so urgent were her instincts telling her that something was horribly wrong... She saw what lay beyond...

[colour=#ff0000]"... It all comes crashing down..." [/colour][colour=#000000]For some horrible reason, the only thing that could come to Vinyl's mind now were some old lyrics she'd written, sung by Sweetie Belle and a powerful choir, notes composed in Tartarus singing of the reckoning of all ponies... Equina was aflame. It was as if the entire city had been cursed by some evil elder god, it's splendor turned into rubble and ruin may thousands of years faster than should have been possible. Vinyl turned slowly in place, examining every building... most of them were alight or already gone. The rumbling in her own studio? It had been gutted and was on the verge of collapsing, the few rooms not affected being her own... How lucky was she? How bucking lucky was she? Judging by the occasional screaming she heard in the distance...[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"I gotta help. I gotta help somepony." [/colour][colour=#000000]Vinyl started galloping down a street, not knowing what she was looking for, just following the occasional scream, hoping she could find something, anything that would tell her she hadn't just survived the apocalypse alone...[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]The Great and Powerful Trixie (Equina)[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"You contemptuous little..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie had lost Knowledge, was furious with him and furious with herself for daring to lose him. For all her power, she still could not show a little upstart what was what... she reappeared in the caravan. The television was still broken. She'd have to find somepony to blame that for... Wait. She sensed something was horribly off. Trixie sent out a quick divining spell. The magic signatures she knew, Cronarch and Twilight being two huge stars of power she was accustomed to being able to detect... they were way off in Equina. Trixie frowned, teleported to their location with her own personal spellweaving...[/colour]

[colour=#000000]And her frown promptly became a gaping exp

ression of disbelief when she beheld what had happened to their capital. She had no great love for Equina, didn't care. But the scene was terrifying. Twilight, looking like she had been broken. The GEF in complete chaos. She was used to them being annoyingly stoic. Now they were lifting their new leader as if she were a rag doll. Trixie quickly trotted over to join them.[/colour]

[colour=#afeeee]"What...? How...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Trixie wanted to ask so many questions. But she saw Twilight's exp

ression, understood that what they needed right now was action, not words. She inclined her hat, her trademark wizard's hat still gracing it, her tone for once humble. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"What will you need me to do?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She then looked up at Rainbow, her tone neutral. [/colour][colour=#afeeee]"The city is destroyed, but we are not yet. The time remains for action to be taken."[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]Lyrpis (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"Sir. Sir? Sir?!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Dopple wasn't responding. She was used to him ignoring her sometimes, that was a given. But not like this. Something was terribly off. Dopple was so worried she didn't even notice Twilight's uproar, the GEF ponies vanishing. She only noticed the dragons congregating by a window, she galloped off towards them. She excused herself vaguely as she pushed through their number, looked out the viewport... Oh Star Swirl, that did not look good. She instinctually felt out through her web of defensive spells, made sure all of them were in working order.[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"Queen Chrysalis." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyrpis disregarded normal protocol and sent a message directly to her Queen. [/colour][colour=#b22222]"The capital of the GEF is currently being... I don't know. I cannot seem to reach Dopple. Orders?"[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Cadence hadn't known how to respond to Twilight's actions, had been unable to ask or say a thing before half the people in the negotiation halls were suddenly gone. But Cadence had seen that look once before, back when Twilight had been a filly, genuinely scared that she had done something unforgivable. Years of growth had not changed that look. One of utter fear. Cadence looked about, at her Queen, at Free. It was he that she galloped over to, confused.[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"F-Free. What do you think this means?"[/colour]

[colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill, Outside)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Fluttershy looked up from her gardening project, a small shelter for local butterflies on one side of the hill. She saw the ominous lighting over the skies of Equina... Fluttershy considered it for only a moment. She had intended to detach herself from this nonsense, true. But her friends were still her friends. She calmly removed her monk's robes, folded them up, placed them onto the ground. She had been distant from the world for too long. She trotted into the Hill compound, approached the dragons, Karrthus. [/colour]

[colour=#ffff00]"Spike, I assume?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy wouldn't have been fooled, no matter how old he grew and different he became, she just had a sense for this sort of thing. [/colour][colour=#ffff00]"I think the dragons will need to fly to Equina."[/colour]

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Rainbow Dash gulped, looking out one of the shattered windows into the burning streets. She knew Trixie was right...she knew that something had to be done, but...maybe she could do one last service before the GEF fell. Turning to look at the Bracelet, she snatched it up and went over to one of the undestroyed balconies. The rainbow-maned pegasus had a firm look on her face as she snapped it back on. Rainbow had an idea...it was risky, it was dangerous...but it would put out the fires. "...Trixie...watch over Twilight. She...she has few ponies left to call her allies now. If I don't return...contact Chronarch, and let him know to take Lady Twilight away to safety." Nodding to the dark-blue magician, Rainbow leapt from the balcony and soared up into the sky, letting the heated air and smoke help her ascend high into the clouds.

(Heading to bed too, night all)

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