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Hey guys sorry bout Briar... I was just reading about who she'd be with and master mustang had her doppelganger... Guess great minds do think alike eh mustang? *nudge nudge* Anywhoove... So I will be adding a different character should he be approved! Lordgecy out!

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Name: Bounty hunter

Sex: male

Age: young to middle aged (like 25ish humanized)

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: deep blue

Coat colour: grey

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: black

(General appearance): he is a tall and buff stallion although he does seem kind of gangly... He can be seen in his custom black leather vest

(Cutiemark): green crosshairs, to show he always has a sight on his Target (View of the Law): bounty hunter generally abides by the law, but he is not above bending the rules in his favour

(Weapons/Fighting style): he is good with nearly anything, but he prefers his Taurus small frame revolver in .38 +P that he always keeps in his inner coat pocket

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): he lives for the hunt, whether its a bounty or just another mare at the saloon

(History): he was raised by his father who was a vigilante crime lord, and although he loved his father he despised everything he stood for, one day he had the chance to bring down his fathers syndicate by killing the sheriff but instead of killing him he told where to find his father who swore vengeance on his son saying he would send his top men once he got out of prison, since then bounty hunter became a bounty hunter to take down any potential threats to him or anyone else

(Personality): he comes off as a loner although he does highly enjoy the company of others and can't stand to be alone, he is very good with people in general but he is much better with the mares and can be a tad... Overbearing at times

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Ah, a bounty hunter actually called Bounty Hunter, Irons is going to need a new nickname for Silver. Welcome to the rp, LordGecy. I don't really want to double post, (well technically Talex posted but it's OOC) but if my actions are holding things up, then I'll get another one out. I just need the green light to do so.

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Ugh... Remind me next time to read up on the story before I throw my character's in... Uhh... Idk what to do... I'd feel bad having you change the nickname... So if you wanna just call mine hunter that'd work! And only be half as confusing XD and I got a dramatic entrance that fits in perfect ;D

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Don't worry about it, LordGecy. You can't have anticipated a nickname given in the rp to be the same. Got me a workaround anyway. Word about somepony with as much pizazz as Bounty Hunter is sure to get around after all. Especially to an Equestrian Marshal like Irons.

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Name: "???" Ghost Face

Sex: Mare

Age: Young Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Silver

Coat colour: Ash grey

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Silver mane and tail. Her mane is long, but she keeps it in a braided bun so that it doesnt interfere with combat. She keeps her tail at a medium length and ties of the end with a ribbon her dad gave her.

[colour=#282828](General appearance): She wears a brown hooded cloak to cover up most of her body and keep the sun off of her, and she wears a black mask with a pony skull painted over it to protect her identity. She usually keeps her shotgun strapped to her right side and her knives strapped on her left side.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Cutiemark): Knife with angel wings (Covered by her cloak)[/colour]

[colour=#282828](View of the Law): The law doesn't do enough to protect ponies in her eyes. They can't be everywhere all the time, and they don't actively try to scare away problems. She has no problem offing corrupted officials.[/colour]

(Weapons/Fighting style)[colour=#282828]: Lever action shotgun of similar design to the Winchester 1901, throwing knives that are enchanted to return to her, smoke bombs, and pepper bombs. She's an expert CqC fighter (has no problem using her shotgun as a bludgeoning tool and is an adept knife fighter, because she was trained by buffalo she is very strong for a mare her size), a prodigy with thrown weapons, and is a dead eye with her Winchester. If possible she'll take people down quietly with thrown knives, otherwise she divides and conquerors. It's pretty common for her to do her research and outmaneuver outlaws and bandits, so that she can take them by surprise. [/colour]

[colour=#282828](Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): To serve bandit heads on silver platters, until they're all dead or she kills over.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](History): Ghost Face's parents were killed by bandits when she was just a foal. She was taken in and raised by buffalo. Once she was old enough she left the buffalo tribe and started her crusade against bandits, vowing to never let anypony go through the same lose that she did. Using the ambush and fighting skills the buffalo taught her, she started to carve the bounty heads like lightning. She continues to scour the plains in search of all bandit scum, her eternal mission, to evict them from this plane of existence.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Personality): Surprisingly talkative, cynical, clam and collected. She rarely jumps head first into stuff. even though she tries not to get close to other ponies she still likes to know people as at least a reliable contact, but that could change. [/colour]



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