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Gunsmoke (Apply here, scamps!)


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Umm... O//o You'd like to attack me? Yeah, sure, just don't do anything to damaging to my character.

It doesn't matter who, he just needs a light X#3 Scamp, YOU'RE the only hunter outside....

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Technically there's only one Hunter, and that's you, but Irons has a habit of giving nicknames to ponies he's just met, and he gave the nickname Bounty Hunter to Chardude's Silver. So, uh, if any other character refers to a Hunter, it's almost definitely you, Gecy, but if my character, Irons, refers to a hunter and not a Bounty Hunter, then he should be talking about Silver. Until he finds out Silver's name at least. Hope that clears things up and doesn't make it infinitely more confusing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dropped off the grid with this one but if you lot want to keep this going I wouldn't mind a little explanation of what was going on? I lost the plot and I just can't seem to find it! Been in a funny mindset lately! XD

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Of course you are welcome to join! This rp hasn't seen any action for about a month, but you can make a.character app and Ill most likely approve you ^^ Welcome to canterlot by the way, scamp! :D

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(sorry for double posting. I don't know if thats a thing or not here)

Name: Immy Ward

Sex: Colt

Age: 19

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Grey

Coat colour: Grey

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Black Main and tail.

[colour=#282828](General appearance): shabby, unkempt and generally a bit surly. he has a beard and doesn't often wear any clothing even for dressing up, special events.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Cutiemark): A red sadface.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](View of the Law): The law is a good thing, as long as they leave him alone.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Weapons/Fighting style): Brawler, if a situation cant be solved with a good fist to the beard then its not a situation anypony should really have gotten into.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): Make an honest living as a carpenter and overall just become someone that people view as a helpful pillar of the community.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](History): Born into a wealthy family, Immy was surrounded by riches until his father was caught for all the illicit deals that the money was from and well his family werent rich anymore, outraged at his fathers betrayal he headed out west to begin anew[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Personality): Morose and downtrodden, but if a conversation is struck up he will gladly chatter about this that and the other. if you cross him though well, he wont hesitate to cut you out of his life.[/colour]

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You are SO in!! C: *Gives official Star Storm seal of approval* :D Welcome to Gun Smoke, scamp!! Aww, such a sad cutie mark.. Anyways, this rp is older, so If things are slow, don't fret! Because I bought a top hat today, and it gave me a marvelous idea for a new role play (which shouldn't be slow.. at least not at first) that Ill be starting soon as well ^^

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(Cutiemark): A red sadface
is immy ward "red john?"
Well in my character's current position, I was waiting for Gecy's Bounty Hunter to respond to your Snakebite. If you want I could just go ahead and make a post now to try and resume our small trio.
I was waiting on you though? I thought snakebite said something to iron? I could be mistaken... My bad for holding it up... But it IS a western! *badum tss*
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is immy ward "red john?" I was waiting on you though? I thought snakebite said something to iron? I could be mistaken... My bad for holding it up... But it IS a western! *badum tss*

I see what you did therr... Haha xD

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I was waiting on you though? I thought snakebite said something to iron? I could be mistaken... My bad for holding it up... But it IS a western! *badum tss*

Looking back at that post it could be aimed at Irons. I had assumed Snakebite was just dealing with us one at a time, and that we'd keep the You, I, Snakebite order going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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