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About Myself: Heya I am a pegasister (uhm hate that expression) from Denmark, my hoobbies are RPG, reading, computer games and whatever I fansy at the spree of the moment.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was playing Eve online and all thise young guys where totally silly about MLP and keept on about it for half a year. I was astonished they keept it up and where not sarcastic about it. Sure they used it to taunt other players but I discovered that they where genuily fans...

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
Heya all am new about here and look forward to see what I can get out of thise forums and who I meet.

I was playing Eve online and all thise young guys where totally silly about MLP and keept on about it for half a year. I was astonished they keept it up and where not sarcastic about it. Sure they used it to taunt other players but I discovered that they where genuily fans.. of the show which toys I played with as a child and finaly decided to check it out.
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Welcome to the great city of Canterlot! Its a pleasure to make your aquaintance! I'm Lovin' Moonlight, or LM for short.

If you don't like the term pegasister why not come up with something better, who knows it might catch on!

What kind of computer games do you play, would you happen to play console games as well?

Just to set the record...Twilight is best pony, but you know how that goes. DerpFaceLM_zps9a1407a3.png

Greetings! What computer games are your favorite to play? I myself am a Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 fan. :)

I prefer Ssssssslender. ;) ;) :lol:

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Hi there! If you're not fond of the term pegasister, you are free to call yourself whatever you like. There's no rule you can't be a brony, a pony fan, or nothing at all. The important thing is you found out how awesome FiM is, and you want to talk to other people who enjoy it too! :)

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