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Play us off, JazzyHippo


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About Myself: I've been on RP sites for a few years now, I'm good at creative writing, and and a new fan of MLP.

How I found Canterlot.com: Googled it

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friend intorduced me to it, and I first began to draw the characters before deciding to watch the series

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack

Yo people, I'm JazzyHippo, (Or Jazzy for short).

I'm a new fan of MLP. I've been role-playing on forums and such like this site for years. I'm a new MLP fan, but I believe I'm enough of a fan to join here! ^^

My mind is constantly running on imagination fuel, and so my character I've applied has been an idea of mine for a while now.

Any notes, advice or questions thrown at me will be gladly caught.

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Ahoy-hoy! What are the other RP sites that you've been a member of, I wonder? :D

None that fancy, my brother got me into these Pokemon and yu-gi-oh role-plays (lame, I know) when I was younger. Since then I've scouted the Internet, RPing on many fantasy style rp forums until now :)

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Welcome to... CANTERLOT! You can call me Cat :)

What's your fave genrre of music?

Believe it or not, but it's not Jazz :P

My favourite genre would have to be rock, especially the rock style played by the band called Muse.

Anyway thank you all for the very warm welcome :)

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Believe it or not, but it's not Jazz :razz:

My favourite genre would have to be rock, especially the rock style played by the band called Muse.

Anyway thank you all for the very warm welcome :)

I heard of Muse but haven't listened to their music yet, have you heard of Black Veil Brides or Sleeping with Sirens?

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I heard of Muse but haven't listened to their music yet, have you heard of Black Veil Brides or Sleeping with Sirens?

Havn't heard os Black Viel Brides, but I might of heard a few Sleeping with Sirens songs.

When it come to media, like TV and music, I'm pretty short on knowledge :P

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Havn't heard os Black Viel Brides, but I might of heard a few Sleeping with Sirens songs.

When it come to media, like TV and music, I'm pretty short on knowledge :razz:

I'm the opposite, I pay close attention to my favourite things eg. Doctor Who, Supernatural and my fave music. So much that I remember almost every detail (Especially Doctor Who).

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I'm the opposite, I pay close attention to my favourite things eg. Doctor Who, Supernatural and my fave music. So much that I remember almost every detail (Especially Doctor Who).

Well when it comes to the things I love to watch/ listen to, I'd learn the details, it's the stuff outside my favourite bubble that I know near to nothing about :P

And yay, go Doctor Who :D

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One of my favourites yeah, I'd put it level with Merlin, Friends and MLP of course!

(If you're American, you probably won't know what Merlin is. If you're English- you probably won't know what Merlin is either :razz:)

I'm English and I know what Merlin is, its on bbc 1, same as Doctor Who. I've watched all of those, but Doctor Who is best and Supernatural is 2nd best :D

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