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Nightmare Night (players needed)

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The citizens of Ponyville are gathered for a party in Twilight's library. We need the mane six, but if you want to play another member of the town, please apply below. Only one problem: one of them is a murderer, and Spike finds poor Fluttershy is found dead, stabbed through the heart.

Please apply below for one of the characters, and if I choose you to be the murderer you'll receive a PM. Don't tell anypony that you're the murderer, it's a secret. You may not be accepted for the role you apply for.

As always, I'll be playing Scootaloo.

Apply by posting the name of the character you wish to play and then an example of how you are going to play them.



Scootaloo was incredibly excited to have been invited to a party at Twilight's library! It was so...awesome! There was music blasting, ponies dancing all around her, and Rainbow Dash was there too! It was clear that Pinkie Pie had organized this party, for Twilight wouldn't have thought to have put so many delicious goodies out. Scootaloo greedily eyed the treats, mouth watering. Candy corn, chocolate truffles, caramel apples, and tarts caught the orange filly's eye first. She HAD missed Trick or Treating for this party, she might as well stuff her face full of tarts.


Applejack- WhiteSlash

Pinkie Pie-



Rainbow Dash-

Twilight Sparkle-

Scootaloo- SonicRainboomGirl

Cheerilee- LordBrony9

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Sorry Hinata, I'm not keeping tabs on reservations.

Doppleganger, I'm sorry, but I'd like to keep changelings out of this story. It's initially a very tricky topic that allows for many plot-holes.

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Theres one in the OP...


Scootaloo was incredibly excited to have been invited to a party at Twilight's library! It was so...awesome! There was music blasting, ponies dancing all around her, and Rainbow Dash was there too! It was clear that Pinkie Pie had organized this party, for Twilight wouldn't have thought to have put so many delicious goodies out. Scootaloo greedily eyed the treats, mouth watering. Candy corn, chocolate truffles, caramel apples, and tarts caught the orange filly's eye first. She HAD missed Trick or Treating for this party, she might as well stuff her face full of tarts.

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(OOC: Ooops...I forgot to edit my first post :L Sorry!)

Applejack was experiencing a mixture of feelings, an odd pairing to be even more precise. On one hoof she was incredibly happy about being at the party and being surrounded by her friends and such though she had missed on somewhat of a family tradition. This Nightmare Night Applejack would not be selling her appletastic treats to the fillies and colts of Ponyville. Still though she looked past this, she was at a party and that was no time to dwell on it. As usual like any Pinkie Party and there isn't a party like a Pinkie Pie party. Food and goodies were spread out across Twilights residence and the music had brought the costumed ponies out into dance. AJ felt a bead of sweat roll down her cheek from her brow as her trademark scarecrow costume was causing her to rapidly heat up, the sheer number of ponies there didn't help either. Applejack strapped on a smile and decided to power on through and enjoy the party. After all everything seemed to be going quite well.

As she entered the crowd she found herself quickly face to face with most of her friends and she extend a casual greeting. [colour=#b22222]"Well howdy, Y'all enjoyin' the party ah take it?"[/colour]

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Seems interesting, I'll throw my hat into the fray as Cheerilee

Cheerilee sighed; the day had been draining for her. She had barely had the time to mark the previous day's homework and prepare for the next day's class. But she had somehow managed to get it all done, and was looking forward to the party for the chance to relax and unwind.

Tired as she was, she still tried to maintain her trademark perkiness. Making her way to the punch bowl, she helped herself to a cup and seemingly re-engerized by the sugar rush, she cast a glance towards the crowd, ready for some fun!

if I'm chosen as the murderer I get to be the Cheerilee from Cheerilee's Garden heh heh <evil grin>

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Rainbow Dash had mixed feelings on the party at Twilights. On one hoof, Twilight WAS her best friend and Pinkie was co-hosting the party, so there was no doubt that'll it'll be a good party. And lots of her friends were going to be there, but on the other hoof. She was going to miss out of scarying ponies, but hey..It's a party no? And with my number one fan at the party aswell, what could go wrong? Her costume was a 'Shadowbolt' costume, the creepy version of the wonderbolts. Dash knew that she could probably fly off, do a few scares then come back, her friends were all that should matter at the time. Rainbow puts a smile on her face, this is a Pinkie Pie party, who'll know what comes next?

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