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U-Um.. hai..?


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um dupstep, metal.. rock etc..

documetries at times, um mlp duh, and other things..

I-I do like cats..

I like rock and metal. Do you have any favourite bands then? I like to watch One Piece, Doctor Who and Miranda, sometimes others.

I absolutely LOVE cats, even the ones I've never met before :D

And I'm only a little bit shy in real life, you should be fine here :)

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot.com Diana!

I am Total Eclipse, yes I misspelled my name, and no I can't change it. Please for the love of Luna, never call me Total, I'm libel to flip a table in rage, just saying Total is like leaving an unfinished sentence just dangling. Total...Total what? Net income? Posts? Hours worked? ARGH!!! *ehem* I seem to be rambling! Anywho.

I look forward to enjoying some jolly role playing with you! Actually, whether or not we see each other again depends on what kind of RP you like.

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot.com Diana!

I am Total Eclipse, yes I misspelled my name, and no I can't change it. Please for the love of Luna, never call me Total, I'm libel to flip a table in rage, just saying Total is like leaving an unfinished sentence just dangling. Total...Total what? Net income? Posts? Hours worked? ARGH!!! *ehem* I seem to be rambling! Anywho.

I look forward to enjoying some jolly role playing with you! Actually, whether or not we see each other again depends on what kind of RP you like.

Whatever you say total


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