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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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The only way out of Sapphire's apartment was to walk through the kitchen. Dread filled the mare's heart.,"I can do this," she muttered to herself, although the other part of her conflicting emotions told her this was suicide.

A light fuchsia glow encompassed the doorknob. Sapphire shook with fright, her heart skipping a beat as the door swung open and flames rolled into the hallway. She lifted her front hooves and began to panic. What was I thinking? I can't just stroll though the fire! she thought her herself. "Help! Somepony! Anypony!" her cries of distress became sobs. "Please..."

Saph knew she would miss the wedding. She knew she would miss seeing the first steps of her unborn foal. Yet, she felt oddly calm about this all.

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( since you guys are doing that i will make another character )

David looked around and then he found a door. He kicked it down out of excitement, but then his expression changed. He saw the flames bursting out into the room. He ignored it and carried on through the building. Then he heard somepony! " Hello! Is any pony here! I am coming!" He started sprinting toward the sound and he ran down a hallway that was in flames. He saw a room that the licks of flames were reaching in to get more fuel for their survival. Out of bravery he jumped into the flames and landed in a small room. His coat was charred a bit, but he did not care. He turned and saw a mare. He could not recognize her out of memory, but she seemed a little bit familiar. He felt a connection some how. " Are you hurt?" David turned to look out the broken window, " Lets get you out of here, shall we?" Without her decision, David lifted her onto his back and he broke the window open with his hoof, or what remained of it. He gently lifted off the ground and hovered past the window. He turned and looked back to make sure the mare was ok.

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(Sorry for the wait, I'd fallen asleep.)

Lightning decided not to have any breakfast, since he didn't felt hungry. He decided to to cancel the spell he executed. All the orbs of light disappeared.

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She held him for a while longer, then pulled away. "Well, we better go check on the colts.." She got up and walked to the living room. "How's everypony doing in here?" she asked. There was an obvious change in her overall demeanor.

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Tipper smelled smoke as he played, which caused him to stop moving entirely as he listened intently. He slung the bass on his back as he looked around for the source of the smoke. Eventually, he found the place and thought to himself "Dear me....it appears I've been caught up in another hazardous environment..."

He set the bass down, took a deep breath to calm his nerves and decided to look for the fire. After a while, he couldn't find it, so he resorted to saying "Oi! Anyone in there?"

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Lightning turned to Dusk and Dopple, they seem very happy. [colour=#a52a2a]"Hello, I still want to apologize for worrying you both when I was practicing that spell, but it's gone now." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said.[/colour]

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David kept flying and watched the burning building fall. He shielded the mare and landed softly on the ground. He watched as the mare slowly fell asleep. He set her on his back and flew towards Ponyville.


MorningDawn ran around the house playing with Mr. Squiggles. ( Who actually was a stuffed Octopus) He walked up the stairs and halfway through, he fell asleep. He lay there sleeping with comfort.

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Dopple blinked watching Morning play. He let out a soft giggle watching the child tucker himself out. He walked quietly to the child and picked him up by the scruff softly with his teeth. It may sound painful since he had fangs, but he was very careful. He took the child of the stares and laid him on the couch and covered him with a warm blanket that was laying nearby making sure that the strange stuffed toy remained with him at all times.

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