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Man I suck at these threads...


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About Myself: About me? I'm a typical brony, studying Computer Science and System Engineering, and just generally derping about on the internet. I program C# fluently, Java less so. I, like most students, tend to abuse alcohol a fair amount, and I spend frankly unhealthy amounts of time on my computer.

I, frankly, am horrible at these introduce yourself things, so the best way to figure out more is to talk to me. I generally am friendly. Or sleepy. Or both. There's a fair bit of overlap.

How I found Canterlot.com: Typical internet searches of 'pony rp groups'. Top result on google, well done guys.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: At this point, I don't really remember.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
I believe I summed myself up in the 'introduce yourself' thing, but I'll add a little something here as well.

I'm a fairly comptetent computer guy, but beyond that I'm not special. I have a bit of a knack for relationships and the reading thereof and that tends to show in my RP characters, but...


I'm not entirely sure what to put here but 'hello'.

So, hello! I can happily say I look forward to meeting you all.

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

So, I assume you've Roleplayed before?

I dabble. I've done some forum-roleplaying before; as well as one based via Minecraft, amazingly enough. (Ponycraft.net for the morbidly curious.)

And for the other two; thank you very much for the welcome. I'm sure I shall enjoy myself.

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Welcome, ser Someone, to Canterlot! I am Midnight of The US. May I inquire as to what sort of audiological stimulation (genre of music) is thou partial to?

Of course, sir! I quite personally find myself with a predellection to almost anything that contains both a ryhthm and some various form of instrument, of near any form.

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