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My Evil Mastermind Plans, mwahahaha :3


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About Myself: Right now I'm in college for audio engineering training (that is mostly working at a console in a studio). I like writing and music but I'm trying to work on my drawing skills here and there since I'm totally jealous of my devianartist friends. I have a lot of different fandoms such as Doctor Who, Homestuck, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and others and I totally think it's awesome all the fanmade content that the bronies make. I hope to make some of my own soon, including music.

How I found Canterlot.com: Looking for a site to create interactive fanfiction.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I basically got into it after hearing so much about it around the web. That's how I get into most things. I wish I had an AWESOME story, but I don't :(

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
[colour=#4b0082]Hi everypony! It's awesome to be here! I'll probably be taking part in some roleplay using my Pony OC, Sky Shade, but the main reason I'm here is b/c I wanted to see if you guys want to do an interactive fanfiction with me, since Equestria Daily and Fanfiction.net don't work with them. [/colour]

[colour=#4B0082]Basically, I'm just trying to start up a MLP:FIM/Homestuck fanfiction. For those of you who don't know, Homestuck is a web comic that is based in old Text Adventure games. The main author asks people for suggestions of the characters' actions and that's where you guys come in. Even if you guys don't particularly know the comic, I still think that you guys could have a good time. [/colour]

[colour=#4B0082]Since it features computers, it will start in a future Equestria with the ancestors of the mane six, Princess Cadence/Shining Armor, and Derpy Hooves (Sunshine Sparkle, Thunder Dash, Applejack the 3rd, Cloudfeathers, Eloquence, Aquamarine 'Aqua' Pie, Prince Andante 'Prince Andy', and Lovely Doo, respectively). It will still follow the basic Homestuck criteria with a few changes here and there. [/colour]

[colour=#4B0082]I just want to see if there is enough interest on here before I start. What do you guys think? [/colour]

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