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Doctor Whooves: Adventures of the TARDIE


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The Doctor has been shot by a dalek in the TARDIS (and then the dalek falls out). As he is forced to regenerate for the 11th time, he absorbes the energy of the TARDIS and unexpectidely switches dimensions - and turns into a pony! As the new Doctor is forced to survive the flames that grow larger and larger, the TARDIS crashes in the most unexpected place ever imagined - in the front yard of the house of Derpy Hooves! What will happen next? Join the RP and find out!

Doctor- SuperHedgehog03

Derpy- QueenChrysalis747

David- MorningDawn

Anyone else- SuperHedgehog03

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( I would like to join as well, you always need that one weak pony that has a hidden talent of some sort, right? By the way i would like to know if its alright by your authority to join this roleplay...)

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"Oh, well I'm the Doctor and a human is - wait..." The Doctor then realises that the world aroubd him looks just like a certain TV show.... "Oh, a human is a thing ith a head, hands, feet, peach coloured skin, hair only on it's head, and walks on 2 legs." The Doctor then shows a picture of him as a human.

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David finally reached Derpy's house, he works with her. He wanted to stop by and tell her that they had more work, but something stopped him in his tracks. He slowly walked up and gently nudged the new mysterious pony, " Umm, Derpy who exactly is this?"

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David spoke up, " I work with her at the post office, my name is David. The question is what are you doing here?" David's size matched up about 3 inches taller than both of them.

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David never knew what happened to Derpy's eyes, but he ignored it. She was still a great friend to him," Yeah. What is this Dalek you keep speaking of?" He said in between chewing.

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David just took another one anyways, " Don't worry about Derpy. She likes to be nice to ponies. I have to look after her, but she's smart. Everypony picks on her and makes fun of her, but i watch her and get her back." David hands a Banana Muffin to Doc, " Go ahead chew, its not poison."

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