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My name is Sky Dive and I have sunglasses and enthusiasm!


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About Myself: Well, I'm a mane stylist and like to meet new ponies! I was born in Cloudsdale but moved to Canterlot very young. My inheritance from my mother allowed me have enough money to stay there so that I did! I'm straight but not really looking unless it's somepony really special. I like to go adventuring with anyone willing and I enjoy going to music cafes. I also like to draw a lot.

How I found Canterlot.com: I searched google and found this hoping for better roleplays than on Facebook

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I knew this fandom exsisted an had some friends in it, I wasn't a hater I just didn't really care. My girlfriend told me about it and I watched it and loved it! I watched the whole first season in a day (maybe two my memory fails me) But yeah. that was august 2011 and I have been headlong into the fandom ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
Hello everypony! It's nice to be here, I just hope I can find my way around...

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Please... describe these sunglasses you possess.

Do you wear them at night?

Do you wear them so you can keep track of the visions in your eyes?

Welcome to Canterlot. :D

Well, I used to wear them all the time but not anymore, I wear them whenever now. They are pretty much the pair shown in that movie The Invisible Stallion, only blue Black lenses.

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