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A world of the lost(ask in OOC)


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I've had a story in my head for a while, and like most of my stories it's steam punk.

A group of ponies awaken from stasis in a long abandoned complex, with only whisps of memories as to who they are. the complex is dark and dyeing, power running out. The air is ancient, though free of mildew, all living things turned to dust millennia ago. This place was inhabited one, thriving even, but nothing of that remain. There is evidence of a fight, a long forgotten battle. There are skitters in the dark, probing eyes watching from the dark.

Your mission is to escape and find out what happened here.

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Player List:

Chara name / player / job

1)Clockchime / Clockchime / engineer

2) Spin Art / Frost137 / Weather Patrol

3)[colour=#282828]Starfire[/colour][colour=#282828] / hitman61live / Pegasus Scientist[/colour]

4)Blackboard / Cainiam / History Teacher





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Nothingness, for so long.

A hollow eternity of silence and serenity,

The kind of still only akin to death...

The silence broken, a something in the nothing!

A dull throb gaining intensity.

A need growing stronger and stronger.

One word, one word that demands attention.


And for the first time in a long time, she did.

The room was dark and quiet as it always was, nothing much in it besides a desk a door and the long metallic Dias, set into the seem between the far wall and the floor. Dust coated everything, and the only sounds that broke the stillness were those of the electrical system, protesting in its old age. The random surges plowing through the systems, bringing life to any electronics they touched. One such surge was heading towards this wing, activateing all the Diases in the adjacent rooms finally coming in and wakeing this one. The Dias glowed a deep blue before emitting a red signal, the crystal screen embedded in the side started reading out diagnostics before settling on one phrase "emergency dump". The circle on the top face of the Dias began to spin. A hiss was released as the top surface raised revealing an orange mare.

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In a neighbouring room furnished much like the others another dais lit up a bright blue and slowly opened up to reveal an ashen grey earth pony stallion. Sleep. He had been asleep for the longest time. His eyelids shot open but despite the darkness of the room around him it was as if staring at the sun. His eyelids sealed shut again and he threw his head backwards and tried to scream in pain, but the sleep had left his throat die and no noise came. He shook himself and tried to raise to his hooves, but his joints were sore and weak, and he skittered onto his stomach. He knew deep down that he would need to open his eyes again, but his body cried out for the sleep again. It was soothing, peaceful.

Blackboard liked peaceful. Blackboard? His name. He had a name. Blackboard. Room 213. History. He could picture it in bold letters on a door. He could feel a sense of pride. Children talked in the background. A school teacher. He was a school teacher in Manehattan. He taught History. Blackboard the History Teacher. What else? Nothing? There couldn't be nothing! He tried to remember something else. Anything else, but he couldn't. In his mind's eye he saw himself stare out of a window into a blinding white light. Then nothing. Where was he now? He decided to try opening his eyes again. This time he did it slowly. Gradually. The room began to darken. he could see objects. A desk. Dust. Electric wires. This wasn't Room 213. Where was this? Now that he could see, he decided to give standing another try. He positioned his legs underneath his body and pushed. He was up, his legs were shaking, but he was standing. One hoof, two hoof, three hoof, four hoof, he was walking! He managed a shaky trot to the metallic desk, before taking a seat on the chair behind it. Then realisation of his situation began to kick in, and he sank once more into thought.

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A blue and gray-ish mare woke up from a long slumber. Not sure what happened. She remembered the days where everything was bright, but she at the very spot was lying in a dark room. She tried to get up, but the dust rose and entered her lungs so she slumped back to the floor. More dust floated in the air.

What happened exactly? The pegasus couldn't remember. She wouldn't even remember her name. Staring at the ceiling, she tried to remember. The faintest memory she could ever remember was eating daisy sandwiches. Oh, if she could just have some now. Her lips chapped that thirsted for water.

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Visions of emptiness.

Visions of brightness.

Images of lost.

Images of gained.


Zigzag had no images. No lost. No emptiness. No brightness.

Just a new world that she was yet to see.

This is lost. This is found. Where was she? Waking might have been the worst choice she had yet. The world seemed enclosed as she looked around. The furnishings and sounds seemed to ring in her ear. She tried to speak...no voice.

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I felt myself slowly become real, my mind becoming clearer. "Am I dead?" I thought to myself while sorting through my thoughts. My question was answered as a splitting head ache made itself known throughout my head, "Deafinately not dead" I decided. I sat still for a while and got my bearings and slowly gained sense in my limbs. I felt my hoof, "yes hooves, I have hooves" and tryed to move it toward my face, only to be greated by a paralyzing pins and needles fealing wich slowly faded. "Well that sucked" I only saw one way through this, and I didn't like it. I slowly counted to myself before doing my best to streaching every muscle. It hurt so much that a strangled cry escaped my lips "graggggg....",I paused and felt the pain gradually dull to a manageable level. I slowly curled into a ball and rested a bit more. I tryed to speak but just sent myself into a coughing fit. "Hmmmm what now? It'd be so much better if I could see what I was doing" agian I wasn't looking forward to it. I slowly opened my eyes, wich were caked with who knows what, I was greeted with nothing but bright blinding light, I blinked feaverously as the light slowly faded to a manageable level. "Hmmm I'm in a box, maybe I am dead. Well not helping anything in here" I reached out for the lip of the container and tryed to pull myself up, and with a grueling effort I managed to sprawl myself out on the floor in front of it. I lifted my head as an automated voice started up

"good morning ms. Clockchime, we hope you enjoyed your sleep in one of our lovely stasis pods, please wait and one of our attendants will be with you shortly."

It said before shutting down. If I had had more energy, I would have kicked it.

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Blackboard tried once more to scream, and this time managed a faint rasping noise. He was trapped in some run-down facility from the looks of it. Who knows what would be outside his room? The desk held no secrets, yellow papers with long-faded ink marks. Not that Blackboard could focus well enough to read at the moment anyway. His head throbbed with pain, making focusing on anything a difficult task. The wires behind him sparked loudly as an after-shock of electrical current suddenly caused some sort of announcement system to power up. "Go*buzz*orn*buzz* Mr. Blackboard." It practically shrieked through the speakers, heavily distorted by static. "We hope you enjoyyy..." it followed up before turning off again halfway through it's announcement. At exactly the same moment the lights above exploded and plunged the room into pitch black darkness.

This darkness was different to the one in the machine before. That had been soothing and warm, as if snuggling beneath a bed cover, but this, this was a cold darkness. Blackboard grew afraid. All he could hear was the sound of his breaths, made heavier through the experience of fear. He looked this way, and that, but he could see no difference. Holding out one of his forehooves, he tried once more to locate the desk, a solid reminder of where he was. Suddenly without warning a low red glare filled the room as a number of what he assumed must be emergency lights detected the power outage. Blackboard could see again, but the lights cast everything in a sickly glow. He didn't like it in here. Still a bit shaky, he trotted over to one of the doors at either end of the room, and cautiously tapped on it thrice, before putting his head to it and listening to see if there'd be any response.

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Daisy sandwiches.... daisy sandwiches!!! Her stomach growled. A bright light fled into her the mare's eyes. Was it Celestia who brought her the royal sandwiches? Thank her! The mare sighed with happiness.

But no... something eerie about this light didn't seem like it came from Celestia....

"Hello Spin Art!" A loud voice screamed into her ear. Spin Art? Who was that? She guessed it was her. "We hoped you enjoy you loooong rest in to STASIS PODS!" This voice seemed so happy... Hmmm.... Spin Art didn't remember sleeping in a stasis pod. "One of our attendants will arrive shortly! Thank you!"

Now, if she could wait for the attendant to come with sandwiches and some water that would be nice.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lie on the floor for a while thinking, Clockchime... It's my name I gues. Who am I? Why can't I rember? I tryed to focus and only got vague images, a large gear, lit halls, machines, just scattered all through my brain. I shook myself out of my thoughts and slowly raised my head to get a good look at the surroundings. The room was cold and dead, a potted plant rested in the corner, mummified. There was a table with somethings on it, but I couldn't quite get a good look. I sighed, "well going to have to stand eventually, might as well be now." I shifted my hooves under myself, readying them. "1... 2... 3...UP!" I heaved with what little might I could muster, pushing down on the floor. slowly, ever so slowly, I got to my hooves. my knees were shaking from the effort, I quickly stumbled over to the table, leaning on it to gain my balance. On the table was what apeaed to be a long dead console, some sort of cloth bag, and a clipboard. The clipboard had a scrap of paper latched into it, I craned my neck to get a better look. "Subject:Clockchime, engineer 2nd class..." "So that is my name and I'm an engineer" I lurched toward the clip board to read what else was on it, but as soon as I touched it the paper crumbled to dust."horse feathers, well no getting that back." I moved on, making my way around the table toward the bag. It wasn't so big, it had a strap that looked like it hooked around a ponies back. There was a metal label just under the clasp, I carefully raised my hoove to clear the dust from it "Clockchime 147759" "this must be mine". I prodded the bag, luckily it didn't turn into dust, it seemed to be filled with some metallic objects. "Hmmm I should take it with me, but I doubt I could Cary it." I pushed off the table, letting my weight balance on all four legs "well at least I can stand" I bent my neck to the bag and bit onto the strap and slowly started to pull. it moved slowly forward to the edge then doing a dive bomb off the edge, making a huge clattering noise, which echoed down the hall, and rang in my ears. I shuttered, hopeing no pony heard that and began dragging it toward the door."lets see who else is around"

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Blackboard heard a loud metallic clang from the other side of the door, and backed away from it. A noise like that must have been caused by something, The question was whether it was a pony that caused that, and if the pony was friendly. There was another door at the other end of his room, but there was no guarantee there was anything outside there. There was no telling what was outside either room. He felt his head slowly clearing and with it his ability to think returning. He couldn't leave the room without some kind of weapon. The dim red light made it hard to make out anything.

He returned to the desk, only just noticing it had some drawers. Excited by his discovery he pulled on the first one only to find it jammed. A closer inspection revealed it needed a key to open. The other drawer slid easily as he pulled it however. Inside was more yellowed paper, along with a very familiar and very worn satchel. He couldn't explicitly remember owning a satchel like it, but it called out to him with a sense of familiarity. He pulled it out and opened the clasp, which was now a rusted mess. Inside was folders of papers, indelible pens marking them with time periods, inside the papers were mostly legible. He scanned through the first page of a dissertation on Pre-Celestial Equestria, before putting the papers back in the folder, and then returning them to his satchel.

In the other pouches of his bag, he found pouch riddles with holes with a number of small golden coins inside. There was also a set of pencils, rulers, and pens with long dried ink inside. Still nothing he could use as a weapon. He sighed, his first audible sound, and placed the satchel over his shoulder. He took another look at the door. His eyes now adjusted to the darkness noticed an outline by the door, and trotted over to it, a worn piece of metal piping. That would do. He picked it up with his mouth, and gave it a test swing. Nice and fluid. Satisfied that he had something to defend himself he went for the door, when he heard another sound from the other side, and he took a step back, steeling himself in case what came through wasn't friendly.

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