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About Myself: Well, I guess I have to fill out this form. First off, Hobbies, well, I watch anime, read Manga, Snowboard, Hunt, Fish, Read, Play Video Games, and just generally do fun things.

I live in Central Alberta, Canada, graduated about a half a year ago, um, well, that's about the basic stuff, if you want to know more, just ask!

How I found Canterlot.com: Searched for a MLP Roleplay and this was the first link.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: A fan? Welp, a friend of mine kept bugging me to watch it, so I watched a couple episodes and found I quite liked it, so, nothing special, just do.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
Ohey! Maybe I don't have to fill out the form entirley! Anyway, greetings fellow Bronies, my name (as far as any of you know) is ThunderFlicker, newest member of the board (At time of writing this) and hopefully a friend to all! Anyways, questions? Just ask! Other than that, hope to see everyone around!

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Welcome! :D

You're from Alberta!? Have you been to the West Edmonton Mall!? (I like asking that to all of my Canadian friends, so don't feel... yeah. xD)

I love Calgary! Such a nice place to go to.

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