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Hey there, everypony


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About Myself: Gamer, lover of animals, nerd. :D

How I found Canterlot.com: I Googled "ponies RP." ^_^

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I honestly can't remember, lol. I think I read a journal post about the show on deviantART sometime in 2011 then proceeded to watch a clip of Rainbow Dash saying "ohmygosh" over and over. Thought it was a little silly but I looked into the show a bit more, got to episode five or six of season one and couldn't stop watching.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
Hello! I joined this forum to get in touch with people who love MLP:FiM as much as I do. I don't have any friends who enjoy the show, so it's difficult to chat with anyone about it and make friends. In fact, I figured I'd take it a step further and join an RP forum to see where that leads me. I've never RP'd before, but I hope to get into it and make some friends. :)

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