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The tale of a group of ponies. (Closed)


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(sorry I had to go :( but I'm back now)

Light watched as Sunny trotted out of the room. He then snapped back into his state and said to himself, [colour=#0000ff]"What just happened?" [/colour] He then got out of the bed and trotted down the stairs. To his surprise he found Scissor and a strange black stallion he had never seen before. He walked up to them and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Hello Scissor. And hello..um..I'm afraid I do not know your name."[/colour] He smiled at him and waited to hear his name.

He felt his wings twitch a bit but he thought nothing of it. He then started to look around the room. He wondered where Discord was.

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Dash looked at Emerald with compassion and said, [colour=#00ffff]"Who is the stallion Emerald?" [/colour] She then took a glance out one of her windows in her house and looked outside. She then looked back at Emerald.

[colour=#00ffff]"Well I think it's just because he is not the right stallion for you."[/colour] She smiled promptly at Emerald.

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[colour=#000080]"Oh hello Light. This is Darkness. Darkness this is Light. How your head, hope it's better" [/colour]She smiled.


[colour=#B22222]"Look who we have here. My lovely friend Scissor then there's Darkness, nice to see you again, and I think you maybe Scissor's friend Light is it? Anywhy nice to meet you!" [/colour]He walked up to Light took his hoof and shock it. Bad news was that he shock Light and not his hoof.

[colour=#B22222]"Opps my bad!"[/colour] Discord said putting him down.

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Light looked at Scissor and nodded in agreement that his head was better. Then he smiled at Darkness and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Hello Darkness."[/colour] He smiled and then turned to see himself face to face with Discord. He smiled sheepishly at Discord as he talked about Scissor being his friend and he said nice to meet you. Discord then came up and started shaking Light. Light felt very dizzy after being shook. He then wabbled a bit and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Nice to meet you...to Discord."[/colour] He finally regained his balance.

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[colour=#000080]"Hehe happy to hear that your getting better." [/colour]She giggled as Discord shock Light.

[colour=#B22222]"Well, I better be off as I have a lot of jobs to do. See you all for tea!"[/colour] Discord exclaimed while vanishing.

[colour=#000080]"That was entertaining." [/colour]Scissor said putting her book on her lap to continue reading about dark magic.

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Sunny walked down the steps, and began flapping her wings.

She frowned, as she hadn't the energy to fly. She continued flapping them, lifting herself a few metres off the ground.

Suddenly, she fell from the sky, into a heap on the floor.

"Ughhhh-..." She groaned, attempting to life her limp body from the floor.

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Light smiled a weak smile at Scissor and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Yeah he's quite the charmer huh?"[/colour] Light laughed a bit and then looked around the room. He watched outside a window and saw Sunny try to fly and fall. He looked back at Scissor and Darkness and said, [colour=#0000ff]"I feel like I've done something but I don't remember a thing. Everything from me lying in the bed till now was a blur."[/colour] He put his hoof up to his chin and thought.

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[colour=#000080]"Huh, I wonder what's up with him. First minute he has pains, then he doesn't remember anything." [/colour]Scissor said while reading the book. She started to get real wicked ideas but she was to good hearted to do any of them.

[colour=#000080]"Darkness, do you like the woods? I really want to go but I don't want to go alone. I'll get lost." [/colour]She asked him.

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He looked at her and nudged her a bit. "[colour=#0000ff]Tired eh?"[/colour] He chuckled and then he outstretched his wings. He was actually quite tired himself. But he didn't want to show it.

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Light trotted up behind her and moved to the side of her. He put his head and neck under her body and lifter her up. He picked her up and said, [colour=#0000ff]"You're not ok." [/colour]He smiled at her and chuckled a bit.

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"His name is Light," she sighed as she looked out the window and looked down then headed for the door and sighed, "I...i just dunno what to do....." she was holding in one thing, she really like RD, like a lot, but RD might think her odd if she admited, she didnt want to hurt the friendship

Darkness nodded toward Scissors, "sounds like a lot of fun!" he said warmly to her, but she soon went back to her book and he looked back ou the window and watched Light and Sunny and sighed

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Scissor put doen the book and got up leaving the book open on the page of how to open your evil inner self.

[colour=#000080]"how about we go on that walk now." [/colour]She said and walked towards Darkness.

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Scissor walked out the door with Darkness at her side.

[colour=#000080]"So, what's your family like? Sorry if I'm being nosey I''m like that alot. Just tell me if you don't want to speak about it and I won't."[/colour] Scissor said getting a little nervous. She was thinking about the book but what would Light, Delilah and Sunny say. Oh I'm so confuzzled!

They were just about to go into the woods when she saw a lovely looking meadow with a rock in the middle big enough to fit two ponies.

[colour=#000080]"Can we go and sit over there Darkness? It's looks really nice and good to pick flowers to take home." [/colour]She asked him with a bright smile and she started to blush.

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Dash's eyes got wide and said, [colour=#00ffff]"Light?"[/colour] She then put her hoof up to her chin and thought. Then she said, "[colour=#00ffff]Oh! I remember him! He was the musical pony that lives in Ponyville! I never talked to him that much. But he doesn't seem that bad." [/colour] Then it hit her. They were talking about a new Prince. She then got up from her seat and walked over to Emerald and said, "[colour=#00ffff]The new royalty is him? He is Prince Light?" She then moved around a bit and said, "Well we will just need to have a talk with this Prince then. Where is he?"[/colour] She looked up at Emerald. She figured the Prince and the Princess would be together so she wanted to see Light but she wanted to meet the Princess.

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Light then carried Sunny in the house a ways and then laid her down on a couch. He smiled at her and said, [colour=#0000ff]"You sure do look fine. Not with that bruised hoof."[/colour] He chuckled a bit and then the pain came back to him. He put his head in his hoofs again and the groaned. He fell down a bit and then groaned again. Finally the pain went away and he was left half on the floor panting slightly

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