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Kingdom hearts and Xbox 360...please?

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Okay so Kingdom hearts 1.5 really got me happy. At first it was because we haven't had a console kingdom hearts game in a while and I thought that it would be really cool. Then another thought came into my head. What if they release it for ps3 and Xbox 360? Since I don't own a Ps3 I really hope that happens but do you guys think it will happen or not?

Also I do not wish to see anything about which console is better. This is about kingdom hearts. NOT the console wars. :)

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Unlikely; Square Enix and Jupiter have never held much respect for Microsoft's consoles, and at this point developers seem to be gearing more towards the next-generation consoles rather than the currently available set - this will likely be the last KH installment for seventh-generation consoles. On the plus side, given the PS4's PC-like architecture, it seems likely that we'll see a lot more releases readily available for PC/PS4/Xbox 3/Steambox, discounting contractual obligation.

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It's a pretty safe bet that this is never going to happen, not in this generation nor the next. Kingdom Hearts is largely a Sony exclusive franchise. Nintendo was able to obtain the rights to some of portable games because at the time Sony did not have a portable gaming system, and profitable sales allowed Nintendo to keep those rights.

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Well, the really weird thing is that KH hasn't been on a current console in any form. I find that to be quite odd. It isn't that they aren't still making games, but they are all on portables. I guess Square-Enix has decided that the series should be portable? Then again, maybe only KH3 will be placed on a home console, but who knows when that is going to be...

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I'm excited for 1.5, though I'd really like to see KH II Final Mix get a proper release in English-speaking territories. Maybe it will to generate more buzz for KHIII, whenever that decides to come along.

I still need to finish Dream Drop Distance...

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Well, the really weird thing is that KH hasn't been on a current console in any form. I find that to be quite odd. It isn't that they aren't still making games, but they are all on portables. I guess Square-Enix has decided that the series should be portable? Then again, maybe only KH3 will be placed on a home console, but who knows when that is going to be...

Or they could just be milking it for all its got before moving onto the 3rd installment of the series and more then likely the end of the series.

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Why is everything a trilogy nowadays?

I think a lot of games get "sequelitis" because investors are afraid to throw money at new properties that might make money or bomb horribly, so they'd rather invest in properties that are popular and known to make money. The same thing is kind of happening with movies; look at Pixar's work the past few years, with Brave the first original film after several numbered sequels. That doesn't mean sequels are bad, I just think repeat entries to a series stress the overall quality.

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Why is everything a trilogy nowadays?

In the video game industry it's no secret that the sequel, always, without fail, will sell more copies then the first game in a series. That's also why companies are so eager to revive any franchise with the slightest amount of brand recognition. Though I think it should be differentiated between sequels and multiple games of a series with a whole storyline planned out at the very beginning. Not that you can always tell the difference. Assassin's Creed is intended to be a 17 part series from what I heard, which is kind of insane. ^^

The penultimate bosses in KH Dream Drop Distance are pretty tough, by the way. Took me a few cycles of intense training to even stand a chance, which is surprising, since I breezed through most of the game with little to no grinding. It's a good entry in the series, though. I think I most enjoyed the new Tron stage.

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