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♪♫ A New Harmony ♫♪ (Open)


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Big Mac glanced over at Harmony as well.

He realized how quiet she was being. Big Mac the focused his attention on the window. He liked looking out the window. He could see Canterlot in the distance.

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Delilah excitedly pointed out the window, yelling about Canterlot. [colour=#0000cd]"Excellent." [/colour]Showboat muttered. [colour=#0000cd]Can I get control again? [/colour][colour=#000080]Fine. Just keep the ice on her and don't do anything stupid. [/colour]With that, Showboat's face returned to its childlike smile, and his tired expression went confident again. [colour=#0000cd]"Woohoo!" [/colour]He yelled in celebration, excited about getting close to Canterlot.

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[colour=#000080]You idiot! [/colour]The voice rang through his mind, as Leif woke up, seemingly hurt from Showboat's screaming mixed with her concussion. [colour=#0000cd]"Er... Calm down, please!" [/colour]He said, keeping her down on the ground so she didn't move. [colour=#0000cd]"You seem to have a concussion. Y-you don't want to make it worse." [/colour]Showboat put the ice pack back on her head. [colour=#000080]I need to take over for a minute again. [/colour]Showboat's facial expressions switched over again. [colour=#0000cd]"Can you tell me your name?" [/colour]He asked, not really caring for the answer as much as hoping that she could answer it.

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Big Mac watched as Showboat went from being excited and happy to focused and stern it seemed. Mac was happy that Lief was ok but still a bit concerned for her. She still seemed to be in pain. Big Mac trotted back over to Showboat and Lief and supervised. Well not exactly supervised because he was certain Showboat knew what he was doing. Big Mac every know and then glanced between the ponies he knew now and other ponies on the train. Some ponies facial expressions made him chuckle a bit. Just a little bit.

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(Your in canterlot. Where Time lives. Excellent place to jump in.)

Time walked through the crowded city. As much as he loved the bustling town he sometimes wanted someplace quiet to live or at least visit. He luckily had found a place for this. Time owned a building known as history in the making. Officially it was where he lived and was a historian there but he also kept secrets. Being able to hear secrets and keep them was his hobby and every once in a while he would make a bit of money with this. He also had done some renovating there and added a new room, a recording studio. It was a great place to stay when it was quiet. Today though he had heard from the princess that his friend, Harmony, was coming to canterlot. He waited by the train station for her. As he waited he sung a tune under his breath.

[colour=#696969]"All the memories, I have are beautiful in my mind but they don't feed the hunger deep inside my soul. And tonight I thought I would be just sitting in my sorrow. And now I must wonder why. What it really ment to you. I just can't see it anymore....I just can't see it anymore..."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]He stopped singing and said under his breath. [/colour][colour=#696969]"If only I had someone to sing with." [/colour][colour=#000000]He awaited for the train.[/colour]

[colour=#000000](The song is here:)[/colour]

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((yeah I know :P ))

Big Mac heard and felt the train come to a stop. He then checked his saddlebag again for his delivery and saw it there. He smiled and glanced out the window again. He saw the big buildings and the train station buildings. He wanted to get this delivery done and over with. But he didn't want to leave the injured pony...

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(I'm on Spring Break now.)

Showboat helped float out Leif out of the train as it stopped at Canterlot. [colour=#0000cd]"The Canterlot hospital is... That way?" [/colour]He pointed his hoof towards a building that looked very similar to a hospital. He had been their a few times, but could never remember where it actually was.

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(Well enjoy your break XD haha)

Big Mac watched as Showboat helped float Lief out of the train. When he stepped outside he spaced out for a second. He was told he had to meet at some cafe later today so he figured he had some time to spare. He watched over Lief and the Showboat who was helping her. He figured Showboat had Lief but he wanted to help anyways. He helped to carry her.

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((luckies,I was on Spring Break,2 weeks ago XD ))

Delilah trotted off of the train,she remembered all of Canterlot,since she lived here as a young Filly,she trotted on towards the hospital,humming quietly to herself.

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Delilah began humming and walking off in a random direction. After a moment of hesitation, he assumed she knew where she was going and began following her. He was about to float Leif, but he realized that Big Mac was holding her. [colour=#0000cd]"Thanks!" [/colour]He said cheerfully to the stallion, as he turned back to follow Delilah.

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After a while of walking, they arrived at the Canterlot hospital. Showboat sighed with relief that she knew where to go. Delilah walked in first, tripped on air and fell on somepony. Showboat ran over to apologize for her, but ran too fast and tripped over her on the doctor. [colour=#0000cd]"Sorry!" [/colour]He yelled as he jumped up. [colour=#0000cd]"Are you the- I mean, a doctor?" [/colour]He asked as he helped him up. [colour=#0000cd]"My friend hit her head and went unconscious, I think she might have a concussion."[/colour]

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(Alright I don't know his name so I'll just call him Doctor XD)

The Doctor suddenly felt the weight of two ponies come down on him. He certainly wasn't expecting that at all. But then one of the ponies started saying that there was a possibility that the pony he was carrying was unconscious. Doc knew how serious this could turn out to be. He glanced over at all of the ponies just for a quick look and then down at the pony on the ground. He looked over at the group of ponies and said, "[colour=#daa520]Yes I am the doctor. I'm going to need to know what happened. How did she hit her head? You know important things like that. Come on follow me." [/colour]Doc then motioned for the ponies to follow him as then motioned for a few nurse ponies to bring out a gurney and take the injured pony to a room.

As the Doctor turned to follow the gurney he glanced back at the ponies and motioned for them to follow again

The whole time the Doctor came out and did his thing Big Mac was watching carefully He hoped she would be ok

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