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♪♫ A New Harmony ♫♪ (Open)


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Leif slammed open the door after he closed it. Showboat jumped up, but quickly calmed himself down. [colour=#0000cd]"I-I don't know Leif..." [/colour]He didn't want to tell her no. He wanted very badly to tell her to go back and rest, but he always had troubles with things like this. [colour=#0000cd]"Sh-shouldn't you rest up a bit? I-I guess if you feel fine..."[/colour]

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Big Mac moved in front of Lief and said. "[colour=#ff0000]You need to rest Lief." [/colour] He smiled at her. He was serious about what he said. Lief was not well and needed her rest.

Big Mac glanced back at Showboat and Delilah for support.

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Showboat was thankful that Big Mac was being much more assertive. Leif was also insistent though, and Showboat knew he'd be no help. [colour=#0000cd]"W-well... Let's go then!" [/colour]He said, giving a fake smile to suppress his nervousness with the situation. [colour=#0000cd]"Just... Tell us if you're feeling lightheaded, or need a moment to rest or anything."[/colour]

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Big Mac glanced at Showboat as he told Lief to come with them and if she felt lightheaded to tell them. He wanted to argue and make Lief stay there but he said nothing. He thought to himself that maybe Lief would be alright. Still Big Mac said nothing and he turned around and started to trot towards the door again. Big Mac stopped and turned around to see and hear Lief scream "Yippee!" It made him chuckle slightly

(By the way Raven if a pirate pony themed rp sounds fun to you then you should join this!

We need like one more player to start it tonight :) only if you want to that is.))

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(Hope ya don't mind I'm jumpin' in here...)

Dawn looked around Canterlot with a jump in her step. Her mother usually never let her out of the castle, let alone anywhere in Canterlot. She trotted over to friend of hers, one she hasn't seen in a while. [colour=#40e0d0]"Cadence! What are you doing here? Arn't you supposed to be in the Crystal Empire with Shining Armor?" [/colour]

Cadence giggled as Dawn spoke. [colour=#ee82ee]"Yes my dear little filly, but I came here as a request from your mother."[/colour]

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(Thanks. :) )

[colour=#40e0d0]"A request from my Mo-" [/colour]

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked up to Cadence and Dawn. [colour=#ff8c00]"Dawn, we need to talk to Cadence. Alone. Go find [/colour][colour=#ff8c00]somepony to hang out with." [/colour][colour=#000000]Celestia smiled. [/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"But Aunt Celestia, I don't have any friends." [/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]"Go make some friends my little filly." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn's mother smiled. Dawn smiled, and then trotted off to make some friends. She was only a tiny filly, not newborn, but not a child. She smiled as a group of fillies ran around Canterlot.[/colour]

[colour=#40e0d0]"Hey guys, can I play?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked politely. They looked at her, then trotted away as if she never asked. [/colour]She trotted over to a lonely bench that looked over Equestria, and sat silently. Her only friends were the Princess's. Nopony else knew her...

Would anypony even give her a chance?

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((My copy will give her a chance :) haha))

Finny was slowly trotting through Canterlot. He had only been in Canterlot a little bit. He and his family moved here from Stalliongrad. But He loved the city. Though he couldn't see much or do much he still enjoyed it.

Finny slowly kept trotting but then he stopped himself when he saw a little filly ask a group of fillies if she could play. The group of fillies just left her.

"Well that wasn't very nice.". He said quietly to himself.

Finny then trotted up to the filly who was the same age as him and he said, "Hey!". He smiled at her. His stalliongrad accent was there but it wasn't as heavy. The light blue Pegasus smiled and moved his light blue and white mane out of his face.

"I'm Finny!". He stuck out a hoof to the filly.

((Sorru for no text colour..I'm on my phone XD lol))

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(Thanks for giving her a chance! And it's okay. :) )

Dawn looked at the colt that flew up beside her. [colour=#40e0d0]"Dawn." [/colour][colour=#000000]She shook his hoof, and smiled. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Why are you talking to me...? Nopony seems to like me... But you... Your different. Everypony just leaves me... But why did you take such a bold step to say hi...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked calmly[/colour]

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Finny tilted his head at Dawn.

"Nopony likes you? Why? There's nothing wrong with you.". He smiled again. Then Dawn asked him why he took a bold step to say hi.

He laughed a bit and said, "Well we couldn't become friends if nopony said hi!". He smiled at her.

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Dawn smiled. [colour=#40e0d0]"Nopony likes me because my mother is Princess Luna... They always are afraid that if they do one thing wrong, that I'll tell my mum, and she will tell my aunt then, off with their heads... I try to explain, but they don't listen..." [/colour]

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Finny's eyes went wide. "[colour=#008080]Your mother is a Princess?!"[/colour] His mouth fell open in awe. "[colour=#008080]That must be amazing!"[/colour] He chuckled a bit. He couldn't believe Dawn's mother was Princess Luna!

Then Finny's eyes narrowed and he said, "[colour=#008080]Well that shouldn't stop some ponies from being your friend! I'm not afraid if I do anything wrong....we are friends..though..right?[/colour]" He scuffed his hooves on the ground a bit.

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Shadow was going for a walk that day in Canterlot when he decided that he wanted to go through the park that had a good overlook of the city. Once there, he noticed a colt trying to cheer some other filly up. I guess I could jump in and try to make her feel better too, it's important that everypony feels good on such a great day like today! he thought. As he walked up to them, he noticed the colt get rather nervous about something. Poor colt, he must like her Shadow assumed. He walked up behind the both of them before saying "Hey there! My name's Shadow! What's yours?" to both of them.

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Dawn turned at sound of a new voice. [colour=#40e0d0]"Yeah, we are friends, Finny." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled and turned back to the colt behind her. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Dawn, and you are?" [/colour]

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