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Slick Pelt (Ready)


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Slick Pelt

Sex: Male

Age: Middle aged Colt

Species: Earth pony

Eye colour: seaweed green

Coat: Silver-Grey

Mane/Tail: Scruffy and short, mane slightly spiked up at the front

Physique: Average build for his colt age

Residence: Trotingham

Occupation: Student

Cutie Mark:

Slick, though a very bouncy and upbeat colt has always looked up to his father. His father is a scientist within Trotingham and it has always made Slick gleam to see his dad doing all his experiments and to help him in tests and what not. Once they were studying wind patterns and the physics behind how the wind lifts objects. It was during this time Slick felt inspired and decided to set up an experiment on his own to see how much the force of wind is needed to affect certain objects and lift them. It was after the proud Slick submitted his evidence to his dad that the mark appeared on his flank. A leaf swirling in a gust of wind.


Slick lives with his mother and father in the town of Trotingham and has lived there since he can remember. As explained Slick is fascinated with his fathers work within Trotingham. He has always been inspired by how his dad works since he was but a little foal, he always looked so important with his lab coat and all and that always appealed to Slick, not to mention he spent so much time with his dad it the love for science just seemed to rub off. To entertain himself through his early year Slick would just entertain himself for the most part, one of the few traits he gained from his mother, a bit of an arty Mare, always so creative. But Slick would use his imagination as all kids did, one day a guard for Celestia and the next a wizard! Or a dragon! But the only point that Slick looks back and finds himself confused is when he had his first day of school... he was so nervous and now he looks back on it, just to laugh and try as hard as he can not to be that little colt that can hardly speak to anypony. In all it's what drives him to be a better and more upbeat pony.

Slick has kept friends close because he knows what it was like to loose all you have, in kindergarten Managing to loose his only friend when he moved country, so keeping a a large amount of friends is almost an insecurity, not wanting to loose them all again and be left alone, it took a lot for Slick to recover from it, going into a hermit mode where he would just lock himself in his room like his studies where his only company. Those where dark days he keeps in the back of his head as if they never exist.

Character summary:

Slick excels at school when it comes to physics and maths and though he is not really the greatest at them he enjoys the other subjects too but that's because for the most part, excluding a good experiment, Slicks priority in life is to just be happy! He likes to make friends and keep them, if Slick feels like he's done something wrong then there is a flurry of apologies to hope they keep him in the good books, though this does sometimes make things worse then they originally where.

But probably the biggest quirk Slick has is his odd way of doing things or him just in general being a bit odd. He'l sit upside down on the bus-cart to school and just do things that most ponies see as being one slice short of a whole cake, but it doesn't really bother Slick. Unless he receives a direct insult it usually just brushes off but when it comes to a mate being in danger of insults it's a little different. Slick wants to help but doesn't really have that courage to stand up to somepony, and if you manage to either peal away and find something to insult him then he would just run away.

Slick continues to delve into the scientific world when he can, though really only into the physics area he does touch up on the other branches, after school being known to be sneaking into his dads office before he gets home and being found holding a theory or another in his hooves, eyes wide and the office a mess. Keeping friends important in his life too. Slicks drive to be the 'next big scientist' in Equestria to make his dad proud having to take the back seat once in a while if somepony is in need of a pick up or just a helping hoof, though this does cause him to worry a bit too much if unable to help, almost to the point of paranoia.

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Hey there W^3. I'm Star Swirl and I'll be your designated RPH for this app!

First off, I have to say I like this character. A goofy physicist, not something that we often see :)

Normally I'd say that the CM story is too short. But honestly, it does what it needs to do without being excessively detailed. While I'd like to hear more about the experiment, I feel that in this case less is more.

The history is a different story though. You have a lot of room for expansion here. What sort of scientist was Slick's father and how did it inspire him? What were his friends like? What did he do for fun? What were his friends like? How does he hone his science skills? Did his father help him, did he read books? Just learn in school? Don't be afraid to be detailed.

Other than that this is a really good start! I'd recommend doing some proofreading, but there aren't many major issues with spelling, just some typos :)

If you have any questions let me know!

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Thanks xD I wasn't really sure about the history seeing as he's only a colt but I guess that does give me something to think about...

With the father thing I had a slight angle but I was pretty afraid of doing the 'my dad was the best scientist ever in the town' kind of thing.

The real problem I had with the history was I was writing it out and it managed to morph in with the personality so extracting the history just came up with one and a bit lines. Will edit as soon as I have time but thanks! you've been a great help!

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It's my pleasure, and that is certainly a big improvement.

The one thing I don't get is if he continued after he got his cutie mark. His passion is obviously science. Go into how he nurtures that and how he interacted/continues to interact with his school mates (and possibly teachers and parents)! You are almost there, the history still feels a bit lacking. It should help provide an insight to your character and why he is the way he is!

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I'd reword that last paragraph so it sounds more history like rather than a paragraph from character summary. But that isn't that bad really. The content is all there. It just sounds out of place in relation to the rest of the history.

And this:

[colour=#282828](or pre-school I think it is in America?)[/colour]
Just needs to be removed completely. I know you were just describing the point in school, but it isn't necessary. Kindergarten is pretty well known universally and if not it isn't difficult to look up. We just want to maintain the illusion of Equestria so saying things that would connect the app to the real world isn't welcome.

You've been making great edits though! Just needs a bit of polish and shine now! :D

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