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Salutations everyone!


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About Myself: Well to begin with, I come from the southeast United States and I enjoy running, swimming, videogames (The Metal Gear Solid series being my favorite) and of course role playing! I've been in as well as hosted a few Minecraft RP servers in the past and I even did some MLP role play on another forum. I'm a generally lazy and somewhat socially reserved person in real life, however I am trying to fix that! But yeah.....that's all I have!

How I found Canterlot.com: After my hiatus from roleplaying I came back to see that the forum I used to RP on was now shut down,distraught by this I began my search for other MLP RP forums, and I found this site! Thanks Google!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was on a Minecraft RP server that I used to frequent back in the day and I remember some of the servers members were discussing a show called "My Little Pony" at first I was like "Y R U guiz watching a show 4 little gurls, that's dumb!" but then I watched the show just to see what the hype was about and I fell in love with it! However I haven't even watched a single episode of season three, perhaps I should change that!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
I just wanted to make a little introduction just to meet this seemingly nice community :) I hope to have my bio up soon! (I'm SOOOO used to making grimdark OC's so this may be difficult!)

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Hello, welcome to Canterlot. :)

If you like video games, check out the Gaming section.

Is that your OC in your avatar?

Why yes it is! He was my old OC but seeing as how all traces of him went away with that forum....I'm just going to recycle him! (Well, by that I mean his appearance)

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