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Lime just smiled at Twilight "I'm really glad you are enjoying it Twilight, He does seem to know you rather well" Though Spike's voice got her attention, ears pricking forward to listen to what he was saying, eyes getting wide with excitement at the mention of a book "Oooh Let me see!" She couldn't help but clap her hooves together as she waited for him to bring forth the book! When he brought it over to the table she used a wing to flick it open, looking it over, her eyes widening and her face broadening into a grin "Wow Spike! This is a really old book and it's really super hard to find! I'v been wanting to read it for the longest time"

Lime wasn't one for physical affection but she gave the dragon a wing hug, nuzzling her nose against his head "Thanks buddy you are the BEST! " She really loved that dragon, he was becoming one of her best friends in all of Ponyville! Other ponies made her pretty nervous, but Spike was always so helpful and courteous , and thoughtful..

"..Yeah that name is pretty stupid.."She snickered releasing him, looking the book over "I'm definitely checking this out"

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Spike nodded, his personal errand of the day complete and it even seemed as though Quicklime would actually benefit from his find - bonus...

" Well, glad it might come in handy, QuickLime - I know your l'il shop could probably do with some of...well, whatever secrets lie in that book so just take it over to Twilight an' hire it out... " he says, giving a small shrug - afterall, she might be a friend but the whole 'library rules' bit still applied. " I'm sure you'll copy down the ones you like most anyway, so you won't have too much to worry about...just don't bring it back too late, trust me on that! " the dragon snerks slightly, shaking his head.

Anyhow, with his immediate mission tackled effectively and with satisfactory results, he gives a small nod and stretches a little.

" Guess we'll have to catch up later...I gotta re-alphabetize and order the books in color codes...for the second time this month - seriously! "

And, after giving his compadre in hooves a grin and a small wave, he waddles his way back to where he'd been based...a little chirpier for having seen a friendly outside Muzzle!

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He had the day to himself! His lovely breakfast pumpkin muffin of a wife was out running errands, Sweetie was out with the Crusaders, and for some reason Rarity wasn't answering her door. So what else was a bored father to do? He decided to stop by the library to see what the Princess might have in stock!

Golly, it seems weird thinking about Twilight Sparkle as royalty. It seems like just yesterday she was like anyone else. Not that it was a bad thing! Magnum was quite proud of his daughter's friend and fellow element! In fact... He never got the chance to congratulate her! He was on a mission at last.

Magnum made his way on in through the door, his straw hat louder than any verbal entrance he could ever make. "Well howdy-ho, there, Twilight! Hope ya don't mind me droppin' in, just lookin' fer sumthin' t'pass th' time, ya know?"

He was sure if he couldn't find anything interesting on his own she could always help him out. "Oh! Befer I forget, my silly self, I never done congratulated you! Th' whole town was ravin' when they found out you became a Princess and as th' father o' one of yer friends, I wanna say congrats and I'm proud of you, kiddo!" He could still call her kiddo, by the way. It's in the embarrassing parent guidebook, as she should no-doubt be aware.

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Snips was a strange colt, that much was certain. He couldn't form a full sentence without running over his own tied tongue. He must have been shy, which would explain his entire attitude thus far, and doubly so must have been quite the fan of tea! That would also explain why he clammed up so much when she offered tea to him. Quicklime's tea was superb, and for a little one maybe the idea of sharing something with a princess was intimidating. That would be a tactical error on her part. She still had to get used to the idea that she was looked at with a certain degree of reverence now by ponies both big and small. He drank the tea or something similar, overwhelmed by it all. She smiled and levitated it back, absentmindedly wiping the glass clean before she poured some more.

"It is a little much for a pony your age, I guess. Maybe some juice instead? Anywho, is there any other sort of book that you enjoy reading? You might not just be the type interested in non-fiction. Maybe a nice adventure story? How about ones about adventurers in dangerous journeys who have to save Princesses and all of Equestria? Sounds fun, doesn't it?" Twilight engaged with Snips, trying to get a coherent thought out of him. As she allowed him to ponder that, she turned to the slightly distressed Guiding Light. Luckily, she had answers.

"The camp will have multiple ponies who will be just like you, Guiding. The staff I will select will be the best of the best- including those very knowledgeable in magic. It will be a great place for you to learn and study with the best teachers in the country! Some of them even helped me when I was younger," Twilight finished jovially, more than happy to pitch her idea to little fillies and colts. After all, theyw ere the future and if this plan worked te future would be very bright indeed.

Then came Magnum, Rarity's father. Her interactions with him had been rare but he had always left a positive impression with Twilight. Very nice and kind and he didn't fall into the trap of formality that the rest had over time. He came in and congratulated her, which merited a small smile and head bow- congratulations were getting a little stale at this stage of the game- as well as said he was looking for something to pass the time. She could help with that.

"Thank you, Magnum. I've gotten plenty of congratulations so far and was wondering where yours was! Guess I can check that off the list. Next item: Getting you something to read. I'm thinking maybe you want a nice, breezy autobiography from a famous sports star? Something that can catch your attention and maybe make you laugh?" She offered, leading him towards the biography section. She wouldn't say it, but the amount of biographies about sports stars as opposed to famous sorcerers, summoners, and wizards was a bit vexing. But one can't account for taste in literature, anyway.

"How about 'Wrestling With Shadow Magic'?"

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Although Guiding Light didn't want to seem as a complainer, it was hard for him to mask his frustration. He wasn't frustrated at Twilight as much as in his current situation of him feeling like he was going in circles, learning very little that benefited his magic.

"You're right, Twilight, this magic camp seems like a great place to be. I'm sorry if I seem upset. It's just that I want to know all I can about my magic that's all. I also want to be useful too, to help others. I don't really care if I'm powerful like you are or even as powerful as most of the unicorns I see, just as long as I can help others."

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  • 2 months later...

" Wrestling with Shadow Magic? "

Spike was almost back in full swing with his prior activities, when it became obvious that Rarity's father had become the latest in the line for books and general chatter.

Magnum was a fun stallion, Spike had noted many a time, but a l'il bit of an odd bird...he hadn't been able to quite pinpoint just how the magnificent moustache-beholding pony could in any fathomable way be Raritys Father. It had been a source of some interest and mystery...and besides all of that pondering, Spike knew that staying on his good side meant that he would be ALL the closer to finding out perhaps a little something about the Ponyville Fashionista that might help in him proving his worth to her as a Friend, Confidant, and...well, his little imagination couldn't help drifting off big time when it came to anything else beyond that!

Still, he shook his head and went right back to focusing on the here and now - Magnum clearly would appreciate the suggested tome, and Spike was going to be JUST the #1 assistant dragon to make sure that no pony left this library without something they were likely to be interested in reading!


Spike hurried and bolted towards the section he knew that the book Twilight had suggested would be in, eager to have the book readily presentable by the time Magnum had even thought to turn towards this direction at Twilights suggestion - he was almost successful in this endeavour too, having slipped it out of the shelf and given it a good dusting down before turning towards the crowd and making his stubby little legs bolt towards the direction of those involved...when lo and behold he trips over his own tail and faceplants onto the floor...well, actually he hit the book at first!

" Gottit! " Spike utters, a claw raised in the air before giving a small barely-audible groan of discomfort - he really needed to NOT do that again in future!

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