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Children of the Night(open)

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Blue streak kept crawling while he was in canterlot . This was catching the attention of many high class ponies. the men were adoring his bravery and strength , and the women were wanting to be with a real man and not a wimpish snob . He entered the castle , still crawling until some guards helped him up . "Celestia ... Take me to celestia ..." He said weakly . The guards obeyed and carried him to her .

"I'm guessing you failed , blue streak ?" Celestia asked.

"No, the mission was espinioge , and I got the information ... But , I found out something terrible... "

"And that was ?"

"Do you remember the outsider cult ?"

"Quite vividly ..."

"Well one of the pony's father is the new leader or something and that exact pony is bronze shine !

"So you're saying the old blacksmith is apart of the cult ?"

"Yes ..."

"And what about Luna ?"

"She has taken many children to start a new village ..."

"So she disobeyed me ?"

"Yes ..."

"Is that all ?"

"We'll , I think their after me to stop me ."

"Alright , I have a plan , step one , get yourself patched up , step two ,confiscate all the armor from the smithery and burn the building , step three get some rest ."

"Are you serious ?"

"Did I studer ?"

"No ..."

"Then tell the guards what to do !"

"Yes ma'am ."

After telling the guards what to do , he rolled himself to his house with both his broken legs , only to be confronted with some mares !

The tallest one was all sort of shades of pink (maried to fancy pants ) talked first ,

"We only have until 12 until our husbands get susspicous ..."

Blue streak just smirked ,* tonight's gonna be fun!*

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a rat standing in the corner of the room saw everything. bronzeshine was using his magic to snoop on him, said " oh craaaa- " he was in his smithy, so he starts packing. he gets all of his money, some of his weaponry, and a bag of bone charms magical runes made of whale bones that his dad had left him. he was just about to leave before he thinks. I have a little more time. he preps a powerful explosive in the center of his forge that would only explode if lit on fire. " bluestreak. I was going to talk to you, but you've earned yourself a shallow grave. " he sets off into the night flying. hunting down bluestreak to whatever hole he was hiding in. ( btw bronzeshine became the leader once he accepted his power and took his dads place. )

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Although Mirror had gotten little sleep, she was full of energy at moonrise. She noticed Bronzeshine trekking off after leaving a map, a note, and a sack of apples, and she stealthily followed him. He didn't seem to notice her. They ended up on the outskirts of Canterlot soon enough, and Mirror realized with excitement what Bronzeshine was out to do. She continued to follow him, now with more of a spring in her step. She didn't notice when she stepped on a stray twig.

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bronzeshine ( who was super one edge after what he just heard. ) turns around draws his sword and just inches from cleaving mirror in two he stops and says. " Mirror! what are you doing here!? you need to go back right now. it isn't safe in canter lot. "

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"Why not? Nopony knows who I am, 'cept maybe that blue guy. Maybe not safe for you, though." she said with a shrug, not seeming very taken aback by the sword inches from her face. "So, who we spyin' on? Celestia? That blue guy? Guards?" she added excitedly.

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"well I didn't come here to spy. " said bronzeshine as he held his sword behind his hand. then he put on a ski mask. " I am going to make Shure that bluestreak guy doesn't hurt us anymore. " he looks at his sword. " one way ore the other."

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" yeah. but assassinations are a dark business for children your age. so changeling or not, I'm taking you back to the colony." bronzeshine looked at the moon. he had spent to much time traveling, if he went all the way back to the colony he would have to do his work in broad daylight. he sighed. " lets get going... " said bronzeshine preparing for the long trip back.

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( bluestreak got banned. ) bronzeshine and mirror come back into town. bronzeshine quickly finds Luna and says " bluestreak skipped town. he wont be a threat anymore. but there is something really important I have to tell you. he got back in time to tell celestia. they have burned down my smithy, but they don't know the location of the colony. "

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((Its mr blue streak , but sense I'm banned I made a new account ! I'm now zap back now ! If you don't believe me ask jac600! So I'm gonna play as zap back , so in a wayh , I'm blue streak's son , i Guess...))

Zap back wondered in the Forrest , knowing his mission ...

"Is any one there? My father ..... He left me .... I need help ."

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(Alright then!)

Silver Chain always slept in late and didn't even wake up yet.

Seeker on the other hoof was up very early and was flying around in the sky for a bit, though she was kind of slow for a filly her age.

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