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Thoughts that will make somepony's day/life

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As the title suggests, post some awesome, funny, etc thoughts that will make somepony's day. For example... If you ever think mythology is boring, ponder this. The three-headed guard dog of the underworld is Cerberus, which comes from the Greek word kerberos, which means "spotted". Yup, Hades, lord of the underworld, literally named his dog Spot. :D

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For any lovers of cute things, here's something that'll make your day. :)

In the bushland of Southern and Eastern Africa lives a breed of antelope called a Dik-dik. They're basically a sort of miniature antelope, how miniature? Well, here's a bit of size comparison for you.


Dunno why this random thought came into my head :blush: But I hope it got a d'aww out of some of you and brightened up your day somewhat :)

If not....maybe this'll do it!


(Must thank Quicklime for bringing knowledge of this cute thing to me :kissy: )

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The hedgehog got its name because of its peculiar foraging habits. They root through hedges and other undergrowth in search of their favourite food - small creatures such as insects, worms, centipedes, snails, mice, frogs, and snakes. As it moves through the hedges it emits pig-like grunts — thus, the name hedgehog.

Hedgehogs have about five thousand spines. Each spine lasts about a year then drops out and a replacement grows. The spines are hollow and springy with a flexible neck and they are erected by muscles, meaning that a hedgehog is actually very soft to hold unless it's feeling threatened. At the base there is a smooth ball which bends on impact. There may be up to 500 fleas on one hedgehog but the specific hedgehog flea (known as Archaepsylla erinacei) rarely bites humans.

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Well since it's for ponies...


These are Shetland Ponies, ponies that are about the size of a large dog. Aren't they cute!

Oh, you want words of advice?

Ok, this was actually from a fortune cookie, but it fits my life so well that I kept the fortune. It reads, "Be brave enough to live creatively."

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Mommy wolf spiders lay their eggs on their abdomens, carry the egg sac around, then carry the newborn spiderlings piggyback until they're ready to venture off into the wild. I caught one in my bathroom last night with passengers and let her go outside.

Dedicated parenting from a species notorious for savage cannibalism!


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