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GTA: Equestria


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Soul kept her cold Gaze upon Vinyl. Her expression didnt change one bit but inside she had some fear of this Girl. She had every bit of information upon her and she didnt even know it, She knew that her buissiness was going to have trouble and Soul didnt even forsee it For herself. She Clenched her teeth Beneath her unwavering Gaze upon the Girl. She was a force to be reckoned with. Something was particularly off. She had to have some underlaying intentions she was not letting on.

The Mission was simple, deliver a Flash Drive of sorts to a Location yet unknown to them. She finnaly spoke. "Sounds easy enough....I hate having death loom over my head like a Raven but What other fuc king Choice is there." She said to her. She stood up and raised her arms, "My guess is the way we get there does not matter as long as its done hmm? And you will text the Location i am guessing......" She said to her. She looked around the group, "But as well you wont raise a finger to help us with Law enforcement or anything until key elements come into play or you risk blowing your cover. I honestly doubt that everyone is under your control, There is The FIB Agency and they only listen to the High ranking power....Whats her name? Celestial Or some bullSh it.....Whats not to say they found out whats goin on? Whats not to say they will fu ck up our plans nomatter the cost?" She said to Her. Before landing her gaze upon her once more. "You have your Flaws......but I dont Think that i will back out because of that.....Thats alot of Bits your waving infront of us.......and honestly i want some......." She said to her. She realized she had made a speach out of it all and Waved slowly to them all. "My bad.......Im ready to go when you all are...." She said to them before sitting lightly down on her stool. Her Gaze still looking upon Vinyl, Her tail flicking.

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"Vinyl you know how I live, work before everything else, hell I'm in here almost every night! I do my job, I do it well, then I go home, if I get picked up by the cops, I've never seen you before." He smiled a bit, this would indeed be good work, not just for cash but reputation, this could make him very valuable to the city's organized crime. "How is that lovely mare of yours by the way?" He chuckled.

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Lyria watched the others talk, and she drummed her fingers on her lap. She didn't even know where the attack on Soul came from. For f***s sake, she was scared of everything! What had triggered her into a defensive position? Angel?


She then paid attention to Vinyl for further instructions.

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Angel smiled. 300,000 bits. That was a great pay day. And just for delevering a little USB drive? This was going to be easy. Angel spoke up, looking at vinyl "Alright, Seems easy enough. Though, no offence of course. I don't trust you as far as I can through you." He smiled "But.. Its good pay, I just find it funny its for this little USB thing. You must have some narly porn on that thing" Angel laughed to himself slightly. He sighed "Ill drive" He says getting up off of the chair "And I don't do shotguns, So who ever is there first is there first. " He stops for a moment "Unless you have a car for us to use. Something, you know.. 'Off the grid'" Angel says using his fingers to make air quotes.

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Her cell phone began blasting dubstep and Vinyl glanced at it, then chuckled. " She's doing fine Smooth, thanks for asking. And as for the heat, I highly doubt you'll have any trouble from them on your way to the contacts building.And I have indeed arranged for a vehicle, and it's waiting out back for you all. Best if you all take it instead of your own rides. One vehicle is less obvious than seven. Also, your contact can be rather....paranoid, at times, and arriving all together will help to lower the chance of them doing something...drastic. "

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Noticing she had been ignored Soul rolled her eyes. She Got up and walked to the pistol she dropped not to far away. She wondered if any of what she said stuck in their minds. She didnt care, they wernt family to her. She grabbed the weapon and Put it in her back pocket. She looked to Vinyl and Angel. "Oh you want us all to ride together....I dont aproove of that. I think your contanct wont freak if 2 vehicles came." She walked past them all and to the door, "I will pull up outside and follow." She said. It was true she was still peeved at Lyria and Vinyl somewhat so she wanted to get outside as soon as possible. She left the club walking at a brisk pace to her Car she had parked not 3 blocks away.


5 minutes later

The sound of a motor came down the Street, Soul had gotten her Alisian bolt and had driven it to the front of the club. She Saw that the Crew hadnt left yet so she parked not to far away, Locking her doors, Turning off the lights and the engine. She sat back in the driver's seat and kept her gaze upon the exit or her ears perked for the sound of a new vehicle to be coming by.

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Lyria held her ears back. "I-I don't ride well with others... B-But I'll try my best." Lyria whispered, then pulled out her cell phone. She had a text message. She opened it, and read it carefully.

Lyria, its me.

Gonna meet me to get the cash soon?

You better f****ing hurry.

Time is running out.

Lyria gulped. She was being blackmailed by her ex, and he had her home embedded with explosives and cameras. Over excessive, but she thought she loved him at one point, and now she just wants him to get the f*** away from her.

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Angel nodded to vinyl. "Ill pull up with you" he said fallowing Soul out of the room, He heared lyria mention something about not riding well, angel stopped and looked back "No worryes. Your with one of the best, it'll be as smooth as a cloud" He smiled, bragging slightly at his skill. He stepped out the door and got outside. A 4 door sport stood ready on the side of the building. Assuming that was their ride. Angel hopped in the drivers seat. The key was already in the igniton. He flips it and the car rawrs to life. Soul pulls up behind him. He waits for the crew to file in. Pulling out his cellphone for the directons.

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"I can ride or drive, but if the kid wants to drive that's fine with me." He walks out and slips in the passenger side door, riding shotgun. He held out his hand to Angel, "Smooth Ride, trigger man and driver, nice to meet ya kid."

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As everyone began leaving the room. Augercorn made a mad dash to pick up all his weapons and stuff them in his coat. He looked at midnight and wild and said “there all going to get very shot arnt they. … oh well maybe I can ride on top like teenwolf!”

"which one should i go with!" "and when we get back can we go play d and d"

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Soul turned on her Radio and listened to the music that flowed forth from it. She Sat back a little futher in her seat inside her car. " Her chest hurt from the cut that Lyria had inflicted. She couldnt do anything about it though. She closed her eyes for a few minutes waitinf for the go signal.

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Vinyl watched as the others left the room, before turning to address Midnight, Wild, and Augercorn. " Well, since no one volunteered to take this thing, " She held up the USB device. " I Guess one of you three get to take it. " She looked at each of the three remaining options in the room. " ....Wow, talk about sh!t options. Here, " She gave the device to Wild. " I know you won't just try to steal it, then sell it to someone, " She glanced at Midnight, " ...Or eat it or something... " She looked pointedly at Augercorn. " So I guess you're the best remaining option. Now, while your new partners go retrieve the vehicle, I'll- " She was cut off as her phone once again started blaring dubstep. " Just a sec. Pon-3....no, Really? Are you serious?!?! Oh my gosh! That is so hysterical! I mean seriously, that is the funniest thing I've heard all day!...oh my gosh.....wow.....ok, yeah....naw naw naw, don't take it back to the mall, the others can take it....yeah, ok thanks, bye. " She hung up, still chuckling. " Well, it would seem that your adventure is off to a great start! That vehicle I had set up for you guys? Well, it's still in the parking lot. The others just stole some random dudes car! " She had been laughing through her words as she's been speaking, and now she simply burst out laughing. Trying to regain her composure, she started to speak once again, still racked by the occasional guffaw. " I mean seriously! Why would i give you guys a car you couldn't all fit in? Let alone something sporty! A four door sports car....wow.....well, whatever, you guys get to take the bus. Go look for the white public transit bus out back, you'll know it when you see it. It's the only thing uglier than Snowflake. " She started walking back towards the door, and waved halfheartedly over her shoulder. " Have fun you three, I've got to make a call. Laters. " With that, she left them alone in the room.

Wild looked down at the device in her hand. She'd been paying close attention to Vinyls words the entire time, but one thing just kept popping up in her mind. One thought that she just couldn't seem to get her mind past.

****, Vinyl Scratch is one smoking hot mare.

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Midnight looked at Wild as Vinyl left the room, shrugging her shoulders "She's good, i'd probably steal it or something, force of habit" she admitted as she turned to exit the room. She couldn't help but be amused by Vinyl's, entertainment. If that could be the right word for it, but being given transport was nice, her leg still hurt from her stabbing, meaning she wouldn't be driving anywhere till she saw a doctor. Limping slightly, she turned to Augercorn and Wild, the two who had caused her injury, where the ones she'd be riding with..fantasic

"Come on you two, i need this cash, the sooner, the better"

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hmmm, there’s something that rubs my rhubarb the wrong way about her? …. And its not because the first time I saw her I walked in on her when she was naked with her marefriend and had like 30 of those plastic hotdogs! Hmm” augercorn collected his last weapon and was simply holding his shovel and rifle in hand “moral of the story is never rub another stallion's rhubarb. I think we should see if ms.Derpy wants us to do anything on the way out, but that’s up to its up to the you!, I MEAN IM JUST HERE TO SHOOT PEOPLE!” he said

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Lyria got out of the car, and looked at the bus. "My own vehicle sounds nice." She whispered as she walked over to the parking lot, and hopped on her Harley. Boy did she love that motorcycle. She revved the engine, and made sure her ponytail was tightened. She pulled up next to Souls' car. "Ya up for a race?"

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Angel felt his hoof twitch on the gas pedal. Were they going anytime soon? He wanted to go. The other guy held his hand out to him, Introducing himself. Angel looked over at him, Taking his hand he shakes it. "Yeah, Nice to meet ya. And im not a kid.." He told him. Lyria had gotten out of the car at this point and onto something else. Angel moaned slightly annoyed at the un-organized crew. He revs the engine, Rolling down his window he looks out behind him. "ARE WE ****ING GOING OR WHAT?!" He yells, Slighty laughing. He hear's his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looks down and pulls it out. The direction's to the delivery spot were there, Just as vinyl said. Angel bangged his head agenst the head restraint of the car, Impatiently.

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Wild Nodded at Augercron, then moved to put her arm around Midnight again to help support her walk. " Well, I guess we'd better get a move on. I'll drive. "

Once they were all outside the club and inside the bus, Wild brought up her phone. Sure enough, there were the directions. The place was about a thirty minute drive outside of town, in the industrial district. Hmm, probably some sort of warehouse, She thought to herself. She rolled down her window, then called out the the others on the team. " Right, now remember what Vinyl said about this pony we're going to meet being paranoid, so nobody go doin' anythin' stupid. " She looked over at the four door sport and shook her head. If Vinyl's not goin' to tell them, then neither am I, She thought as she started up the bus. She glanced back at the other occupants in the bus with her. " So, looks like we have a bit of a drive ahead of us, anyone have a preference for what plays on the radio? "


Back in the club

Vinyl made her way downstairs, watching the team on her phone through her security cameras as she went. She chuckled and shook her head, then made her way to a dark corner of the ground floor of her club where a figure wearing a suit and fedora was shrouded in shadows. " I want to speak to your boss. " She said as she sat down opposite the pony at the table. The other pony reached down underneath the table and produced a briefcase, which they set down atop the table, flipped it open, and began to fiddle around with the device inside. Spinning the case around so Vinyl could see, the other pony reached around and pushed a button, and a voice came from the high tech radio housed in the case.

" Speak. " Said the distorted voice.

" They're on their way. "

" Good. "

" Not to question your judgment, b- "

" Then don't. "

Vinyl gulped, then continued in a more cautious tone. " But....are you sure you want them? I can get you another team! any team you could possibly- "

" Yes. I'm certain. Are we done? "

Vinyl swallowed again, then nodded. " Y-yeah, we're- " The case snapped shut with a click, as the pony holding it took it back down below the table. "...done. " Vinyl ran a hand through her hair and let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. " I'm just....gonna...." She jerked her thumb to the left and nodded her head in the same direction. The figure opposite her never saying a word, instead politely nodding their head. " Yeeeaaaah....o.k. " Vinyl got up and left the booth. Talking to Ilanga and dealing with her creepy zebra go between always weirded out Vinyl, especially how when the zebra did speak, which wasn't often, it was always in riddles and rhymes. Soooooo sketch.

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Midnight relaxed in the bus, sure, the company could have been better, but it gave her time to relax, maybe even have a nap on the way.

"Na, don't really care as long as it isn't bad music, lets just get going..The soon, the better if you ask me" she said, leaning back and closing her eyes. Today, wasn't the niceest day she'd had, and the sooner it was over the **** better.

She opened her eyes quickly to see where the augercorn was, she was still kinda scared of him, after kicking a table at her and all.

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Smooth notices three of the group walk into the large white bus at the end of the block, he gets out, and before slamming the door leans in and looks at Angel, "Think we got the wrong ride kid."

He walks over and opens the doors to the bus, nodding at Wild and moving to sit down near the back. He looks over the seats at Midnight, "Well hello."

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Soul had rested her eyes for a while longer, Why was it taking so long? She Opened her eyes at the sound of a Motorcycle pulling up. She glanced over brushing her neon blue hair out of her eyes. Lyria had asked her for a race. She smiled at this, She was a great driver, had been ever since she took up the drug trade. She Turned on her engine to the Alisain bolt, The Small 2 door sport car roaring to life. It Hummed under her hooves on the gas pedal. She heard a Bing on her phone to which she brought up. The directions were now at her disposal. She Laughed, "Alright! Lets get to it!" She shouted. Being a stick shift she Slammed it into First, Taking off with a Screech. She Passed Angel on the left, "Last one there Buys Drinks!" she shouted. She Pushed in the clutch and Shifted into second, she was now at 40 Mph, She Shifted again and The car lurched with power. The fuel injecting into the Engine with Ferocity. She Rushed past the Others near the bus stop. 90 mph and she still had 3 more gears to go. She Took a hard left, Barely missing the cars at the stoplight. "WhooooHoooo!" She Yelled as she Slammed it into 4th. It continued to gain speed but she continually had to downshift upon the Hard Curves as to not spin out. She continued on, sure that Angel and Lyria were close behind.

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Augercorn inspected the inside of the bus and took the remaining half of his c4 and planted it over where he thought the fuel line was

He looked at the 2 cars and motorcycle following them. He quickly jumped out the window and ran to the cars but one of them zoomed off he ran after it shouting! “WE ALL GO IN AT ONCE OR AT LEAST GET 1 GUY TO STAY BEHIND TO SAVE US IN CASE THEY HAVE 70's sleep batman GAS!” he then flapped his trench coat making him look like a child imitating a bird. He ran to the side walk and punched a mare in the face! Knocking her down, he then Picked her up over his head and threw her at car driving by, then pulled out a pair of scissors and threw it in the eye of a mare watching the whole thing recording it on her phone “looks like you didn’t make THE ****! AHAHAHA wait what am I doing! Back to the short bus!” he jumped thru the window and shouted, “DRIVE!

But lets stop and get taco’s. then lets stop by my safe house and get more weapons, then we go to my car guy get some amour and nitro on this thing, paint it so it looks like they did in animal house, get some steak and shake, go to the putos vatos see if they respawned yet, then when they least expect it we show up do the deal! Then we go kill people like biting into crispy lettuce! < http://www.zedge.net/ringtone/1360910/squee/ >

Go ahead click on it … don’t be shy! Its not illegal … or porn"

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Midnight saw a lack of the Augercorn, not that it was a bad thing for her. But then the other one entered, smooth or something like that. He looked straight at her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly.

"Hey" she replied, more of a 'i can't be bothered' tone then any other as she leaned forwards, calling out to Wildrunner "Oh, lets get moving, Auger will..." Just as the back window smashed, and he busted throught it. Midnight jumped slightly as his sudden enterance, but shook her head"Ok, Augercorn here too, now lets go"

She closed her eyes again, but kept her switchblade in her hand. The weapon was her best weapon against anything, and with guys around, they always seemed to try touch. The one at the bar had, but hopefully she didn't need to break anyone's arm, again

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Wild let out an exasperated sigh, then looked back down at her phones GPS. They'd be the last one's there anyway, what with them being in a bus, and everyone else racing.....She turned back to Augercorn and smiled charmingly. " I do love steak and shake....alright, you've convinced me. We'll stop by it on the way and grab some burgers and shakes, but we're going through the drive though only, and not stopping anywhere else, deal? " She reached down and turned on the radio, flipping through the channels till she found one that played 80's pop and rock. " Oh, and we're gonna listen to this. "

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hmmm” Augercorn actually looked concerned. He then walked (stumbling as the bus was moving around a corner) behind the seat s that had Midnight and Smooth “sooooo-op-op-op-op-op. what kind of weapons do you have on you? like F.D.R said smile to there face but always have a plan to kill them. AINT THAT RIGHT BONDY GIRL!” he shouted to wild

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