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GTA: Equestria


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Ah steak and shake, he had fond and not so fond memories of this place. "When we get there get me a patty melt, but don't let Augey touch it, at all...I mean it, not even a little." He looked back at Augercorn giving him a look, he knew what he'd done! "Last time I came here with him I blacked out and woke up in a fish tank near canterlot."

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“hey hey! I not saving you was a sign of respect! And at least you don’t remember the horrible, horrible things that happened that night. well you would think there horrible." he then starred at the ceiling in remembrance "yup I remember killing that guy, HAHA and that guy was a loser, and that mare." he then pulled a large wetstone out of his pocket and wrapped his neck around smooth, making it look like one of those fancy fox things rich people wear. "And I'm not sorry, but hey ..." he whispered, “give her this. I can see your crazy about her. And well If I do anything for her like that would insult my honor then I would have to commit hari-curry and nuke Prance again. not top mention you know how I cant stand to see a dull blade and I do kind of owe you since I did kill that last girl you were intrested in" he dropped it in his lap when she wasn’t looking then unraveled him self and began to play with his rocket launcher by stuffing his hand down the loaded barrel like it was mega mare's mega buster in the bus isle “PEW PEW

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Smooth held the whetstone in his hand opposite Midnight, he smirked a bit. Oh Augey, he was one of those friends who got you knee deep in trouble but always made sure you had fun with it, plenty of people had friends, but friends like Augey took care of you, Smooth never worried about being kidnapped or someone going after him, he knew he had backup always. He pulled himself from his thoughts and looked at Midnight, "You're impressive with those things, you can always tell someone's skill by how close they keep their weapons. Listen...you probably got one already, but you can never be too prepared, so take this wetstone, even if you only end up using it as a backup, I want you to be prepared."

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Midnight opened her eyes as Smooth started speaking to her, wiping her eyes slightly, she was he was offering her a wetstone, something to sharpened her blades. She wanted to outright refuse, show that she didn't need to rely on others to d her job, but he did have a point. You could always be more prepared. She slowly moved her hand, and gently took the stone from Smooth, but used her hair as a barrier to stop eye contact.

".....Thanks...I owe you one" The words came out unnaturally, Midnight hated owing anyone anything, but in this cause, she did. He didn't have to give her the stone, yet he had. A gesture of kindness, something she hadn't experienced in a while, an act of random kindness.

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He chuckled, it was hard to tell if she was just cold or shy, but Smooth was persistent in most things. "Nah you don't owe me a thing, consider it an apology for not warning you about Augey's um...distinct personality."

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Midnight looked out of the window, she wasn't used to prolonged contact with others, least a conversation that didn't involve her threatening to steal something if she didn't get what she wanted. But, she had no idea what she wanted out of this conversation. Or was it something he wanted? Her, friendship?

She shook her head as the idea passed her mind, friendship, a idealist dream that got people killed, her father had trusted his friend..and he died that day

"Fine.. "She paused, realizing she'd spoken rather, aggressively "J-just don't make this a habit, i don't wanna owe you nothing" she said, still refusing to look Smooth in the eyes, her face turned away from him. She didn't understand, not fully. She felt like he was trying to be her friend, but why? All friendship had caused her was suffering and pain, so why, why did he want to be her friend..Hadn't he suffered because of his friends?

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"No problem." He laughed a bit, "I can tell you're not used to this, socializing I mean, I won't press it too much. It's just odd for me, I grew up with nothing, friends were the only currency that mattered, friends could help get you somewhere to stay when it was cold outside, friends could get you work for a little cash, and friends...friends came to help you when some sadist was beating your brains against a brick wall. I guess I depended on having friends to help me, to keep me from dying."

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Midnight stopped looking out the window, and instead, at the switchblade in her hand.

"And..What about when they fail you?..What happens if they betray you? And, the person you trusted, ends up killing the one person you care about?" Midnight finally looked at Smooth directly, her face filled with anger of her memories of...that day.

"What happens when all that you care about it taken away? What then, huh?" She stared straight into his eyes, her grip on her switchknives tightening as momentary flashes of that day went before her eyes.

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A song Wild loved had just came up on teh radio, so she turned it up and began singing along, while also nodding her head down and to the right. " WHAT IS LOVE? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more...."

( click that link. it is the best thing you will ever see ever, i guarantee it )
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He leaned in a little bit closer, his face determined but understanding, "Then you get even, and you do it with a smile on your face so they can see that you beat them, that you rose against them, that you're going to move on after they have lost."

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Lyria grinned, and took off behind her. Her mane flipping back in the wind, man did she love that feeling. She held her ears back and the engine echoed off the buildings and cars she passed. She caught up to Soul. "Gotta be quicker than that!!" She grinned, and took off with a wheelie. A wheelie she could barely control.

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Midnight stared into his eyes for probably a minute, not saying anything. Slowly, she returned her gaze to the switchblade in her hand, extending the blade and twirling it around in her hand.

Then, without warning, she grabbed it tightly, clenching onto it with all her strength.

"To get..Even with that...that..animal...is all i want. I don't care about this job, or my own life..If i can get revenge for dad..."

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In most situation he probably would've made some sort of contact to assure her, but Midnight didn't seem the type to pull that sort thing with. He decided that the best course of action was to ease off of the subject. "I seem to have upset you, I apologize, would you like me to go sit somewhere else?"

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"I'm fine!...You..you didn't..you didn't upset me" she lied hastily, he had. Smooth had probably cut deeper into Midnight then any blade could, she turned away from him, looking out the window as Wildrunner drove through the city. The blur of lights flashing past her as she tightened the grip on her switchblade, and for not even a second, she was in a different time, a different place. She was a filly, at the bank heist years ago.

There he was, her father, telling her to hide in the ventilation from the cops. Time slowed down for her as she watched her dad stand up, the only person who'd ever cared for her, and get torn apart in a sea of bullets.

Returning to the present, she closed her eyes and started breathing slightly heavier then before, trying to keep herself calm and in the present

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Soul Was surprised by the Energy the harley had. She Found that they had hit the main road, 3 lanes for each side of traffic that served as a mainline for the city. She was in 2nd at the time from all the turns and was down to 50. She Came onto the Mainline and Shifted it into 3rd. She got slowly closer to Lyria as she popped a wheelie, Soon the gear roared at her that it was at its limit of 70, She shifted again and the new gear took the slack. They bobbed and weaved through traffic, Lyria had an easier time than soul because she had a bike. Soul took many Sidewalks to avoid contact with them. Horns blared at them as they passed. She hit it into 5th gear, 1 more left. She hit a speed of 115 when she caught sight of something ahead, Something that wouldnt be good. A Gas rig had Begun moving into their path. She looked around for a way out but their seemed to be none. She hoped Lyria could see it as well, She took a deep breath. She Wrenched the wheel to the left at 120, She hit the emergency breake and went into a Drift. She would rather risk Curving in the path of the Tanker than To try and squeeze under it. She blared her horn to try and get his attention. It worked and he hit his brakes landing on his horn back at her. She could barely hold on to the steering wheel as the car threatened to topple. She gritted her teeth, "Shi t Shi t Shi t!" She cursed as she barely missed his front bumper by 2 feet. She slid past him and then Shifted up once again to Shot forward and back onto the road. She was shaken up pretty badly but she had made it. She looked around to see if Lyria made it too.

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Angel felt his mouth curve in a annoyed face. The wrong car.. What? It was parked right up front! He just assumed, Lyria and Soul take off. On their own little race or something. Angel looks back to see the bus dive by as well. He sighs and shifts into first gear. Before he can proceed to fallow the van with everyone in it. A angry, Most likely drunk, Stallion bursts through the door. Yelling something about his car. Angel smiles, As he puts his hoof down on the gas. The tires turn and make a small screeching sound as he takes off behind the bus. He was riding alone, He didnt mined though. No back-seat drivers. He did feel bad for the poor sap that he stole the car from. But it was his fault for leaving it unlocked at the most dangerous club in Manehatten. (Were in manehatten right? :I) He catches up to the back of the bus, Pulling into the lane next to them he pulls up to the front looking up at the driver. It was that one girl with the green hair, The Irsih one? It didnt matter,

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Smooth started to put his hand on her shoulder, but he stopped himself and stood up. "Listen I'm gonna move a bit further up, you look like you need a little space, let me know if you need anything." He walked about three rows up and say down, giving a sigh

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Augercorn despite rocking out payed attention to the conversation between Smooth and midnight. once the song was over, he ran to the back of the bus and got right up in Smooth's face and yelled "SMOOTH MOVES FOR A SMOOTH STALLION! .... im being sarcastic ... we'll both work that out." he then ran to the front of the bus and noticed angel was driving next to them trying to get there attention.

he gently/playfully bit on Wild's Shoulder. and when she turned to face him (almost poking her eye out on his 'horn') he let go and said "look at Angel he want to ride on my small white bus. you should open your door for him."

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(Lyria is on the bike, Im in a 4 door) Angel rolled down the window "No, nothing, Just thinking about how you guy's didnt tell me that we were taking a ****ing bus." He says in a light hearted tone. It didnt matter, He could sell this thing when the job was done.

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Lyria giggled, and when she saw the tanker she grinned softly. She sped up, and then leaned over, sliding the bike under the tanker. She then sped up, catching up to Soul once more. She smiled, and laid her ears back. The engine revved, and she took off quickly.

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Wild shrugged. " VInyl didn't deem it necessary to tell you what kind of vehicle to take, so it's not my place to tell you either. " She glanced at her phone. " We're a block away from the Steak and Shake, you wanna join us in being late? You can blame it on traffic. "

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As good a driver as Angle was, it didn't help him avoid the drunk driver that careened into his lane, and rammed into the front of his car, sending him straight through his windshield and through the air about twenty five feet directly into the windshield of a car down the street. Wild watched in stunned silence as Angels body flew through the air, and cringed slightly as he crashed through the windshield of the other car. Slowing the bus to a stop beside the twitching, bloody, and somewhat mutilated body of Angel, Wild brought up her phone and dialed 911. " Umm, yeah, you should probably send an ambulance to... " She gave the street address while simultaneously reaching down and slowly buckling her seat belt. " Well...that was.....umm.....certainly a.....a thing...." She said back over her shoulder. " So, uhh.....still up for shakes? "

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Midnight shook her head, not in responce to the question, but more to exit the world of her dreams. She released her grip on her weapons, before noticing the Wetstone was next to her, and Smooth had left. She glanced around, spotting him sitting a few rows behind her, before quickly turning back to Wild.

"..Well, we're meant to go straight there, but, well..." She glanced behind her again, remembering that they wanted food.

"If we're going to stop there, i'll get one, if not, i'll live"

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