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GTA: Equestria


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"Dear Luna's sweet rump! Is....is the kid okay? That was insane!" Smooth was worried about that kid Angel....but he was hungry. "I'll be paying for the lovely Midnight's food once we get there my Scottish friend."

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Soul had continued to Race after Lyria, she would have caught up to her but then a loud Popping noise sounded and Flames shot out of the Engine compartment upon her car. "Dam It! Piece of Sh it!" She cursed. The car's engine siezed up and it came to a rolling halt just outside of the Steak and Shake. Lyria was long gone by now. Soul grunted with frustration as she climbed out of the Smoking Vehicle. She Popped the hood only to be greeted by smoke. "Dam dam dam! stupid!" She grunted as she cleared the smoke with her hand. She then attempted to acess what had gone wrong in the car as she peered inside.

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Augercorn was shocked at the sight! He jumped out of the bus and ran to the driver that hit Angel.“well looks like your still alive, too bad for you!” Augercorn stuck his mighty hand thru the window and pulled the pony out by its tongue. Then he grabbed it and lifted it clear over his head and slammed it down on his knee with all his might! He then did this 3 more times before finally lifting the pony over his head again and began pulling with all his strength“RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! RAAAAGHHHHHH RAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! LOSTPLANET 1 WAS A GOOD GAME DAM IT!” before finally the dead pony’s body got pulled apart!, it was still attached by the spine and some tissue. Augercorn then slammed the 2 pieces on the ground, pulled out a Molotov and burned it, after the body caught fire he pulled out his mp7 and fired into it.

Having expelled some of his anger he ran over to Angel and pulled the smaller stallion out of the windshield. He quickly checked him “. still breathing, and a pulse.” Augercorn sighed a sigh of relieve. He would live but he would be in the hospital for a bit.

Augercorn did what he could for the wounds. Until the ambulance came. He walked away as the e.m.ts took over and heard one of them say “why does this guy have a tampon in his chest?” he got back on the bus and sat in the back watching as they approached steak and shake.

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Wild turned on the windshield wipers to clear off some of the blood from Augercorns little display, and began heading towards the Steak and Shake once more. She pulled up to the drive through window. " Welcome to steak and Shake, feel free to order whenever you're ready. " " Alright, thanks. I'll have an Orange freeze shake, large, a large order of fries, a medium steakburger with only pickles cheese and ketchup, and two chocolate chip cookies. " " Would you like to make that a combo? " " Yeah sure. " " Will that be all? " " Naw, wait a moment. " She turned around in her seat as best she could and addressed the rest of the team in the buss with her. " Alrighty, what do the rest of you want? " She realized her mistake only after she had made it, for she had just asked Augercorn what he wanted. This could only end badly, with lots of severed limbs, and surrounded by various bodily fluids. She mentally facepalmed herself, and hoped that he would decide not to kill everyone in the building, cook them up, and baste them in motor oil and gasoline he siphoned from the cars in the parking lot with with a garden hose, because she didn't feel like wasting a perfectly good bullet, and she was hungry.

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Augercorn walked to the front of the bus and said “I’ll spot you.” he then walked off the bus to the front of the restaurant and before he walked in he pulled open a nearby sewer main to revel!

A real world war 2 nazi officer helmet.

Augercorn put it on and slipped a thin pair of pants over his short shorts and a pair of groucho marx glasses. When he walked in he heard the counter girl scream

“OH NO! IT’S THE FOOD NAZI HE”S BACK! GET THE GUNS!” Augercorn shouted in a frighteningly spot German accent “Ich bin ihr Arsch und kauen bublegum treten und ich bin ganz von bubblegum!” after shouting that he was already beat red and rushed the counter! The young girl ran and the rest of the employee’s began struggling with a safe in the back. They turned in horror to see augercorn/food nazi starring at them and shout “kann rabbid Ziegen fressen die Leber” most of the employee’s ran off but one stayed and out of the safe pulled a nice 45. Caliber pistol he turned and shouted “NO FOOD NAZI YOUR NOT STEALLING OUR SUPPLY AGAIN!” the food nazi effortlessly grabbed the pistol and yelled in the young workers face “Ich sage deiner Mutter!” The employee ran.

The food nazi then quickly swept the back taking as much food as he could carry, which was pretty much all of it. As he headed for the door one of the customers now in tears shouted “WHY, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!” the nazi turned his head and shouted “weil meine Frau war ein Betrug Hündin!” he then ran out switched back to Augercorn when no one was looking and went back on the bus and kindly handed out the food. Before saying “hey wild might wanna punch it!”

"OH hey look its soul!" he stuck his auger attached face out the window "HEY SOUL WANT A RIDE AND SOME BURGERS?"

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Soul had Worked Hard on her car. She cursed over and over again hearing Shouting in the steak and shake. "Whatever he is doing it sounds crazy...." She grumbled to herself as she wiped her forehead with her Greasy hand with a wrench gripped in it. She heard Auger yell to her to which she gave up and slammed the hood down. "Fine......i cant get this fuc king thing to work...." She said as she got on the bus. She kept her hands in her pockets, oil and such covering her head to Hoof. "Lucky if my car doesnt get impounded. Hey Auger! Hook me the Fu ck up! Dont leave me hanging!" She said to him holding her hand up to catch a burger.

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Augercorn placed a burger in her hand and sat her down giving her fries and a shake. He then got behind her and began playing with her big grey pony ears “AWW I’m sorry about your car, after this we can get you a new one! or enough cha-chings to bring yours to the pay and spray. I'll help you get a car in the nicer parts of manehatten everyone has a banshee! NO one locks there doors there especially when there driving and guess what the best part is your car wont get blown up if something bad happens on the mission!

He then leaned so only his eyes and horn were above her seat and continued to play with her ears and hairs silently singing “my little emo, my little emo ahahahah my little emo, I used to wonder what ….punk could be1 then you all shared its sound with me! The misfits, cure, mushroom heads, and breaking ben makes it all complete oh yeah. My little emo sharing all shorts of kills with my very best friends!”

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Soul had taken the Burger with a slight smile. She Ate at it slowly as Auger for some odd reason started playing with her ears. She Wanted to speak up about it but thought it best to let it go. She Found that it was tickling her and she couldnt help but giggle. "Cut it out Auger!......*Squeak!*......That tickles!" She Said as she Sipped on her Milkshake. She listened to his song about her being emo, She honestly didnt care anymore even though she wasnt anything near to being emo. She turned to him and Nudged him slightly, "Your crazy..." She commented as he played with her ears more. Why she was being nice she didnt know but She knew that she just had to Accept it or be driven insane.

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Midnight looked up, noticing they'd taken another passenger aboard the bus, Soul, or something like that. She didn't really remember her, but she looked at where Augercorn was playing with her ears, shaking her head slightly. It seemed silly to her, why would he do that?

Quickly, she checked to see if anyone was sitting behind her, the last thing she wanted was for someone to play with her ears. The last thing she wanted was for someone to do that, or do much to her. Touching people, unless it is nessacery, wasn't her style. The less Physical contact, the better in her books.

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Well of course I’m crazy! You’re just figuring that out now!” he let go of her ears for a second and leaned out more to her around the seat. “everyone is crazy in some way or another, I’m just more accepting of it.” Then picking up where he left off with her ears he said“so that car clearly means a lot to you, tell me more about yourself.” He then opened his mouth expecting to be fed a fry.

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Soul Nodded to Auger when he explained that everyone is crazy, Just more are accepting of it than others. She Agreed slightly to him as she gave him a fry. "Well.......i was in a rich family when i was young. Dad was a sales accociate and Mom was a Lawyer. we had it pretty good until one day dad told us that his coworker had found some blackmail on him. Eventually though the struggles he lost his job and turned to shadier Profits. Mom didnt aprove, they fought for what seemed like days until she left us. Me, my dad and my brother Cornerstone. It was fine until dad died, Bad Deal with a local gang. I found that his trade was in Poison joke. I Took it up and tried my best to keep the house but it costed way to much. We lost it and My brother left to Northern Manehattan. He hasnt contacted me since. I still trade in Drugs and such, Its an honest days pay for an honest days work. Oh and i like walks on the beach." She said with a slight laugh. She gave him another fry then handed him her Milkshake. She looked ahead and sighed. "I wonder where this little endeavor will take me." She said to him

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Soul Shrugged as she ate a fry of her own. "I dont Know Auger.....I might just stay where i am....or Leave this City. That is if i dont die like my father did." She said as He continued playing with her ears. She giggled as He tickled her again. "Your not so bad..." She said to him crumpling up her Sandwitch wrapper. "No one has listened to me like this before. I thought i wasnt interesting." She spoke to him handing the last of her fries. She faced forward and let him toy with her ears longer. It was Soothing to be honest.

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Augercorn swallowed the fries like a drink and chewed them like he was thinking of something

You are pretty interesting Soul. We should go kill lots of ponies together sometime. So what’s your cutie mark?"

he quickly looked out the window not instantly recognizing where they were but knowing it wouldn't be very long till they reached the drop off

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Soul Smiled Slyly, Everyone had a Cutie mark but they were hardly ever seen by others. She Looked at her upper Thigh then up to Augercorn. "Well your straight forward hmm?" She Giggled making a perverted joke. "If you would like to know i wouldnt mind showing it. Im Not a saint." She said to him looking to see if he would aprove. Besides she Didnt like to Explain it rather than show it.

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Soul nodded to Auger, She took her Pistol and flipped it around so that the Handle was to him. She unbuttoned her Pants and slid them down to reveil her Cutie mark on her Right Upper Thigh. Her Blue underwear Blocking part of it so she moved it up and out of the way. It was a Wheel With A Moon behind it. "Its Supposed to Represent my Talant for Quick Movement. Such as drug runs and General Driving skills. I got it when i was 12.....My dad needed me to Get him a Bottle of Hard Liquor, Well steal it. I Hotwired a car for the first time while running from the store clerk with a Shotgun. That was a fun tale, Drove all night so i could ditch the car and Get away." She said to him before finnaly deciding her pants were Dusty. She took them fully off now only down to her Blue underwear, Shirt and Hoodie. She Shook them off in the bus quietly before slipping them back on. As she threaded her tail through the Hole in the back She Looked to Him again. "That will be the last time you will see me Like that. Hope you got Your look." She Said with a Sly smile. She then Sighed and took her Pistol back from him. "I want to take you up on your offer for slaying some Baddies sometime. Just be sure to share the Kerosine Alright?" She Said with a laugh. She Sat back again in her seat and yawned. "Why do you need this cash when you have an endless supply of ammo, Items and such that you can just pull out of thin air. I would think paper and Metal are the last of your worries." She said looking to him. Her ears flicked slightly as she tilted her head.

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Midnight looked herself her once again, seeing Smooth offering some of his food to her. She was hungry, and it did smell very nice. She slowly took it out of his hands, as if expecting him to pull it away from her. And put it down next to her, next to the Wetstone

Twice, that is twice now he's given me something purely because he wants to. If this is him trying to be friendly to me, well..i guess there is no harm in trying to be nice back.

She opened her mouth slightly to speak, before realizing she had no idea what to talk to Smooth about. She never spoke more then she had to normally, so having a 'normal' conversation was well out of her comfort zone.

"ummm, t-thanks, i suppose" She said, this time it sounded warmer, but again, she hid behind her hair to avoid eye contact.

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"Those eyes of yours must be something special for you to always wanna hide them like that." He thought maybe a joke would lighten the mood, however she didn't seem like the type who enjoyed jokes very much.

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"I.." She froze when she knew he had a valid point, she had been avoiding eye contact, why she didn't know, but she had been. She reached up with her hand, shifting her blue hair until her icey-blue eyes were visible

"I'm just not used to talking to people, like, normally talking. Feels...strange" During the last part of her sentance, she shifted her eyes, finally looking straight at Smooth instead of around him.

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His grin got bigger as she showed him her eyes, and what beautiful eyes they were! He decided some playful mischief wouldn't do any harm. He clutched his heart and fell back in his chair, "**** girl! You're gonna hurt someone with those!" He laughed again, "Sorry, I know that was cheesy, but seriously, how's a girl like you not have a boyfriend? Or have you got that whole, 'strong independent woman who don't need no man' thing going?"

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AWSOME!” shouted Augercorn as she showed him her cutie mark. It was pretty cool a moon and a steering wheel.

When she finished Augercorn got in the same seat as her and said “why am I here … for fun mostly I did some things for vinyl and Octavia before, usually there pretty exiting. Lots of killing and explosions. You know the life of a village idiot, do what you want when you want, that sort of thing, besides I get to meet and get to know cool pony’s like you. And anytime I get to work with and torture Smooth over there is a good time. … Not to mention you know, there’s something about this job … I cant quite put my finger on … its like Celestia’s giant breasts just out of reach from my hands.”

Augercorn opened up his silent bob trench coat to reveal that most of the items he had he carried on him how he carried it all so easily and did his acrobatics seemed impossible. He then took out an empty concealable pistol holster with plenty of loaded magazines attached

speaking of weapons try this on for size. More bullets in case we have to kill more pony’s when we get where were going.” He positioned himself so she could lean against him if she wanted to.

the whole time he was using his earth pony hearing to ease drop on midnight and Smooth’s conversation and smiled even wider knowing smooth was starting to get his groove back.

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Midnight snorted at him slightly "A boyfriend? Implies that someone cares about me, and implies that i want to care about someone else...Silly concepts"'Despite her words, she couldn't help but want to talk to him. She hadn't actually talked to someone in, a long time, and it felt nice to have someone to talk to. She didn't have to trust Smooth to talk to him.

"W-what bout you? You have that one person you're doing all this for, or are you alone?"

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