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GTA: Equestria


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Wild could only stare nonplussed at Augercorns antics and accepteed his offer of food without comment. Now, it seemed that everyone in the bus was flirting with someone except for her. She let out a small sigh, and looked back down at her phone's GPS. They were really close, undoubtedly Lyria was already there, waiting for them. She'd have to apologize, and offer her some of the food they'd acquired, as it was only fair.

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"Nah it's just me, I was born alone, probably die alone, unless that's some kind of invitation?" He grinned, Smooth liked to think of himself as charmingly cheesy. He liked this girl, couldn't tell why exactly, sure she was beautiful, but she needed someone to show her not everypony was a manipulative ass. Maybe he needed her too, you could only come home to an empty apartment for so long before loneliness set in, on top of all that, Smooth liked a challenge.

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Soul Laughed when Auger compared the mission to Celestia in a trivial way. When she stopped he had produced a pistol holster, holding it out to her. She was amazed at its quality, taking it in her hands she looked it over. It was Very highend. The kind that wouldCost her At least one week worth of Drugs. She didnt know what to say to him. She As well counted 12 magazines attatched to it which added to its wieght. Unclipping it she Leaned on him heavily as she put it on. It took some time and she wobbled a bit but when she got it situated it felt like 2nd nature. Standing on her own she took her Pistol and Holstered it. "Wow.....Thanks Auger....This is the Kindest thing you have given to me." She thanked him. She began to Like Him more and more with each moment they spent together. She Found herself Blushing. She looked away out the window of the bus. She didnt know what to say now but try to hide her embarrisment.

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Midnight’s slightly more friendly demenor almost died, the ‘warness’ in her eyes was instantly replaced by a blizzard of cold.

“No, that wasn’t an invitation. I may owe you one Smooth, but that doesn’t make us friends, so don’t go thinking that’ll stick my neck out for you. One thing. That’s all I owe you, and after this job I’ll go my own way. I work better by myself anyway” She said, his comment about the invatation had annoyed her, he was nice, but like hell she would trust a smiling face. She would have continued, but her phone went off, silent and once. She flipped it out and checked the text, and smiled once she saw what it said. She didn’t try hide the smile or what was written on the text, forgetting Smooth was sitting beside her.

It said: Dawn is currently in the city, under the name ‘Tempest Gale’, working at some fancy software company I think. Will text when I have more details.


Sliding the phone into her pocket, she fidgeting with her hair, the back of it specifically. Soon the time would occur, soon it’ll be time, to take whatever she wanted. With her other hand, she flicked out her blade and looked at the handle, where the words ‘Dark star’ was written. Her dad’s nickname for her, and started flicking the blade around with one thing going through her mind, forgetting about Smooth, the only thing she was thinking about was painful ways to inflict unbearable torture, because that’s all Dawn deserved.

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Smooth sighed, "You don't owe me a thing, I was just trying to show a little kindness to a beautiful stranger." Her attitude had taken a dark turn, she apparently wasn't one for jokes, he could sympathize, after all he had been very much like her once. "It scares me how much you remind me of myself three years ago."

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Hey don’t you get all shy on me!” he said gently slapping her blushing cheeks “your not the kind of girl to get shy like your nemesis Lyra the sneak there … speaking of which what happened to her?”

"pon3 said something about the contact being paranoid ... said we would all arive .... togather on the bus. I'm sorry I know you don't like her i just don't want our group to lose any more members"

he then took a sip of the shake and offered her some

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Midnight glanced at him "What do you mean, i remind you of you?" Midnight highly doubted he knew anything bout her, or that she was anything like him '3 years ago'. He has friends who are going to fail him, and probably gets drunk each day with them, Auger most likely.

And her? What did she have? A nice apartment, and a radio for company. No friends, no one to talk to, just an apartment of nothing. She realized now, seeing Smooth's friendship with Augercorn, made her realize how alone she truly was. The only person she could trust was herself, maybe swift for information, but apart from that, no one.

She looked into his eyes, with one question on her mind. 'Do i want to? Open myself up, and make..a friend?'

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"I used to do everything alone, that was the only way to do things in my eyes. Other ponies were just a distraction, I thought they'd throw my aim off. Not to mention I was a mean, vengeful individual...it took almost dying to get me to call anyone for help." Smooth looked off out the window as he spoke to her, once his story was done, he lifted up her shirt and showed her the bullet scars near his belly, just to drive his point home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Augercorn let Soul rest against him in the seat. “eh she’s probably just in some crazy pony’s crosshairs surrounded by molten lava … hey to pass the time let me tell you a little anecdote about the time I killed my first mob boss

I was about young, really young. And I decided I would go get some candy when I noticed two thugs were holding up the store … turned out the store was a massive drug warehouse and the two thugs were cybernetic minatours with laser groins. I then entered an epic brawl that ended with me rabidly biting what I think was the larger ones emergency brake …”

he gently laid back on Soul deep in remembrance “ so after that I was pretty tired and this lady came out she was all “what are you doing in my house! Where are the guards!” she tried shooting at me and it worked for a minute.

“they were wrapping me up and about to throw me in the river when I decided “hey cement tastes all right when wet, they should try it too! I then incapacitate all her workers and stuffed there mouths with cement, they liked it till it dried and cracked there jaws killing them … slowly … and most of them suffocated to death but they deserved it. So finally she was the only one left and she was yelling at ME! Can you believe it! I just killed her whole empire and was pointing a gun to her and she was yelling at ME! So in the middle of her rant I just say “hey, ever have sex with a bullet?” and shoot her in the groin and watch her bleed to death while eating the mints that were in her pocket!” I was young and would of done things differently had I known better but hey I guessed that means I’ve grown since then.”

He finished with a sigh and looked at soul “you know what I mean?

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More shots hit near Lyria, but none hit her, almost as if they were forcing her into cover. Just then, the rest of the team drove up in the bus, and the shots stopped. Wild hit the brakes and jumped out of her seat, taking cover behind the dashboard of the bus, and drawing her pistol. Unexpectedly, her phone began to ring from its place on the dash. She glanced at it, seeing it was a withheld number, and decided it might be important. She reached out and picked it up, then answered it. " Who- " " Is the light purple mare out there with you? " A distorted voice from the other end of the phone spoke, cutting her off. " Yes, bu- " " Nnggh, why didn't she TELL me! Ugh, fine. head on up to the front door. " The line went dead before Wild could respond. She gave her phone a annoyed look, the looked to the others on the bus. " Well, I think we're good to go. "

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Augercorn was first of the bus he looked at the puddle then lyra then were the sniper was and shouted "YOU SUCK AT SNIPING! ... SHE WAS RIGHT HERE ALL ALONG!"

"no offense lya not that i want you to get shot, come on lets deliver this thing so I can go on a kill diamond tiara"

augercorn walked to the door and knocked on it with his "horn"

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Soul listened to augercorn's story, she giggled a bit and was going to respond when gunfire rang out. "Remind me to tell you later." She said drawing her pistol as well. The mare at the front talked with someone before it crackled off. She sighed placing her pistol away and exiting the bus. She cracked her neck, "So....this is the place." She said before strolling over to Lyria and helping her up. "sorry to hear about your bike." She said before looking to the bus. "Auger! Where are ya!?" She shouted.

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Midnight looked at Smooths injury. It looked like it could have killed him, and while she felt a tingle up her spine, she tried to ignore it

"T-then, don't get shot. Nothing to do with friends, or being alone.." 'she replied, trying to convince herself of what she was saying

'wait..No, i'm not..becoming his friend? I.No! I can't trust him, i barely know him!, yet, i wa..; her train of thought crashed when she heard the sniper firing, she instinctively ducked, and flicking her blades into her hands, before realizing they were outside the place. She stood up, heading to the door before glancing back at Smooth. She wasn't sure if she could trust him or not, part of her told her to, but another told her not to.

She tilted her head, silently saying 'come on' before exiting the bus.

"Wow, that bike, that won't be moving in a while" She giggled quietly, sure, whoever owned it wouldn't be happy, but then again, it's always funny when it's someone else getting hurt, and not you.

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Smooth followed Midnight out, keeping a hand on his Colt 1911 in case things went sour. He stepped off the bus and chuckled at Midnight's comment, "You can say that again, that paranoid fukker up there isn't playing around."

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"OH YEAH! YOU GOT THAT ONE RIGHT KAMEN RIDE! Augercorn had his ear to the door he had just finished licking it sniffing it and humping it

"not even the best prisons have locks and security like this, there opening it now"

Augercorn opened the door and stepped next to soul and gestured to the door "lovely ladies first"

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As Wild was approaching the door Augercorn had opened, she noticed a solid steel door behind the now open warehouse door. " Uhh, maybe you should look before you leap? Also, Vinyl said we needed a password, remember? " She went over to an intercom beside the door and hit the button, then spoke into the device. " Periwinkle. " The thick metal door rose up into the ceiling, revealing a hallway much different than you would normally expect to be in a warehouse, it looked more like a high school building, though one that hadn't seen children in quite some time. Not because it was dirty, far from it. The room beyond the door was spotless, almost glowing.

A younger sounding male voice rang out from beyond the door. " Well, you'd better get in here before she freaks out again. Just head down the main hallway, I'll meet you along the way and lead you to her. "

Wild stepped carefully into the building ahead of the others, glancing about. No one was visible, so the voice must have came from the PA system. She turned back and beckoned to the others. " Come on, let's go meet our mysterious contact, shall we? "

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"AWW cheer up lye lye" said augercorn as he watched her enter "at least now you can get a new one ... WITH NITRO! AND CHROME PAINT! AND NUKE LAUNCHERS!" he patted her on the shoulder and looked out to Wild midnight and smooth shouting "HEY COME INSIDE before it CHOCOLATE RAINS!"

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