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Pony Afloat(Open)


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((Fear not! The delay is now over... I do solemnly apologize still. Things have been busy as of late... Now we can get back to business! ^^))


"I see you enjoy the quiet life," Thorenthal comments with a friendly smile as he observes his surroundings. He ponders momentarily the idea of his current companion seeking a pleasant and subtle lifestyle away from society.

It was a cinch for him to enter the pegasus's home, especially since it has a very welcoming atmosphere to whomever would inhabit such a place. After being seated comfortably, he allows his soreness to simply sink within the couch. Admittedly, after all of the hardship induced by his long travel, he truly needs a rest such as this. Hopefully there will be something he can do that will repay the hospitality of his acquaintance.

While he goes over what he might to do try and be part of his surroundings, he takes his given moment to actually feel the atmosphere about him. It's only now that he realizes just how different the air to the country is. The magic that flows through it seems to have a far more harmonic flow compared to his native land. This magic has a common form... He can feel it. Though he knows not exactly what to call such a form, but it most definitely causes him to feel warmth and comfort within the environment, almost as if it welcomes the Elf about as much as his sword welcomes its wielder. Though this will pose as a slight problem in the long run, as he is not used to manipulating magic that is not raw to begin with. To take something and change it to something else requires more effort than simply working with raw magic. Still, he isn't one to simply give in to a mere obstacle.

Upon glancing about the room, the Elven one spots an unlit candle in the distance, and then looking back at the orange section of his cutie mark, he develops a look of confidence. Since his companion is currently away, he figures that now would be a good time to try using his magical ability for a second or two. He takes a moment to feel the magic immediately around him, and his entire body glows with a shimmering green outline. An effort later and he successfully converts the magic around him to raw energy, and transforms it once again into fire magic. A small orange flicker rockets from his hoof and lands on the tip of the candle with exact accuracy, and so the candle is successfully lit. Though it seems he is correct in his prediction, that it did require a bit more effort on his part to make two conversions at once. Until he's more skilled with magic, he will try and hold off on casting more powerful spells as long as possible. For now, he smiles in satisfaction at his simple spell.

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((I hope you don't mind a bit of an antagonist. Might help Nightflight try out the blade.))

Kezraux stumbled as he trod down a path. Having just finished raiding a village, he was quite satisfied with the loot. He carried it strapped across his back, in a bag. Mainly silver and gold, but a few pieces of fine jewelry too. He smirked as he remembered the look on the ponies' faces as he tied them up with a magical bonding and took what he wanted, then burning the rest. Looking back, he could still see the smoke rising over the trees. This place was easy pickings, as the authorities had a lack of any skilled warriors. One brave little red colt had tried to stop Kezraux from setting fire to the village, but Kezraux flicked him away like a bug. He admired the colt's will, so he let him live, keeping him in a temporary bond so he wouldn't follow.

Heading back towards his underground house, he passes a beach. He saw hoofprints. He considered following them, and took up that consideration. Walking steadily, he came to a cottage. He cast a sound magnification spell and could hear voices inside. His horn glowed white as he summoned two sharp red swords. znwnlt.pngHe grinned and slowly approached the cottage.

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Moon was unpacking her things. Sun and her aunt had already gotten back on the boat/ she kept her saddle bag strapped on because it had her sword sheaths in it, she was talking to herself like she usually does when shes trying to think " "go stay in you mum's cottage until we find her" 'your mom's gonna be alright cuz" "there might be a reason for your family dissapearing. we want you to be safe" i am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!!" she said hoof on her sword.the older filly didn't like people thinking she was helpless just because of her age

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Kezraux flung one of his blades with his magic, sticking it into the side of the cottage. "Come on out! I know you're in there!" he yelled, pulling his blade out and shaking the sawdust off. Kezraux was wearing a dark Xanthan cloak and a metal mask with red metallic paint going across his eye.

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A small black unicorn colt finally fell to the ground as his bondings went away. He looked up at his burning village, tears flowing from his eyes. He walked through, looking for survivors. No such success. He began bawling, and fell to the ground in a mess of tears. Finally pulling himself together, he noticed a small blade sticking out from under some rubbish. He managed to levitate the small knife out. He narrowed his eyes. He was going to get back at that red unicorn, no matter what. The colt's stomach rumbled. First he needed some food. He began walking through the wilderness, then coming across a cottage quite a ways from the village.(Star's cottage) He quietly knocked on the door, still wiping tears from his eyes, and readied his knife in case someone tried to attack him.

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The black colt looked up, his knife floating next to him. "Hello," he said carefully. He didn't know who this was, but he hoped she was nice. "I need something to eat. Some bully just burned down my vil-village…" he said, beginning to cry again.

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The black colt looked back. He was about to say no, but then came to the realization that he was just a little colt. Trying to fight Kezraux again would only get him killed. The black colt nodded. "My name is Pip," he said. "Pip Blackwood."

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Pip nodded. He began walking out the door. He had no idea where the unicorn was now, but he was greedy, so Pip assumed he'd be looting any house he could find. Pip instinctively started heading towards the beach.

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Nightflight sighed in almost satisfaction. She felt the reassuring presence of the blade at all times, she felt the Elf in the other room's pure energy because of the blade, but she still felt a deep emptiness in her. She had been physically alone for a long time and the feeling remained for she knew the Elf would leave once he was rested. She knew as well he would take the blade and that saddened her the most for she felt happy for once with it. She felt the air warm and flow on her cheek like a reassuring caress. She sighed and grabbed the tea set.

Nightflight returned to the living room and gasped as she saw the lit candle. She set the set on the coffee table and rushed towards the candle. She put it out with a frantic beat of her wings. She turned back to the Elf with a small, apologetic smile. "I do apologize, it's just that that candle is used for something dear to me." She walked back over and started pouring a cup of tea. She didn't notice as the sword seemed to glow and pulse as if it wanted to say something.

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