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My Uber-plan of global Brony dominance

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lol i troll u with Comic Sans

As I look out my window, and see the moon, I see it looks rather. . . bland. Something's missing. And as I think of how other people view us, I realized that we need to carry out my eight-step plan to achieve total Brony awesomeness and global political dominance!

1. Raise massive amounts of money - Current step! Launder, launder, launder! Diego, set up a fraudulent credit card stealing c campaign.

2. Buy NASA

3. Set our rocket scientists/physicists to work on finding the formulas, trajectories, masses, speeds and such

4. Shewt missuls at the moon, each with a picture of Fluttershy strangling Gilda painted onto them


6. Use said Mare in the Moon to persuade the world's leaders to hand over their positions to us Bronies

7. ?????

8. PROFIT (Global Dominance)



All you have to do is fill out and post the following form:

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism:
How can you contribute?:
Do you have any connections in NASA?:
Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?:
If so, what for?:
What languages are you fluent in?:
What do you think of this font?:
Social Security Number:
Credit Card Number/Verification Code:
Name on Credit Card/PIN:

List of Current Associates:

Kirby Krackle - Intelligence

BlindJester - Baker

BlackFang - Physicist

Chonice - Trapper

Ziddia - Drunken, One-Eyed Scot

Malkav- Interrogater

daftBlue- Hacker

Angie Cakes - Marshmallow Roaster

Diego Havoc - Marketing

AppleNitrox - Rarity

Flutterscotch - The annoying know-it-all who gets killed first

Gallant_Quill - Git 'er don'er


1. Anthrax

2. Arsenic

3. Kleenex Tissues

4. X-Game

For all you Derpies out there: Don't take this seriously.


Name: Kirby Krackle

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: About... five months or so?

How can you contribute?: Espionage and backstabbing!

Do you have any connections in NASA?: Do you?

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: I've been to a mental ward twice

If so, what for?: Uncomfortable behavior

What languages are you fluent in?: I speak bad german

What do you think of this font?: Needs to be 20% cooler

Social Security Number: 867-5309

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 9780765525556

Name on Credit Card/PIN: 2499




Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: About 4 months ago

How can you contribute?: I make cookies, brownies, and cake 8D.

Do you have any connections in NASA?: Possibly

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Nope I prefer to stay under the radar.

If so, what for?: Psychotic behavior if anything

What languages are you fluent in?: I speak a little of spanish

What do you think of this font?: Very NightMare Moonish wait is this Comic Sans? I HATE IT >:C :evil:

Social Security Number: 1337-7331- 8423

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 1337

Name on Credit Card/PIN:Pickles



Our plan will be executed once we have 10 associates. Oh, and as soon as this is released:


The X-Game has the required components and chips to properly stabilize the moon in Earth's orbit and to hold it together whilst we barrage it with missiles. And that gun in the top-right corner will be used to shoot the missiles. Large missiles.

And yes. That is Comic Sans.

major flaw in plan:


Of course! How could I forget Fluttershy! Changes have been made to coincide with new information.

4. Shewt missuls at the moon, each with a picture of Fluttershy strangling Gilda painted onto them


yes, this pleases me

Name: BlackFang

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: since March 2011

How can you contribute?: Major on VIDEOGAME PHYSICS, with a Phd on Ultra Attacks/Limit Breakers/Distortion Drives

Do you have any connections in NASA?: i connect to everything via firefox (including nasa.gov)

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: no, yes, respectively

If so, what for?: some charges have been confused.

What languages are you fluent in?: Español, english, l3375p34k (major Homestuck-Troll variants as well)

Social Security Number:

fuckthat.jpg?1302809593I live in Colombia




Name: Chonico

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: Since late March 2011

How can you contribute?: Enforcer, muscle, mini-boss, take your pick, let them try to stop us. I make some mean chocolate chip hotcakes which I put on plates on the floor, kind of like bear traps.

Do you have any connections in NASA?: I have connections to MASA, does that count?

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Yes, my "arrs" are pretty well rested and my jokes are pretty criminal.

If so, what for?: I have a record for bad puns, off-topic humor, knock-knock jokes, and assault in the 3rd degree with a parrot... He really wanted a cracker.

What languages are you fluent in?: English, Spanish, Spanglish, Japanese, and Engrish.

What do you think of this font?: I think it's FONT-tastic =D

Social Security Number: lll-lile-eee-lile

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 7820-1105-1739-9905

Name on Credit Card/PIN: 80085


Velcome to ze group! Ve are nearing ze goal! And I zee ve have ze Anzrax! Very good!

Ve still need ze Arzenic and ze Kleenex Tizzues, az vell az ze X-Game. Get on it.


Name: Ziddia

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: Almost 7 months.

How can you contribute? I like explosions?

Do you have any connections in NASA?: Yes. Yes I do.

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: I have never been arrested (that's how sneaky I am)

If so, what for?: HERP DERP

What languages are you fluent in?: I speak Australian and Canadian. Eh.

What do you think of this font?: Comic Sans? GO DIE IN A PIT! jk I lieks it. >.<

Social Security Number: HERP-DERP

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: PONIHERPING

Name on Credit Card/PIN: Herpina

Alright, there. Have fun adding me to your plot :twisted:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Name: Ziddia

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: Almost 7 months.

How can you contribute? I like explosions?

Do you have any connections in NASA?: Yes. Yes I do.

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: I have never been arrested (that's how sneaky I am)

If so, what for?: HERP DERP

What languages are you fluent in?: I speak Australian and Canadian. Eh.

What do you think of this font?: Comic Sans? GO DIE IN A PIT! jk I lieks it. >.<

Social Security Number: HERP-DERP

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: PONIHERPING

Name on Credit Card/PIN: Herpina

Alright, there. Have fun adding me to your plot :twisted:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Welcome, eh!


Still need Arsenic, Tissues, X-Game

I have found some tissues... But I'm afraid they are well guarded.

Use this to seduce the guard!


Also, I see your from Tucson. Do you know Jo Jo? :3

You're forgetting one all important factor that's needed...monkeys. Everything works better with monkeys involved.

The only monkeys involved in my plan are the world leaders, and non-equestrians.


Oh, you did NOT just make that joke!

Add one more to your domination plan!

Name: daftBLUE

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: roughly...6 months

How can you contribute?: Need a hacker?

Do you have any connections in NASA?: a few that may or may not be high-ranking.

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: No...t yet.

If so, what for?:

What languages are you fluent in?: I can speak English, German, Japanese and Engrish.

What do you think of this font?: What font? This? I quite like it. Vintage. :smug:

Social Security Number: 3359-2580

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 2212

Name on Credit Card/PIN: 2253


Application Form

Name: Malkav

Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: Roughly a week

How can you contribute?: I make various vicious videos of various..... screw it, I can't rhyme. Also, great psychologist and mental torturer!!!

Do you have any connections in NASA?: My name went to Mars....

Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Nein, Mein Fuhrer

If so, what for?: Ummm, being a Socialist?

What languages are you fluent in?: English, British English, Irish English, and Scottish English

What do you think of this font?: Meh...

Social Security Number: 1313-3457-1212

Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 234715284695

Name on Credit Card/PIN: The Dude


Velkome! I have akwired the Kleenex tissues, and the Arsenic. X-Game will be akwired sewn. :shifty:

What about the x-game 360?

It hasn't been released yet. It contains chips/components I need to stabilize the moon. And a handgun to shoot the missiles. Big missiles.

Velkome! I have akwired the Kleenex tissues, and the Arsenic. X-Game will be akwired sewn. :shifty:

What about the x-game 360?

It hasn't been released yet. It contains chips/components I need to stabilize the moon. And a handgun to shoot the missiles. Big missiles.

d00d wtf? i thought you were planning BIG domination plans, not some sort of lame playtime on your treehouse, i mean...


get your hardware requirements correct, dammit


That would've been used, BlackFang, but the X-Game 360 has the required 3 controller ports, and, besides, the PX-3600 has VIBRATING controllers, something incompatible with Ubuntu. The X-Game 360 has different components, too, and the PX-3600 doesn't have a 36.7 Ω resistor, which I need for the gun's adapter to shoot the missiles.

That would've been used, BlackFang, but the X-Game 360 has the required 3 controller ports, and, besides, the PX-3600 has VIBRATING controllers, something incompatible with Ubuntu. The X-Game 360 has different components, too, and the PX-3600 doesn't have a 36.7 Ω resistor, which I need for the gun's adapter to shoot the missiles.

but otherwise, the ZEHLLMT processor sported in the '3600 is a power punch (contrary to the 360's inferior core i12) enough to circumvent those small limitations via hacking using only a couple cores (for the resistor, those are 25¢ (with dollar rates as of today) on the electronics components store across my street), letting us use the left 12 hexathreading cores for the normal operations, believe me, i had an insight on it on my PhD. course.

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