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Hushed Star [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria and Canterlot Chronicles

Name: Hushed Q. Star (Hush is preferred)

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Aquamarine

Coat: A slightly dingy peach color.

Mane/Tail: Her orange mane and tail are messily curled and frizzy. She puts the bare minimum into their care most of the time. Around her neck is a simple green woven necklace made by her friend Imani, and on her ear is a silver cuff.

Physique: She's slightly muscular from all the swimming she does and keeps a nice trimmed frame from eating healthy and mostly staying away from sweets...mostly. Hush is a little on the taller side but considers herself average.

Residence: A sea-side cottage in Hoofington.

Occupation: She works around doing odd jobs for ponies in her spare time when she's not swimming or enjoying the beach. She would like to get a job in an aquarium but thinks her people skills aren't that exemplary yet. In the meantime, traveling and collecting things are one of her main priorities.

Cutie Mark: Two cyan fish circling each other.

History: Hush was born small, as ponies go, and when the stubborn filly did come out she was more quiet than other babies.When she was first born the doctor expected her to make some sort of noise but she was hushed except for a yawn or burp or giggle or belch here and there. Very reserved.Hush's mother saw a child with a spark, a fire, something special about her. Call it a mother’s doting but she felt that her little filly would be someone special. Someone who deep down had a fire about them. Someone with a twinkle. A currently hiding, Hushed Star. As a young filly Hush mostly just seemed to observe and take in the world her parents called Equestria.

Hush tried speaking to please her parents since they were understandably worried about her introversion. Whenever they were around she made an effort to string together a couple sentences. She hated seeing them so distraught. She was fine, really. Overtime she developed Glossophobia (a fear of public speaking or speaking in general) and felt queasy at the thought of saying a word.

Her mother and father still urged her on and encouraged her, reassuring her that it would get better with time. Whenever they said that, Hush would smile, nod her head, say a simple ‘OK’, and then go back to her comfort zone of silence. It was a chore, but it was a chore she could live with for now.

Hush still tried very hard to be cheerful and playful as a filly and got exemplary grades in school due to the amount of listening and taking-in that she did. Hush has lived in the forest her entire life and it's the second most comfortable place to her (for reading, exploring, and listening) minus the ocean, the place where she got her cutie mark. When Hush was a filly she was completely adored the forest. She loved it with all of her heart and practically worshiped the trees, leaves, and flora that inhabited its natural essence. That day her mother and father announced that they were going to take a trip to Baltimare and see the beach.

Hush was completely put off by their announcement. The very idea of leaving the forest she knew and cared for scared her. A lot. Nevertheless the three of them set off and a day later arrived. The city itself awed Hush and she could hardly believe something so big could be here in Equestria. They stayed in an inn and the next day decided to visit the beach. Hush dug her heels in the dirt and flat-out refused. It took a decent amount of magic and coaxing but in the end they arrived. Hush was in no way looking forward to it so she shut her eyes closed and stood on the sand for fifteen minutes until curiosity got the best of the little filly and she looked. Her jaw dropped and her breath was taken away.

The beauty of the waves and the sky mixed with the sea-life she had never even dreamed of seeing made her forget what even a forest was and turned her true desire to the ocean and beach. She stayed on the beach for awhile but then, although it took her most of the day, learned how to swim and dive and saw many other ocean wonders and life. She absolutely loved it. Her parents took her to the boardwalk and let her ride a couple of attractions and then bought her a candy apple. She thought that this place they called the beach was instead heaven.

At the end of the day when they were getting ready to leave, Hush noticed two fish that were stuck in a shallow tide pool. She plopped down and just sat there, watching them swim around so peacefully. Not needing words. Not having to make mistakes or fumble over their speech. Not having to get so flustered and embarrassed because the things racing through their head couldn’t be heard by those on the outside. Just being so...cool! And that’s when it clicked for her. She didn’t have to speak if she didn’t want to! Heck, why speak at all? It caused too many problems. Instead, just write. It took longer but it was a lot easier. Hush turned her attention back to the tidal pool and noticed that the fish were gone; pulled back into the sea by the tide. She looked out to the ocean and smiled. Those two fish taught her how to live an easier life. One that had less frivolous speech and more meaningful words. Hush smiled and in her heart realized that she loved the ocean and all of its might. It was her passion and she’d do near anything for it. And that special night after a ‘fishy’ revelation she got her cutie mark as a reminder of her love for the sea. Not long after this, she met her best friend, Imani the Zebra.

Imani was born in Boma lived there til' he was a foal, moved around to Stalliongrad and then to Solstice Heights by the time he finally met Hush. They went to the same school together and although Imani was in a grade higher than her they got along wonderfully. The both of them were misfits and perfectly complemented each other despite their personality rift. Imani was rowdy, humorous, and hard-working while Hush tended to be relaxed and logistical. Nevertheless the two friends hung out with each other at any possible chance and protected each other from the trials of growing up that sometimes faced them. Hush was always glad to share her tales and experiences about the ocean, how vast and beautiful it was and about the creatures that lived in the deep. She showed him her seashell collection, scrapbook and even the pictures they'd taken. She was eager to share her passion with anypony, even strangers, but she was especially glad to do so with Imani.

Imani, in turn, was the first one to help Hush with her magic skills since his parents were well-learned in the craft from their time in Unyasi. Through very much trial and error, the two friends developed her skill and made her a relatively apt magic user. As Hush spent more and more time with Imani, the protective shell she built around herself to keep from being seen as different began to crack and fall away as she became a social butterfly and built up a strong amount of self-esteem. Imani has since left the woods but Hush still keeps in touch with her friend via snail-mail.

After Imani left Hush realized although she loved the forest, she couldn't stay in it forever and she’d have to move on. She took some time to do some research and found Hoofington to be the best area for her. More laid-back than both Baltimare and Manehattan, Hush got along fine and currently has made her home there although she travels a lot and is rarely there. She still does return every once in awhile to check in on the place but usually roams around in search for nothing but interesting ponies and people to meet so that she can make up for the time she spent being a wallflower as a filly.

Character Summary: Hush is now a creative and rambunctious spirit with an appreciation for life and other ponies. She enjoys putting others first and helping but it sometimes can lead to her being walked all over. She adores the sea and one day aspires to meet sea ponies. In fact every Nightmare Night since she was little that was exactly what she dresses up as.

For Hush, staying in one place is not an option so as much as she loves the sea and wants to stay by it forever she can be as reckless and adventurous as it is while she roams Equestria. She isn't looking for anything in particular as she sets off. No buried treasure. No mystical talisman. No pirate fights. Just time to be as free and as wind-whipped as the ocean itself.

Hush is usually friendly (she loves sarcasm and snarkiness), well-meaning, and deeply impulsive but her biggest hamartia is her impatience and frustration. She likes things done and she likes them done quickly so lines and waiting often anger her. She's working on it but it's a difficult thing to remedy. Hush also dislikes tense situations and tries to make light of them in ways that might be awkward for the situation. She also has a tendency to blurt jot things out that she doesn't necessarily mean.

Hush practices her magic daily and regards it on the same level as a filly who doesn't want to practice piano. She does it so that she'll be prepared on her travels and understands its importance but would much rather stay on the beach and read.

Almost on the same level as her love for the ocean, Hush is a bibliophile and takes the utmost care of the novels and texts in her possession. If she could stay still for more than a few years at a time she would've probably set up as a librarian by the sea.

Besides that, she can be very relaxed and funny, and altogether is a ponysonable (personable) pony with her quirks and faults just like everypony else.


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Hi! I'm not a roleplay helped but here are some critiques of mine!

1. The CM needs a story. How did she get it? What does it stand for?

That is my critique!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you remove all mention of bullying and "very strong magic" from your post? YOu are implying that he was treated poorly and bullied due to being a Zebra and that's simply not how ponies work :)

Also the emphasis on Nemo's disability and name need to be removed, Ponies don't work that way and it seems really unlikely that her parents would begrudge or name her "Nothing" or "No one" because she couldn't talk, that and her being upset about her name for a while seems a little unpony.

At the end of the day when they were getting ready to leave, Nemo noticed two fish that were stuck in a shallow tide pool. She started to walk over and save them but her parents didn't notice them and thought she was going out to play so the took her by the hoof and lead her back home. That night Nemo swore never to speak again (although she spoke very little, anyway) in exchange for the lives of those two fish. If they didn’t have a voice anymore, she shouldn’t hve a voice anymore for allowing them to die. She also swore to never to leave any sea creatures in need alone and to protect the ocean with all of her might. That night she got her cutie mark as a reminder of her promise and love for the sea.

This needs to change, the idea is too dark and heavy handed for World of Equestria, her vowing silence over the death of two fish is a lot, and her cutie mark doesn't make a lot of sense in this context.

Overall she's a very interesting character but you are playing certain aspects too strongly (bullying, her silent, her issue with her name) and they need to be toned down to fit the flavor of MLP.

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The mention of the difficult birth should also be removed, suggesting she was born small is fine but going full with the premature is a bit much, as is mentioning something being "Mentally wrong" with her, as we do not allow mental illness in World of Equestria roleplay, not even hinted at, so please remove that as well, and while we don't mind some minor physical disabilities (I Have a pony missing his back leg) your emphasis on it constantly is a little off putting, suggesting she is mentally unwell and are basing her character far too much on this disorder, in order for this to pass this needs to be changed.

She's a very interesting character but even with the fish death removed you still mention bullying, mental illness, and mental disability, and that needs to go before she can be accepted.

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If I may ask a question, how magically skilled do you intend your OC to be? Since World of Equestria isn't geared towards combat (like Canterlot Chronicles is), and because your OC's life goals and other hobbies are not conducive towards learning spells (simply travelling around a safe country wouldn't be one of these hobbies), there is little reason for Hushed Star to know anything but levitating objects... like nearly every other unicorn. If you insert Hushed Star in a RP and have her cast all sorts of highly-advanced spells, we would have to consider it overpowered for your character because we didn't sign off on those abilities. Basically, saying she practices magic daily does not grant clearance for her to be an advanced spellcaster without any further elaboration on her abilities.

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She's not meant to be a strong magic user. Her main use for it is levitation, writing, and light self defense. So no, I wasn't going to make her into an OP pony. I have no intention of doing that with any of my characters. Sorry, if I gave off that impression. Is there anything else you see wrong Quick or Bellosh?

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I still think you are emphasizing her self chosen muteness too strongly (Also can you remove the "difficult birth" aspect of the character?) And think you should focus more on her love of her sea than the choice to be mute.

She's a really good character otherwise and I really can't wait for her to get accepted! But yeah, tone down the muteness since it's just a little heavy hoofed, other than that it looks good.

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To clarify what QL said:

  1. The language you used after the "difficult birth" sentence does not actually suggest anything life-threatening about the event. Babies who are born just a little bit too small is no cause for alarm in these modern times, so if you want, feel free to change the phrasing of that first sentence in the History.
  2. Because your character is not really all that silent as an adult, you're also free to cut down on her silent phase material in the History. Note though that we don't actually have any policies against characters who say very little out of choice. I personally always wanted to app one of those Wild West "mare with few words" type one day, but I'll probably never get around to it.

However, for the time being, I'm going to have to ask that you hold off on making either of QL's proposed changes or my own. The SRP squad is going to take a brief look at this app first. ;)

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