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Take Back the Night: (Nightmare Universe Thead)///Open


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"Beloved Citizens of Equestria... I cannot be with you now, so please ban together on the principles Equestria was founded..Friendship...and stop the monster that has consumed my Sister, I may not speak to you again, for I am far too weak, but I will be with you..and I have faith in you all...."

In your ear you hear the voice of the beloved Princess of the sun, it is distant and faint, as if eons away, begging you to ban together to fight the Nightmare that has consumed Equestria..Eternal Night cannot last forever, who will rise up? Who will shrink back?

Is there any hope for Equestria? Or is this poor Alternate universe doomed to be consumed in the thick, inky blackness of Eternal Night?

(Feel free to play either the characters listed in this thread: Here

OR bring in your own Oc, same rules as the other thread though, no made up races, no Alicorns, FMA canon only;) Have fun!)

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Ender shivered at the thought. Half of him was thinking it was real. The other half was not because of his crazy imagination. But still, he reacted to it like it was not his own.

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I'll cast a light, maybe it'll be bright enough to walk around without stumbling.

And a Unicorn horn began to glow in the darkness, but then faded quick. No! It'll bring attention. Don't know who's on Nightmare Moon's side. Don't know who's on my side. Cpl. Firestar found himself in a pickle. Without a source of light, he would be walking blind into Celestia knows what. Alone, he was separated from his squad when it began, and left alone. Yet he could still hear hoofsteps. Not good not good! Better grab my rapier. He thought as he reached for his rapier. Hopefully it's a friendly, Is it? Just remember your training, and you'll be fine Star. just remember your training. He repeated in his mind over and over as he quietly tip-toed in a random direction, hoping to find friends or allies who have heard the same message.

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From out in the dark shone a beacon of light, StarSwirl the Bearded stood tall and proud, a bright light shooting vertically from his horn to signal all of those that had heard Celestia's words and wished to act together, a frown on his face as he did so, these were dark times, both figuratively and literally, and he often didn't LIKE working with other ponies as it pulled him away from his Duties, he would not shun the whispers of his mentor and teacher Celestia, even though he had himself a student now, granted Clover had surpassed him , being one of the very founders of the land they stood on.

"Quickly!" His voice boomed out in the darkness "Come to the light! It is not safe in the shadows"

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Ender's parents were sleeping. Out the window he saw the light, and ran for it. Once he got there, he was panting. He looked down. "Sir thank you so much." He said to Starswirl not noticing it was the author of some of his favorite magic books.

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A loud booming voice had startled Firestar, And after letting out an almost equally loud sound and falling from his hind hooves, he quickly picked himself up from the fall, making sure his rapier was securely back where it was. Looking around, he could still see nothing but darkness, except for a point where there seemed to be a pillar of light,That's probably where everypony is. Better get there quick. Throwing caution to the wind, Firestar galloped as fast as he could towards the light, and as he approached it, it grew bigger and brighter, then he began to notice ponies.Yes! Not a trap, ponies! I wonder who it it? Of course, as he was galloping, his armour clanged and bashed, making a awfully loud sound, and announcing his arrival.

"Corporal Firestar of the 9th Magus Reigment, 4th Battalion, D Company, 6th Squad." He said rapidly as he walked into talking range of the other two ponies. Pausing to catch his breath, before adding on "Sirs."

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Ender looked at Starswirl. He reliezed it was him, but he kept quiet.

"Why.... did..... you..... call... us.... here. Did...... you...... hear....... Princess...... Celestia........ too?" He asked panting between words.

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Lovely, two incompetent fools...ugh this is why he didn't work with ponies...

"Your title and rank mean nothing now, the Equestrian Guard has fallen" He said sternly, before glancing at the panting young one " I did not call you here, I merely guided those lost in the dark to a safe place" Starswirl then nodded "Aye, I did indeed, and I am hoping others did as well, Celestia for some reason thinks we can end this... the princess must still be very powerful, even encased in her stone prison she speaks to us.."

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"If Celestia still speaks to us." Firestar said, catching his breath. "Then the Guard will live on." He slowly regained his composure, becoming a little more professional. "If not as defenders, then as those who would seek to follow her words, and fight back at Nightmare moon."

It was a start, running into two non-coms. There was just something about the Unicorn he couldn't place though, He had seen his picture a few times, maybe once or twice in real life. But he just couldn't place it. "Then where is this safe place? Surely no place remains truly hidden now that Nightmare Moon rules over Equestria." he asked the Unicorn.

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This is the only place I feel safe anymore...

Razor Wind's form laid upon a soft, fluffy cloud that hung alone in the dark, depressing sky.. the light of the moon the only thing given guidance anymore in this eternally dark land. How did it come to this? How had the Princess of Night come so low, turning the moon she loved onto her subjects as some twisted eye in the terrifying darkness, eternally watching those lost in the shadows that now covered and blanketed this land. How long had it been since Raz touched ground? He honestly could not remember.. ever since the nighttime everlasting was brought about he could not stay within the shadows of trees, buildings, or even other ponies.. the skies were the only place he could be anymore, above the shadows, staring up toward the moon. What once had been a great, celestial body that represented a guiding light in the darkest times now seemed to reflect a time of light long since out of reach; a dim, poor shadow of the sun's radiance hanging in the sky as if attempting to take its place.

Hah.. the moon trying to take the sun's place, quite funny how the actual situation reflected such a silly mental image.

With a heavy sigh of defeat, the once bright eyed and adventurous pegasus let his form fall upon his cloud, hind and forehooves clinging to it like a security blanket.. his bright, shimmering eyes were beginning to feel heavy as the eternal night began to wear on him. Part of him worried that were he to fall asleep in this everlasting darkness that he'd never wake up again.. but he was tired, mentally fatigued, and without motivation or hope; his breath left his snout as he closed those bright yellow eyes, drifting off to-


Raz's head shot up the instant the strange, weak voice echoed in his mind, "H..hello?" he called out, as if expecting somepony to answer. The only thing to answer, was the strange and weakened voice... it sounded familiar..

Beloved Citizens of Equestria... I cannot be with you now, so please ban together on the principles Equestria was founded..Friendship...and stop the monster that has consumed my Sister, I may not speak to you again, for I am far too weak, but I will be with you..and I have faith in you all.

The voice faded from Raz's mind as he looked up at the skies... the voice, it was Celestia! He knew it, she wasn't gone forever! A small glimmer of hope sprung to life in Raz's heart as he stood up upon the single, aloft cloud, staring upwards into the night air, eyes once again on the moon, as the proclamation and plea for help from the Solar Princess still hung in his thoughts. His bright eyes hung on that dim orb in the skies.. and slowly they narrowed; his red cloak flowing slightly in the breeze. He knew what had to be done.. but how should he start?

As if on que, a great pillar of light shot up from the darkness below, piercing the veil and casting off the surrounding night from where it orginated. The young warrior pegasus stood staring in awe at the spectacle, before being shaken from his trance as a great, booming voice rang out through the air, "Quickly!" it called, "Come to the light! Its not safe in the shadow."

It was too perfect, Raz thought; this was like the beginning of a storybook. A legend of heroes, called by a greater power to one place, fighting against a greater encompassing evil... but it was no legend, it seemed to be happening now. Was Razor one of many that had heard this plea? Was this a dream he was having after falling asleep? No.. it was no dream, he could feel the night air brushing against his furled wings; this was real. That small glimmer of hope in his heart began to burn brighter, and a small smile crept across his muzzle; the pegasus stallion taking a deep breath of the cool air surrounding him.

Its time...

His eyes opened and his wings flung open from beneath his crimson cloak; sheathed sword upon his back jostling at the force as he stood upon the cloud, a new clarity burning in his very eyes. With a determined flap of his wings, a sort of feeling he'd not had since this night started, the young adventurer lifted off from the hanging cloud, and began his descent toward the ground; the shadow of his form reflecting against the lights of the pillar. His eyes narrowed once again, and that fire within them burned ever brighter, his body felt a tingle of energy as he thought to himself...

To take back the night...

Razor felt his hooves touch ground for the first time in what had felt like forever; his wings closing underneath his cloak once again as his hood fall back from his head. Before him upon the lit area stood three figures gathered already. One of them Raz's eyes were quickly drawn to; his silvery tail giving a light swish as he approached the beared, pointy hatted and robed unicorn. "I take it you all heard Her too?" he spoke, slowly trotting his way up to them

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"Like I said, with such darkness around us, there is no truly safe place, especially when Nightmare Night's glance can now be cast anywhere and everywhere. If not herself, then surely her Guards will try to stomp us out." He repeated himself, once for effect, and for the new pony that had just joined the group. "Our best bet is to keep on moving around Equestria at odd times where Nightmare Moon won't be paying as much attention, rounding up support for the fight ahead. It will be long and hard, but then, given the situation we're in, what isn't?" he continued to say. In reality, Firestar wished it was only a dream, and that he was probably comatose from a sparring accident, and everypony he knew was still around him, a merry circle of brothers in arms.

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Spark Wind had been walking blindly around all day, was it still day? she could not tell, When she heard a voice as she walked around.

"Beloved Citizens of Equestria... I cannot be with you now, so please ban together on the principles Equestria was founded..Friendship...and stop the monster that has consumed my Sister, I may not speak to you again, for I am far too weak, but I will be with you..and I have faith in you all...."

i'll help to bring back the day in any way i can, Princess.... she thought and started trotting faster to find some pony else who had heard Celestia. It had only been a day or two of complete darkness but she was already sick of it. Running blindly around, she saw a bright light. Maybe it wasn't as bright as she thought, as her eyes were now adjusted to the dark, but she started towards it. If she WAS imagining things it looked very real.

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The words played and played again in his dream as pegasus with a blue coat and a red-orange mane and tail looked onward towards a majestic figure that he could only guess to be the princess of the sun. Please... Ban together... stop the monster that has consumed my sister... friendship... I have faith in you all... Help Equestria..." The words never truly were in the same order as he first heard them, and he didn't know if the first time he heard the princess speak them that he was in a dream or not. No matter how it was said, the same message was always carried.

SeaFire finally awoke, only to find that it was still nighttime somehow. He looked puzzled as he rubbed his eyes softly and looked around. He had found himself a clearing no too far away from the village that Canterlot durned over. He knew that he went to sleep early the other day, but he was sure he got all the time that he needed for sleep; so why was the moon still out? One last time, the sun princess' words went through his head. It wasn't a dream after all, but a warning.

As he continued to look, his eyes fell upon a glowing light that emanated close towards the village. Curious, he began walking over towards the direction of the light to find out what was going on. As he got closer and closer, he saw a figures in the distance of what seemed to be a band of other ponies. He continued to walk forward, but now more carefully just in case he was about to get into something that he shouldn't. "Our best bet is to keep on moving around Equestria at odd times where Nightmare Moon won't be paying as much attention, rounding up support for the fight ahead. It will be long and hard, but then, given the situation we're in, what isn't?" He heard one pony say as he got close, then heard another respond, "We need to find others. I know some who can help."

As he got close, he felt his side brush up against something. It felt like a coat from another pony. Slightly off guard, SeaFire quickly took a step to the side away from whatever he bumped into and looked in the general direction, only to see a filly who seemed to of been going in the same direction as he was. "My apologizes, ma'am." He said in a quiet and polite voice towards Spark Wind. Despite his wild mane and tail, he was actually rather shy and calm.

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"wait what can i do? surely any other ponies working against Nightmare Moon will do better without me getting in the way...." Spark's thought was cut off as somepony bumped into her. She took a step back in surprise. "oh it's fine...." she mumbled. she was getting in the way already.

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(Please note, don't post until two people post before you, it's sorta overwhelming :D Also new rpers please be sure to read the rules for this in it's OOC thread :D)

There were so many of them now that all their voices became a blur, Starswirl shaking his head a little bit to clear it, feeling himself becoming irritated "SILENCE!" His voice boomed, stomping a hoof out "What I need the lot of you to do is go out armed with light and find those who might be lost, Nightmare Moon is too busy basking in her glory to care about a rag tag group, but several ponies were lost in the darkness when it overtook Equestria and cannot find their way back to the cities..."

He did hear the question if he heard Celestia.. "Yes, I heard her, everypony did, but keep in mind others that side with Nightmare Moon did as well, so keep to yourselves that you heard her, just find those who will stand with us, I am researching a way to free Celestia from her stone prison, for now go and find others"

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Ender pulled a potion out of his bag and shook it. It started to glow.

"I don't like wasting my magic. I use it only for emergencies."

He said as he carefully looked at the potion.

"What do you think is going to happen if we... fail."

Ender said to Starswirl.

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Raz peered around the group of arriving fellow equine eccentrics and kept to himself as they began to converse amongst themselves. It wasn't until the old bearded one let out a booming command and a stomp of a hoof that the Pegasus made sudden movements (which mostly consisted of him lowering his pointed ears at the volume of the voice) before nodding his head in clear understanding.

"Alright, so, search and rescue while the Nightmare is distracted, gotcha! Though I don't really have a way to produce light of my own.. save for a torch or somethin'." The warrior nodded; chain armor and sword jostling with his body's movements. While his bright yellow eyes shone a bit in the dark they hardly would help a lost pony find their way out of the darkness..

"Don't suppose anypony has a light source they can spare?"

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Clearwin had never been more confused in her life. First the day had been replaced by night just like that, then she heard what could only be the voice of Princess Celestia echo in her head with a plea to rescue Princess Luna. The young Unicorn mare had never given much thought before to either princess; like the Sun and Moon they ruled over the sisters had just seemed too distant, just something to take for granted. Now the Sun was gone, and with it Celestia. Clearwin was never going to take either for granted again.

She crept along, nervous even though she had seen nothing threatening yet. Compelled to go in her current direction, she wondered what she would find. Peering up, she saw a powerful light rising like a beacon and a calm settled over her. She knew that safety was up ahead.

Clearwin found herself amongst a group surrounding an elderly, dignified Unicorn stallion dressed in blue. Starswirl the Bearded? Well, if anypony could help it would be him. She stood quietly in the back, looking prim with her black mane in a tight bun and a burgundy cloak on her back. She was merely a governess; hopefully the others were endowed with more useful skills.

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SeaFire's ears flattened against the sides of his head as Spark Wind seemed bothered. He was about to speak, but before he could, the boom of the elderly unicorn's voice made SeaFire fall silent before he could even speak again. He listened carefully to the elder's words and nodded at the task, yet a thought ran through his mind. 'Who in the right mind would side with a creature like Nightmare Moon?' He was taken out of his thoughts as another pony of the group spoke up, asking if anypony could spare any source of light. "Oh, yes. I should have..." He stopped when he realized his back was unusually light, then he remembered. He took off his sack of supplies before going to sleep, and completely forgot to grab it when he was met with that vision. Turning around to where he believe he last was before coming to this group, he spread out his wings. "Hold on, I need to get my things." With that, he flapped his wings down, propelling himself into the air a few feet before taking off and rushing back to his last spot.

Once he arrived to where he thought he had rested at, he began looking around carefully not to miss his bag. "It's so hard to see in the dark..." He muttered to himself as he landed and began looking again. "Where could that darn bag..." He was cut off as his hoof brushed against something. It felt soft against his hoof. He looked down and smiled, finally finding his bag. He picked it up and tossed it onto his back without obstructing his wings and then took off into the sky again.

It wasn't long before he was bag with the group again, flying over to Razor Wind and grabbing a torch out from his bag, lighting it up with a match. He landed onto the group and held the lit torch over towards Razor, but not too close. "Here you go." He said with a friendly smile.

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At the booming voice, Firestar stood to attention, as it reminded him of his sergeant's call... Some he thought he'd never missed, listening closely, he knew that the Unicorn's words had reason to them. Instead of trying to reason with those who are clearly stumbling in the dark despite of the light, they should be venturing out for more who are willing to join their little rebellion. As for lighting, he knew a couple, no a few. No wait, all of Firestar's spells emitted some form of light, be it a fireball or a simple glow spell. With the same enthusiasm as always, he cast the glowing spell, his horn beginning to glow bright red, a compliment to his ruby red eyes, orange mane, and a fiery yellow coat. Of course, most of his body was covered in light armour, a mixture between well-placed gold-metal plates that covered vital areas, and brownish hardened leather protecting the rest, bar a helmet. Firestar found helmets to be heavy and cumbersome for his spellcasting.

He watched as another pony lit up a torch. Great at least some of us are prepared. "Well then, let's get this little rebellion started shall we?" he openly addressed the group. "I think we should try split ourselves up into smaller groups, That was, we can find more ponies quicker, and we'll be able to hold our status much better." he looked around again, not many others seemed to have some form of light, be it magic or matches. "We're going to need a few more lights so that anypony who wants one gets one. I can cast a fire spell that will last a while, unless put out deliberately, so that's some help." Firestar then become quiet again. He did happened to here one of the ponies speak of failure. A though which filled him with dread. Even if they should fail, he would rather live on his hooves, then serve on his knees.

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Raz's bright eyes were drawn to the one that had just offered him a light torch. With a bright smile, the first he'd shown since this night began, the Pegasus extended a hoof and grasped the handle of the light source. Taking to hovering a foot or so from the ground, the winged warrior nodded to his fellow, "Hey thanks! Okay, if we're gonna split into groups then ill bring a few with me; preferably someponies that can keep up," he nodded, "I'll stay close to ground but ill be moving quickly. Who all is coming with?"

His pointed ears caught the subject of failure, and he frowned softly, "Hey, come on! Let's not hang our heads low yet. Princess Celestia is counting on us and every other pony to save her -and- Equestria! If we sit around moping and being scared then who is gonna stand up to the Nightmare?" he patted a hoof to his chest, "Call me a fool, but an adventurer never needs to know the odds! If there's a chance we can win then we should jump at that chance, whatever the cost may be. Sometimes there really isn't an alternative to just jumping in like an idiot, y'know?" the Pegasus gave a cheerful grin. Something about this, seeing a chance at seeing daylight again and being amongst friendly faces (for the most part anyway) resparked that drive and energy that he'd been without. Besides, this was a new challenge; a new chance at excitement and thrills; a quest for Equestria's future!

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