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CMC Escapades #1: Spooky Times! (PM for invite)


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Applebloom was shocked! Could Spike see Sweetie Belle? It didn't really matter though, because what was really important was that Sweetie Belle was back to normal. "Oh Sweetie Belle, you know we'd never distrust you, we're all Cutie Mark Crusaders, through and through!"

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"yea she is right sweetie i only said those things because i was worry about you" said scootaloo "i do trust you i just don't really want to get hurt or have you take over my body" said spike getting as close as he can without leaving the circle

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((missed a piece of the post, all three of them are visible now because of SB's energy surge, as long as they're touching her they can be seen and for now she's visible to everyone))

She huged her friends but her mood changed when spike spoke... "So you dont trust me" frowned SB "you think I'll hurt you or possess you..." her eyes narrowed and the nearby books moved ever-so-slightly...


Twilight sighed as the botique came into sight "I know... that's what worries me..." she said "we need clear heads for this, and none of us have them" she laughed a little awkwardly, admitting she wasn't exactly thinking straight either with all this going on...

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AJ nodded as the boutique came into sight. AJ still had tears running down her cheeks

"Twilight, i think that you should tell them, out of me and you you have the clearest head. I still cant think straight" AJ said, tears still running down her face

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SB sighed "well... I guess,if she can see me..." she looked over at spike and when he did walk out she smiled and hugged him... or, well, tried to, her hooves passed through him, leaving a rather cold chill feeling...

"rats..." muttered SB "we need to get this fixed before we're stuck this way permanently!" she said, hurrying to the door "If twilight can't help us, maybe Rarity can... somehow..." she had to admit the thought of rarity helping, given that her specialty was not magic or death but dresses, seemed just a little absurd, but it was all she had to go on right now...


Twilight sighed "we don't know anything yet... once we do, then I'll tell them, right now for all we know the Crusaders are all bunked up here and we have a completely different ghost in the library" she smiled "remember, think positive!" she knocked on the door

"Comming, dahling!" came rarity's voice from inside as she made her way towards the door.

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AJ nodded, twilight was right, they had to think positive if they wanted to get threw this alright, though she still wished the suject wasnt so touchy.

"Sugercube, i really hope your right, and if they arent here, then we have to see if they are playing some sortof prank on rainbow, if they artn there i have no idea where we all should look" AJ said

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"Alright then Sweetie Belle, let's go see Rarity!" Applebloom said gleefully, happy that her friend was back to her old self again. Applebloom ran to the door, and figured that it would probably be a good idea to let Sweetie Belle lead.

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SB smiled wiping away a strey tear and nodded "Lets see if we can fix this!" she smiled "I wonder if we can get our cutimearks as ghost-busters by un-ghosting ourselves..." she commented almost nonsequitor


Twilight sighed, but smiled "Positive thoughts, Applejack, Positive Thoughts"

Rarity opened hte door, pushing her glasses bakc up on ehr nose with her magic "Oh, Twilight, Applejack, it's always a pleasure to see you, what can I do for you girls?"

"We were just seeing the the cutiemark crusaders were here" said Twilight

"Oh? HAs sweetie belle been causing trouble again? dear me, the messes she gets into with her friends, but foals will be foals, what's the matter this time, dear?"

Twilight gulped, glancing at AJ, unsure how to say 'they may be dead' casually...

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SB giggled at the mention of zip-lining, she really enjoyed that... well unto the end when they emerged covered in pine sap... "lets see what rarity has to say!"


Twilight sighed "well, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for them to cause trouble..."

as she spoke the trio ran past, visible thanks to SB's energy leakage, and overshooting and passing through the wall

"obada... whada...whuh...???" it seemed rarity was at a loss for words

"since they seem to be dead..." sighed Twilight

Rarity fainted, for once not being over-dramatic, as the lack of a fainting-couch proved, not to mention that she was currently lying in a pile of dusty road...


SB skidded to a halt inside "oops, I think we went too far" she said, walking back towards the shop's open door...

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AJ walked up to rarity and moved her inside onto a couch so she wasnt just lying there on the floor

"Twilight.....there is only one more pony who has a chance of knowing where they are....We should go see rainbow after we make sue rarity is going to be ok" AJ said caring about her friends and sister more then herself as she held the tears in though they were still running a bit

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"Uh oh Sweetie Belle, it looks like your sister's in one of her 'moods' again." Applebloom said, pointing out the fact that Rarity was passed out. At least Applejack, Twilight, and Spike hadn't reacted like that when they found out. Otherwise, they wouldn't have gotten anywhere at all!

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"hey, at least my sister acknowledge me, your sister is ignoring us!" said the unicorn

Twilight belt down "um... girls... is that really you?" she asked

((Storm, you already have spike, let someone else have dash --- if we even need dash, not sure if we will))

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((If we need dash, i could take her))

Applejack turned when she heard appleblooms voice. She saw applebloom and a smile appeared on her face.

"Is that applebloom?" AJ said, worrying that she was seeing things

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"Wait a minute, you can see all of us?" Applebloom asked in shock. She knew they should be able to see Sweetie Belle, but now they could see all three? Applebloom looked down at herself to see if anything was different, but the only thing she could see that was out of place was some residue from Sweetie Belle's magic on her hooves. Oh, now she understood.

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"oh... well that makes it harder actually..." said Twlight

"Harder than being really dead???" asked SB in shock

"well, yes, there are very few things that can split a soul from a still-living body... and even fewer that can put them back together..."

"dont... don't tell me we're stuck... like this... forever!?!?!" SB looked on the verge of tears again now...

Twilight bit her lip, not sure exactly what to say...

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"Twilight, you said not many can put them back together, that means yall know something that can help ma sis and her friend. Please, i dont care what it is, we need to help them" AJ begged

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