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Through the Eyes of the Oracle (Private)

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Moonlite sighed, "I don't know," she said, "W..we could l..let Killjoy see her," she said, "I mean it is risky as Killjoy is a rush to the point mare, but..she is so close to Luna" she said. She always felt there was something more between the two but she figured it was better not to ask.

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"That might could work out. Killjoy has known she's been here and hasn't done anything yet, so maybe she doesn't want to harm her." Blood said. "Maybe if she can listen to Killjoy she can learn to accept her."

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Blood spread his wings and took off into the air. Despite feeling bad for Nightmare, he was able to take it what he considered to be a very nice day. "I sure hope this is a good idea."

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Killjoy checked into a room and sat down on the bed, it wasn't the nicest place, but it was the only inn in Ponyville. The bed was firm and not too comfortable and the room was bland with now paintings or pictures on the wall. it reminded her of the barracks in her early days in the Solar Army. "fits me perfectly, just a plain,dull room for a plain, dull mare like me." she said moving her hoof across the thin blanket with a sigh. She was still upset knowing that Luna was still angry with her, this was something serious and maybe Killjoy just didn't realize how much the pain REALLY was for Luna. She regretted keeping the secret now, all of this probably would have been over a lot sooner.

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Blood landed outside the inn and walked inside. He was still unsure about how this would play out. He found the room Killjoy was staying in. He took a breath and knocked.

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Killjoy looked up at the door. "it's open." she said, she din't have to worry about ponies trying to attack her and knew only a fool would attack the Captain of the Nightwatch, so she didn't really care who she let in.

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Blood opened the door and entered. "Hello, Killjoy." he said. It had been a while since he had seen Killjoy, and wasn't sure whether or not she was still mad at him for insulting her when he thought Shadow had died. He had taken a shot for her that could have killed him when they battled Black, but he wasn't sure if that was sufficient.

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Killjoy looked at Blood. "what is it Blood? I know you didn't visit a "Bigoted mule:" to just talk." she said. She wasn't mad at his insult, she was just irritated took that bolt. It made her feel like she had to rely on someone else to save her, honestly she would rather have taken the bolt if it meant getting the pleasure of punching the hell out of him later for it. She brushed off the thoughts and focused on the visit.

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"You know about Nightmare Moon returning correct?" Blood said, getting right to the point. "I assume you do since I've watched several of your Nightwatch walk right into the Castle and not try and butcher her, or get butchered for that matter."

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"Poor thing. I truly do wish to help her, but she doesn't believe me." The Oracle suddenly said, careful not to wake Nightmare. His spirit suddenly appeared nearby, his peaceful appearance once more present.

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The Oracle chuckled softly. "Oh, Blood. That colt is fun to watch. Don't worry, I won't let him go too insane. Anyways, as you can probably tell, I'm currently a spirit, and in a younger form no less. I'm afraid it's too complicated to explain at the moment."

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"yeah.." she said and looked back to Nightmare, "I still don't understand, why save her, give her life?" she asked, "So far she has been miserable and mostly alone," she shivered, "I feel her pain, and I swear, if this keeps up she is gonna snap" she closed her eyes and sighed.

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"You may not understand now, but she has a chance at life. She has spent eternity being corrupted and evil, going as far as to trap Luna on the moon, but it no longer has to be so. I gave her life so that she can have the peace and bliss she was never able to have. Her life....." he stopped, suddenly looking grim, almost upset. "....was far more valuable than mine."

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"She doesn't believe that," she said as she looked at the mare, "And, not that i see her worthless, but I have seen no show that she is having a better life" she said, "I don't value one of you over the other, but nopony looks at her good except us," she said, "I'm honestly suprised Killjoy hasn't sent men to kill her," she said, "Given how...warm..of a reception the mare gave us"

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"As I said, you do not understand now......and soon enough something will happen and you will doubt me more than ever." He said, putting a hoof on Moonlite's shoulder. "But she will survive, and when the struggles end, she will be free." He sighed and looked down. "I know nothing I say or do will prove to any of you that what I say is true, so I hope that maybe...just maybe....you will trust me."

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The Oracle sighed. "Do you think she is the only one to suffer this way? Do you not think anypony else was given an unwanted existence they couldn't escape? Because you're looking at another who has." He said in a somewhat cold tone as he turned to leave.

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"How so? Was saving all of bat pony kind from extinction and bringing our long lost brother back to us not good enough?" she spat, "Was it so terrible?" she sighed, "Go talk to my brother about this stuff, he is the one who is interested in you, all I wondered is why you brought her back, and it still seems like a curse once more as there is no happiness for her"

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