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Through the Eyes of the Oracle (Private)

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The Oracle turned back to her, his eyes beginning to glow red. "I did NOTHING to save this race. YOU did. I was a GUIDE, not a savior! Don't you EVER put that on me!" He said, approaching her. "And you know NOTHING about what I have suffered through! You know nothing about being alive for over 4000 years, trapped in a old, frail body and BLIND! You have no idea what it felt like to watch Black Star run this race into the ground and be HELPLESS to stop him, having to WAIT to have any shot whatsoever. And when I finally die, when I finally free myself from this hell, I'm stuck as a ghost! A BUCKING GHOST! You think I did this to her to watch her suffer? You think I did this to make her my plaything? You are WRONG!" The Oracle got right into Moon's face. "I am giving her a chance at something I never had! AND YOU THINK I'M THE ONE WHO'S EVIL?" The Oracle's eyes suddenly returned to normal and be back down, holding his head. His spiritual body flickered. Tears began to fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry.....you didn't deserve that....." he choked out before disappearing.

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Killjoy sighed "I feel like you have something to ask of me, just spill it. I'm not good with hints." she said loosening the straps on her breast plate. "Yes I know about Nightmare Moon, what about it?" she asked

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Blood didn't answer for a moment. He knew telling her about how she wants to be accepted by society would be out of the question, so he instead formed another question. ".....do you want to see her?"

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Moonlite was unfazed by him, she had seen enough, been through enough loneliness for so long, rage didn't bother her. She turned to Nightmare Moon, "Don'tworry, I'll help you, as hopeless and useless as I am, I'll help you" she said as she laid and rested her muzzle on the mares belly and sighed closing her eyes to rest.

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Killjoy just looked at him with a raised eyebrow "look, just tell me what you have on your mind, I can't leave. I'm here so I could wait until rarity get done with my requests and then I'm heading back to Canterlot. If this is about Luna...she already knows that Nightmare Moon is back, and yes she was terrified by the news and no I don't think Nightmare Moon is still stuck in er horrid ways. I'll ask again...what do you want Blood?" she asked now in a stern tone.

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"She can't stay there forever, Killjoy. She needs go get out." Blood sighed. "She needs to become part of society. She really is a good pony, and we need to show everypony who she really is."

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"Well, you're close to Princess Luna, I was hoping that you could maybe try and convince her. But I see now that she is terrified of her." Blood said. "I guess that plan is out the door."

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"I'm guessing you planned on a surprise meeting for Luna and Nightmare Moon. Can't say it's the best plan...but we would try. If that fails, then all we have is time." Killjoy said looking out the window. "this should be...interesting." she said sarcastically.

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((well the meeting doesn't have to be the same day, let Killjoy get a little forgiveness before diving deeper into the grave she made for herself.))

"Ok, then it's settled, we can do this two days from now." Killjoy said .

((we can skip to next morning if you want so we can get the dress thing out of the way.

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Killjoy woke up later than she usually would. She looked out the window "ugh it's almost noon" she groaned getting out of bed and putting her armor back on. She then walked out of the room, dropped off the key and left for the boutique. After a few minutes, she arrived and walked in. "Miss Rarity, is everything done?" she asked looking around to see if she was actually there.

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Rarity soon appeared with a wide smile, her designer glasses still on her face. "Oh, hello darling. Yes, they are done, and I think they are to your liking." She said as she led Killjoy inside. On one stand was her cape, made exactly the way Killjoy wanted it. On the other stand was a most stunning dress ever. It was navy colored and decorate with patterns of stars. It seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. It was absolutely perfect in every way. Perfect for a princess. "You like?"

Blood landed back at the castle, yawning from exhaustion. "Moonlite, I'm back." He called.

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Killjoy nodded "Thank you, yes they're perfect." she said looking at the dress "do have anything to put the dress in?" she asked

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Rarity waves to her as she left. She re-entered the boutique and laid down on the couch, looking out a nearby window. She was thinking about Blood, worried about what he might be up to.

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Blood sighed before looking at Nightmare. "I spoke with Killjoy, the captain of the Nightwatch, and we had an idea. We're going to have a......meeting with somepony, and if it goes well, it could help get you out into the public."

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"Oh really?" she asked, "And what pony would this be?" she asked imagining it had to be a Princess, they were the only ones with that much power, then she froze, "W..Wait, y..you said NIGHTwatch," she stepped back, "n..no...no, I..I don't th..think I'm r..ready for Luna," she said, "H..how bout Celestia, or Twilight.." she nodded, "Yes Twilight, she is understanding, yes let's do that, yup Twilight!"

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