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Through the Eyes of the Oracle (Private)

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Rarity poured her a glass and floated it over to Moon. She did the same with Applejack and Blood before pouring some for herself. She held her glass up. "To Applejack and Moonlite, and to good friends." She said before they clinked glasses.

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Rarity took a sip from her glass. "Right, well we got the dresses ready and your mane and tail styles done. You two should be perfect for your big day!" She said excitedly.

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Rarity giggled and blushed a little. "Oh, Moonlite, darling, you're too sweet." She finished her glass and rested her head on Blood, wore out from all the work she had done recently.

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Blood got up and walked over to Moonlite, putting his hoof on her face. "Sister, you've thought that since we were foals, and you've always been wrong. You are beautiful. Stop thinking you aren't." He said, putting a hoof around her and nuzzling her.

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She blushed and held him happily, "But all my life I've never felt beautiful, never felt loved except by family," she said and turned to AJ, "But I guess I must be beautiful to be in love with, and soon to marry, a goddess of a mare like you AJ"

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"Yer darn sure right about that, my love." Applejack said, cuddling her and kissing her. "Mah life wouldn't be near as special without ya, the most beautiful mare ah ever seen" Blood smiled at the lovers.

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((well Killjoy isn't going to be doing much until it's time for the meeting, I'll keep following up on the posts. I'll just wait for the time to come.))

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((romance between the lovely Killjoy and Luna apparently stolen from the MILLIONS of Luna obsessed people. Or you guys' characters?))

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Killjoy and Luna were sitting on the balcony just outside Killjoy's room, the moon was high in the sky and it was full. The moon seemed to always give Killjoy comfort because something so beautiful could only happen when somepony of equal beauty made it so. She looked at Luna who looked the most gorgeous in the light of the moon. Luna was the only pony that brought true happiness into her life and she felt like the luckiest mare in the entire world to have somepony like the Princess of the night. Luna noticed killjoy staring "something wrong?" she asked. Killjoy shook her head "just looking at the pony who changed everything for me...the pony that even the goddess of beauty would envy." she said with a warm smile. Luna could do nothing but Blush "We are flattered, but thou forget that thou changed our life also, thou showed us love and compassion when no pony else did. We could not help but love thee greatly after the months thou hast served us." she said. Killjoy grabbed Luna's hoof "you have many travelers make a pilgrimage to see you...you are loved." she replied. Luna shook her head "as loyalty...thou showed us true love, from the heart." She said resting her head on Killjoy's shoulder. "You are too kind Luna, but sometimes...I feel like I am unworthy of being with you. Sometimes I question, how did I, a Soldier...nicknamed for the brutalities I have committed...ever attract the attention of someone gentle and loving such as you." Killjoy said. Luna just smiled "because deep down...we knew thou had warmth inside thy heart...and in the end, we were right to love thee." she said in a most warming tone. Killjoy just smiled and nuzzled Luna before putting her arm around her. "then thank you...for everything." she said quietly.

((I find that quite touching...))

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((yeah, see you asked for tear jerking love and now..even more feels because we all know what happens later on! except moonlite, she wasn't in that RP))

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(Yeah :/ seems all your characters link to rps i was never in, this is why i never felt i belong to your rp)

Moonlite sighe happily as she cuddled with AJ, enjoying the embrace, the cuddle with the mare of her life.

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((well this RP is pretty much a prequel to an earlier RP. so you actually fit in because all of this are past events. pretty much Luna get killed by the queen Chrysalis and during the battle against Killjoy's brother, Firestorm (who attacked canterlot and mortally wounded her.in a previous conflict.) Killjoy killed The Changling queen and her brother in very cruel ways. In previous threads, Killjoy was kinda insane, I have a plan for the start of thst in this thread very soon. We will unravel the mystery of how Killjoy became insane.))

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((Also in previous RPs Soul was a part of the Lunar Republic who was attacking Canterlot and wanted to capture Luna and make her their goddess, but found that they were dishonorable and cruel so he left and joined the Nightwatch. The Republic bred him to be merciless and easy to anger. I'm not sure how much I'll explore him in this RP, but I may. Anyways, should we timeskip to the meeting?))

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((it's linked because this is pretty much like a back story in a series. Oh and after the RP where Luna dies, in the next RP, Killjoy dies too. I had so much feels...and I was the one doing it all. yes for time skip.))

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((It's ok, Moon. This being related to another RP isn't that big of a deal, since nothing that happened in those RPs is really going to affect this one. Don't feel out of place because this is still a different RP.))

Soul walked into Killjoy's office, trying to hide his nervousness. "Today is the day, Killjoy. It's now or never." he said, somewhat quietly in case Luna was nearby. "She still doesn't know who she's meeting, correct?"

Blood was at the castle with Nightmare, waiting anxiously.

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