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Through the Eyes of the Oracle (Private)

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Killjoy looked up "she doesn't know that she is actually meeting anyone. I told Luna that I would like to know more about the old castle and its history." She then sighed "this will be interesting indeed..." she said with a grim face, she was afraid that betraying her trust again shortly after the recent incident, she would lose Luna and be alone. Killjoy got up and and walked over to the rack that held her armor and started putting the armor on. "never can be too careful..." she thought to herself as she strapped the sheath to her massive great sword on her back, she then grabbed the sword and put it into it's sheath. "Luna is waiting on me in the courtyard so i must get going." she said walking out. She got to the courtyard and saw Luna. "thou'rt ready?" Luna asked. Killjoy nodded "yes, let us go." she said trying to stay calm.

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((The part of the story involving the bat ponies never appears in the other RPs, so not exactly. Things involving Killjoy, Luna, Soul etc, are only supposed to make up just one of the story arcs, along with the other story arcs about Soul studying the Oracle and AJ and Moonlite getting married. I know it's weird, but trust me, we aren't predetermining anything for your characters or forcing them to do anything.))

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[but what I'm saying is that all this RP plot is not gonna change the future arc of everyone dieing :/ therefore I don't see my point in it all, especially since the future was decided and if in your RP AJ had no love then I have to make something happen to Moon, Also what about NMM]

Nightmare Moon sighed and looked down only to get nudged by Moon, "Come now Nightmare, look up, maybe it will go better then we all expect"

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((The Elements of Harmony weren't really a part of the earlier RPs so for all anyone knows, Moon and AJ are still together. about Nightmare moon, I bet we can work something out. Don't worry, we can think of something.))

Killjoy and Luna made it to the castle. Luna smiled and sighed "It's been quite a while since I've been in here." she said softly. Killjoy couldn't look at Luna "well...at least we get to walk through together." she said grabbing Luna by the hoof and walking through the doors. Luna looked around in the massive halls. "I always wanted this castle to be rebuilt..." she said. Killjoy pretended to turn and look around also. "Where are you Blood...?" she thought.

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((Yeah, AJ was never used in the others, so having moon be with her is ok))

Blood appeared in front of Luna and Killjoy. "Welcome, friends. Glad you could make it." He said, preparing himself for what would soon happen.

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Moon poked her head around the corner, "H..hello Princess Luna," she said as she slowly stepped back and turned back to NMM, "wait" she mouthed away from Luna's view and NMM nodded and sat and waited

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Luna looked at Blood and Moon "what is this? What art thou doing here?" she asked getting concerned "What's going on Killjoy?" she looked at Killjoy puzzled. Killjoy dipped her head and didn't answer Luna. "Just bring her out moon!" Killjoy said sternly.

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"Before you say anything, your highness, know that this is no assassination attempt or betrayal. We are always loyal to your crown. We simply wish to talk with you regarding our friend here." Blood said before Nightmare was to come out.

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"Luna, if you wish to hit, wish to attack me," Nightmare said as she stepped out with her head down, staring at the floor, "Do so now, get your anger for me out now, I want to talk," she sighed and slowly looked up as a tear came from her eye, "I want to say sorry, though I know it holds no meaning"

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Luna stepped back and looked at Killjoy with the feeling of heart break and betrayal in her eyes, tear started to drip down her cheeks. "how could thee...?" she asked.as her voice shook. Killjoy didn't look at her "I'm sorry...but this is the only way." she said. Luna looked back at Nightmare moon "thou speak of apologizing for the pain and agony thou hast brought us when thou knoweth nothing of it!" she said in a angered tone. Killjoy was now standing near Nightmare moon. She looked up at Luna "you were going to have to face this sooner or later..." she said quietly. (Killjoy's story of insanity will now be told!) Luna's eyes went white and her horn lit up "Nightmare moon, thou shall feel the pain that thou caused us!" she said as a bolt of magic shot out of her horn. suddenly Killjoy embraced Nightmare Moon and took the bolt. 1,000 years of pain and suffering entered Killjoy's body and mind in just a single minute. All that was heard in the halls were Killjoy's blood curling screams as the mental and physical pain pulsed through her. Killjoy fell to the floor with a blank stare, all that happened was a light twitch and a whimper. "RED VEIL!!" Luna yelled running up to Killjoy crying. "Why...why didst thou do that!?" she asked not really expecting an answer. Killjoy just laid there now trembling as all the memories of Luna's agony went through her mind. Luna rested Killjoy's head on her knees. "We're so sorry..." she said quietly wiping the tears from Killjoy's face.

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Nightmare moon watched in horror and stepped back, "N..no, no..." she growled, "I promised that I would change, that I was to be good, but even then I hut others," she said as she began to sob, "The Oracle was wrong, like I said, I don't belong!" she said as she ran off into the darkness of the castle dungeons. Moon was still frozen in witness to what happened and stepped back and just sat, defeated, "We failed blood, this went even worse then expected" she said hanging her head in defeat, "I shall take the fall for this Luna," she said

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There was suddenly a massive flash of light, and the Oracle appeared before everypony. "Now....you all see the truth....the reason for all of this...." His horn lit up an Nightmare was dragged back into the room. "Princess Luna, now you see what your grudge has done. Your anger almost cost you the life of the one you love. Nightmare Moon is alive, and has found redemption, but have you the strength to overcome the pain you once suffered? Lest you discover a pain tenfold as strong?"

((My idea is that the Oracle foresaw this whole scene, and the purpose is now clear that bringing Nightmare to life was to show Luna how to let go and forgive. Anyway we can roll with that?))

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Nightmare moon lay on the floor, unamused by the Oracle as she was dragged out from her darkness and looked to him, "This is it, this is my purpose!" she spat, "If you had just told me I would have offed myself sooner!" she angerly said, "Forgiven or not, this was not the way Luna should have learned, Killjoy did not deserve to be collateral damage to our dispute!"

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((well I did that so you guys know the whole story of how Killjoy became messed up in the head, because if you noticed, she has been rather calm the whole RP.))

Luna looked at Killjoy. "if she believed enough to sacrifice herself for Nightmare moon..." she looked up at Nightmare moon "We could try to make peace...for her..." she said caressing Killjoy's cheek.

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The Oracle turned to Nightmare. "This is a learning experience for you as well.....did you not notice that Killjoy attempted to protect you? Somepony other than Moon and Blood came to your aid. This should show you that you can be accepted and cared for by ponies."

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"It's not worth it," she said, "It required someone almost dying, that should show you it isn't worth it" she said as she sat and closed her eyes, letting her head fall, "It cost almost 2 lives to get me to be accepted, why does that feel good?" she asked, "2 for 1 is not a good deal"

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Luna gritted her teeth "thou'rt so selfish! moping around and thinking thou'rt useless and unloved...two ponies sacrificed themselves for thee...and thou still protest!? doing nothing for the ponies who believed in thee enough the risk their lives to protect thee will be a real reason for ponies to loath thee. If thou thinkst that is still not enough...cower in these ruins for eternity for all we care. Thou would disgrace thy bringer of life and Red Veil if thou doeseth not grace with them with trying like we are doing now!" she yelled.

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"But why did she!" Nightmare moon yelled back, "If it were not for me she would be fine and safe!" she said as she sighed, "I'm going for a walk, there is too much going on here," she said as she headed for the door, saddness and anger radiating from her, but she was angry only at herself, she felt she had, once more, caused more harm then good

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"running away from thy problems won't solve anything...stop being a pitiful little brat! Thou are brought to a difficult decision and thou just walk away? We guess thou'rt right...not worth anything..." Luna said sternly.

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Nightmare moon growled and turned around and glared, "THOUS DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE LOST AND FORGOTTEN FOR SO LONG!" she spat angerly, "I MADE A MISTAKE, A HUGE ONE I GET IT, BUT I WAS LOST FOR SO LONG, FORCED TO WATCH FROM THE BEYOND AS EVERYOTHER PONY WENT ALONG WITH THERE LIVES, LOVED AND HAPPY!" she looked down, now crying, "Just because a mistake, a massive stupid mistake I made," she said and sat and sighed.

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"And thou think that we had better treatment on our return...no. How dare thee say we do not know what it is like. how dare thee think that we were treated better than thee. thou sit around and sob thy little eyes out and yet do nothing for redemption." Luna scowled.

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