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Through the Eyes of the Oracle (Private)

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"Well, you both have certainly had a long day. Just relax now." Rarity said. Blood sat down on the couch and Rarity sat next to her, resting her head on his shoulder.

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Applejack sat next to her and lightly stroked Moonlite's mane. She leaned down and kissed her cheek and gave her a small nuzzle. "Ah'm glad yer alright, sugarcube." she said sweetly as she kept stroking her mane.

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"Well darling, you have a long trip to make tomorrow, you better get some rest." Rarity said to Blood as she nuzzled him. Blood let a loud yawn out. "Yeah...with all that's happened I forgot about the research."

((Timeskip to the next morning? Blood is about to travel to Canterlot, do you want to keep Moon in Ponyville with Applejack and Rarity or do you want to follow him?))

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Applejack thought for a moment. "Ah guess so. Y'all are just goin' ta Canterlot. Ah think y'all will be alright." She said with a reassuring nuzzle and kiss on the cheek.

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((That's cool. I'm kinda in the same boat. Lol))

The two bat ponies were on a train to Canterlot the next morning. Blood held the helmet he found in the castle, looking over it. "I don't know why he's so involved in this situation. I can't believe I actually saw him in spirit form."

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Luna woke up and looked to her right and saw Killjoy still dead asleep. "thee out of all ponies deserve rest the most."she said kissing her lightly on the cheek and getting up. She walked out and and shut the door quietly.

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"As a mysterious being I couldn't understand his actions and current state, but with the new information I got from this helmet, and if my theory is correct, we have somewhat of a lead now." Blood said, heading for the door as the train came to a halt at the station.

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Blood opened his wings and flew to the castle. He landed by the door and entered. He looked around for a moment before finding the library. "Wow....." he said to himself, somewhat taken aback.

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"Yeah....I know a few ponies who would be right at home." Blood said, setting his things down and setting the helmet on a table. "Guess I should get started." he said, turning to a bookshelf.

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Blood found a book titled "Ancient Warriors of Equestria" and sat down at the table with Moon. He flipped through a few pages looking for something similar to the helmet. "So Moon, not much longer until you're no longer a single mare. Are you excited?" he asked while reading, trying to make conversation so Moon wouldn't be bored.

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Moon looked to him, "Hey now, don't tell AJ you consider me single, I am so taken!" she said with a smirk and sighed, "I'm nervous and still a bit unsure," she said, "I love AJ, I do, but all the same, I want a family," she looked down, "That's something AJ can't give me, foals of my own" she sighed, "I don't ever want to leave AJ, it's just, a very hard sacrifice to me"

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Blood stopped reading for a moment and thought. "You know, they've been researching reproduction magic. They supposedly take genes from both parents and magically create an embryo that grows in one of the mares. Of course, it's still in the experimental phase. They've only figured out how to do it with mares, stallions are more complicated."

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Moon just turned to him in shock, "I..I may not know a stallion body well, but i really don't know if its built to birth" she said looked at the table, "maybe me and AJ can be an experiment couple, if it gives me a chance at family, I'm willing" she said, "though dunno how AJ will take it, using magic that way"

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