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Minecraft (All welcome, just jump in)

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Sky smiled as he called out to them

"Il start making some armor, i have a stack of iron" He calls out. He goes over to a crafting table and makes himself four fernaces and places them in the corner. He devides the coal and iron so there was a equal amount in each one. He waits until they are done then he starts the armor crafting

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She finally went into her home, ''Dark look for the few supplies in the basement with the chests," she said going up the stairs, "Fire look around for food, any food." Red went into her room and got diamonds, and extra iron. She found multiple stacks of arrows and a few bows. All they needed was the obsidian, which she didn't have. They'd have to go mining..

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Dark nodded and went to the basement and found some supplies for brewing but without a potion stand it was all useless. He also found a few stacks of coal and a bit of Iron. Also a few books, that would be good for enchanting!

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As Sky finished making everyone a chest plate, he made everyone ha sword. He had about 20 iron left(I think, i lost count) which he used to make everyone some boots. Then he made three picks and a shovel.

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((i don't know what the hunger thingies are called lol))

Fire looked around the chests and found chicken, beef and porkchops. "Those need to be cooked to give us extra hunger points" She said as she put them in her bag

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Red slowly walked down the stairs with a sharp pain in her hoof. "Alright, are you two ready?" She said putting on her diamond chestplate with iron boots, and putting her cloak over her. She waited in the main room for fire and dark. She put her cloak hood over her head, and in the mean time she changed her bandage.

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Dark looked at her and nodded after he got himself sorted out and followed after her, and once he caught up he sighed, "What happened?" he asked as he looked at the ground, "Why were we separated?" he asked her

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"EEEEYUP!! Got plenty of food for everypony" Fire said ad she followed Red out of the house. She saw Dark walking up to Red and talking about something. She started to slow down and thought "they need their privacy"

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Red kept quiet, she just continued to walk with a limp, but she stayed very close to Dark, maybe if she accidentally might fall? Or incase she needed to stop? Whichever it was she stayed close by him. She was thinking pretty hard until it started to rain, getting her cloak wet. "GREAT. JUST GREAT." She said frustrated and decided to take off her hood.

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(He he he... :blush: nothing)

Rose wakes up in her house and sees Sky. "Huh? How'd I get back here?" She keeps her gaze on Sky, ignoring the blush growing in her cheeks.

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Sky smiled as he heard rose wake up. He grabbed a chest plate and the helm and threw it to her, along with a sword. Sky was makign himself a bow with matirals he had found aroudn the place

"We brought you back here" He said. He had a blush though she couldnt see it as he was faced away from her

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As they went back to Rose's house, Fire looked at her inventory. "Wow, i can make a bow from this!" she thought as she went to the crafting table and made a bow and 20 arrows. "Nice" she said as she checked that the arrows where straight.

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Catching the armor was easy for Rose. The sword, on the other hoof... "Augh!" She shrieks as the sword fumbles out of her already full hooves and lands on her leg, drawing a few drops of blood. "SKY!" Rose yells.

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