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Poker Night in the Sky.


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Among the great inventions of Equestria and Aquilia of the Griffons, is the Airships. These giant flying bastions of iron, act as both military vehicles, transportation and even luxury sky yachts for cruises. And it was on such an airship, making its way across the land, that several individuals would meet, and in this meeting engage in a battle that would hold the destiny of the entire world in their claws and hooves.

A battle....of POKER!

In the higher levels of the airship, where only those of high connections, or of high wealth met and conversed, an area of the casino was being set for this battle.

Now all that was left, was for the players to show up.


For one player, he was busy in another level of the ship, in the lower halls where the more rough and tough patrons met. In the hall of various doors, the muffled sounds of a struggle can be heard, before the door of the room bursts open and the unconscious and bruised form of a griffon flies out, hitting the wall and slumping to the ground. The griffon groans as his head spins slightly, his eyes spinning.

Another griffon, just as battered steps out, breathing heavily as he points a talon at the griffon.

"And that....*gasp* Is why I told you..*gasp* To not call me short." The griffon, Razor gasped.

The other griffon groaned before giving a thumbs up.

Razor rubbed his head, feeling a bump showing up. He then looked at the clock and jumped. Goodness he was going to be late.

"Ah dang. Well time to see how my close quarter flight maneuvering goes." Razor said before taking down the hall with his wings flapping.

He dodged around halls and ponies and griffons alike as he flew fast to get to his scheduled place in time.

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The griffon's destination room was, quite possibly, the biggest piece of shiny gaucherie ever inflicted upon an unsuspecting public by interior decorators. Every surface that wasn't glass was brass, and all was polished to a mirror-level of reflectedness, so that one could see one's own reflection, in varying degrees of distortion, wherever one happened to rest the eye.

It was Perfect.

Prince Blueblood LVI sat in serene contentment in his throne-like chair. His commissioned director had followed his direction to a T, and the very fact he was able to convince a respectable airship captain to host this architectural monstrosity spoke well to his wealth and influence. And what better way to cap this display than a high-stakes poker game? 10,000 bit starting stake, 100 bit minimum bid. Behind his fortress of stacked chips, the unicorn waited like a dungeon master for those so foolish as to charge his fortress...

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The engineering pony wasn’t all to sure about how he was even invited aboard such an amazing beast. His wealth was nothing to scoff at. If he really wanted to he could run a small business and crash and still have plenty of money left to retire young and never lift a hoof again till he dies in a small mansion. But the pony was particularly low key about these sorts of things. His home was a low rent in Canterlot. He budgeted his spending’s quite well. He has more than one job. And his waistcoat, perhaps his most visibly prized possession wasn’t made out of any expensive materials. That could be seen anyways.

Maybe it was his research that got him in position? No no. That was unlikely. Ponies saw him as a mad stallion. He made sure of that. Java could only continue to scour over his mind as he trotted down the corridors. His eyes darting here and there with amazement. It was not just the decorations that caught his attention. It was the craftsmanship that worked it’s magic over the stallion’s sensory organs!

A stallion of engineering himself, he could only drool with envy over the hours of hard work that was put in to make such a thing. But, it didn’t last long. He quickly ceased all excess thoughts and reminded himself of one thing.

“You are here to relax. You are here to relax like the doctor and your mother ordered,” he whispered to himself repeatedly. But where mere words would not work, a spark of competitive spirit did.

The brown stallion walked into a magnificent room. A room that had actually brought real tears to the ponies eyes. It’s beauty was awenspiring. Breath taking. A designer choice so fabulous and dangerous that he would likel be HUNG for such decisions if it went wrong. And the story shows that he had been commended very well. Java even approached the walls as his eyes went wide and tears of joy rolled down his cheeks.

He raised a hoof, and gave the wall a light rasp of the hoof. A intricately placed brass support beam. Full brass heat tempered and all.

“It’s… it’s so beautiful. Heat treated brass…” he muttered audibly as he leaned closer till his ears were pressed against the beam. He tapped it twice, and shuddered as he listened to the metallic whine. “Sc-scarce in impurities. And the mirrors,” The pony quickly pulled away, and spun about to take in the entire design.

“The mirrors! It accents it all so well! Isolated, yet so open and mysterious! Glorious as it let’s a pony peer into a secret world beyond normal sight! Utility meets art in application! Terrific! The battle cry function over form cries out in anguish as such trifling arguments have been exhausted! This room! The murderer of the cry! Who was the wonderful-“

The pony promptly cut himself off after noticing he wasn’t quite alone in the room. And it wasn’t just any pony. But a very familiar face. In a throne like chair, sitting in front of a stack of chips and a deck of cards was Prince Blueblood himself.

“Oh…” the pony sniffed in embarrassment. A hoof quickly moving up to whipe a tear away. “Well that answers that question…” He hummed to himself as he now trotted closer to the table to inspect it’s contents. He was sure this wasn’t a private room. There was no guard outside to hault his progress. Was there? Or maybe HE invited him here. What for? To further lay down the princely lessons of family?

"Mind if I join you there, friend?"

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A light amberish gray unicorn stallion decked in a black tuxedo and spats, slowly made his way through the great halls of the airship. He couldn't help but be impressed by what he had seen so far. This would be the sort of ship he would own if he were interested in such a thing. As Pocket Change paused to admire the breathtakingly beautiful statue of Equestria's beloved ruler, Princess Celestia, he overheard the racket caused by a pair of griffons not that far from where he stood. Apparently the smaller of the bunch, a somewhat dodgy looking bird, probably a teenager proved victorious. While the stallion wanted to alert a nearby ship security officer to have both the griffons thrown in the brig before they caused even more trouble and possible property damage, a quick glance at his pocket watch told him there would be no time to do so.

While he was hardly the richest pony in Equestria, his family which was considered 'very old money' was still afforded a decent about of respect by Canterlot's richer families, and while he was usually invited to these events, the young stallion usually found better things to do with his time. Still, the latest invite to play a few rounds of cards with some of Equestria's movers and shakers did intrigued him. And while he would have preferred to spend his free time with his beloved mare-friend, Moondancer, their schedules once again clashed. So, Pocket could always win a bagful of bits and spend it on something frilly for her.

He eventually found himself near a room whose number matched the on he had on his invitation. As he slowly entered, he noticed the young griffon and wondered what business he had here. The unicorn also noticed Prince Blueblood sitting at the table looking like his usual smug self. While his actual position in royalty puzzled him, he was still a very important pony. Being a proper Canterlot citizen, he gave of a proper bow before finding a seat. He smiled as he noticed his new game-master, friend and fellow guild member was sitting nearby. First, as customary, he greeted the Prince. "Good to see you, your highness." Pocket Change did gain a rather heaping dose of respect for the prince after hearing of his heroics during last year's Nightmare Night's fiasco. While he wasn't sure about the truth behind the stories, he did hope that most, if not all were true.

"And it's always a treat to run into you Mister Javasun.", with the help of his telekinesis, the unicorn placed his invitation face up on the table. Since he already paid for his chips ahead of time, it took just a moment before his healthy pile of chips was placed at his spot by one of the ship's gaming employees. Now he too had an awesome chip fortress! He just hoped there would be more to join his table. Prince Blueblood was a start, but where was Filthy Rich? Or Fancy Pants? Swift Squall?

One thing did bother the young pony. Javasun had 'asked' to join this game. Wasn't this invitation only? He wouldn't want to see his friend get dragged out of the room, so he spoke up, "No worries, this card counts for both the invited and a friend.", he smiled before adding, "I do hope more will be showing up beyond the three of us."

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Vinyl Scratch was ready - she wasn't usually one to simply attend a gambling party, preferring to do things in a more showy environment, but when she'd heard that this l'il party would be held miles above Equestria in an airship surrounded by ponies of all kinds and calibres, she could hardly say no to the idea.

She was in the mares-room, a pair of fiery orange and yellow shades enveloped in a hue of magenta magickery...a fine white cloth cleaning them carefully as the mare put the finishing touches to her appearance - She wanted to make sure that her presence wasn't just noticed, but was something that let the other ponies know that their gaming was ON notice. Her mane was as frizzy as normal, she was freshly showered and prepped for her evening of entertainment with ponies of all kinds and not having to host proceedings as she normally would in such a situation. No, she was here to throw a few bits into the pot, win herself a few rounds and enjoy the event for what it was with absolutely nothing but sky and clouds as far as the eye could see outside of the window.

Moments later, and she had finished up her minute preparations and had emerged into the main room where the action was to be held - it was a pretty glitzy sight, and the young DJ had to give it to the owners of the place...it was a perfect setting for a game that was no doubt gonna wind up high stakes and plenty serious in no time at all. Good thing she had made a habit of saving for rainy nights - she'd acquired a healthy enough pile of bits to get her into this little shindig, and her reputation no doubt helped as a musical, if somewhat in the more unconventional side, mare of canterlot warrented what had been the unexpected invite in the first place.

" Gooood evening, Gentlecolts! " the mare chuckles as she approaches the group slowly gathering - regardless of what happened, this was going to be fun!

She takes her seat on the table and allows the service to do it's thing...a reasonable little mound of bits appeared next to her in no time at all. " Showtime awaits us, eh? "

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  • 2 weeks later...

One might have thought that Prince Blueblood would have greeted Java's arrival with some soupcon of displeasure, perhaps even annoyance. After all, they had not parted on the best of terms since a rather.... eventful boating trip had brought certain fundamental differences in temperament to a head. They had parted more rivals than friends, but after all, when one intends to clean up at a gambling table, the sight of a rival is even more pleasing than that of a close friend.

"Certainly I don't mind." The unicorn twisted his face into what might be called a sharklike smile. It was more like a eel, but those can be pretty vicious too. "I've laid out a pile of chips for you." As if all present had been specially invited by him. In truth, he was only hosting it aboard this ship as a luxury to any who could front the stake. He didn't mind inviting commoners into his presence if it gave him a prime opportunity to show off, and he intended to do so to an almost vulgar extent. Almost.

"I am pleased to hear you appreciate the architecture. It wasn't easy to find the decorator who'd do it on spec." He spared a glance at one of the many mirrors, grinning composedly at his reflection. He nodded in a regal sort of way to Pocket Change. He hadn't much personal knowledge of that particular stallion, but he came from class, and had the money, so nothing too untoward should come from it. "Indeed, I don't recall sending out invitations especial, but I won't ask for them at the door like a butler. I think we ought to be getting some more-"

Blueblood froze as he saw the next guest. Oh dear, oh dear. The Prince's tastes in music might be charitably described as 'conservative,' but even he had heard word of the rising DJ star. He'd studiously gone out of his way to avoid subjecting himself to the sub-tonal audio mishmash that passed for modern music, and this was the living representative of it! Still, Vinyl had the money, although he would exert himself especially to see that she didn't by the end of the night!

"Do take a seat." He said coolly. "I set the table for six players; so we're just waiting on two now."

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Razor turned a corner, entering the casino. He looked around till he spotted where he had to go for his game. And boy, was it hard to miss.

"By the wind, who the heck designed this room? I feel like I'm in a house of mirrors. If someone let the sun shine in here we would probably go blind." Razor said as he walked in, hopping up into his seat and preen at some wing feathers before looking at the other players.

'Okay. We got someone who looks like a snob. Probably a canterlot pony. Be fun taking his money, bet I can bluff him with ease.' Razor thought as he took a look at Blueblood.

Next were of course...more ponies. Was he the only griffon here? Well, that just meant he had to try twice as hard to make them all a few bits lighter. One looked average, and the other was a unicorn. Frankly Razor was a bit worried this guy might have some spell to help cheat. Still, he couldn't just say that out loud. That would be rude, but Razor would be keeping a very sharp eye on him.

'I even get a suspicion of him shifting cards with magic and I'll file that horn down to a stump.' He thought, chuckling aloud at the image of an unicorn with a stubby horn.

The third did have him a bit...uncomfortable. It was a mare. A girl, and he was always shy around girls. He moved his chair somewhat away from her and gulped. He had to get the seat right next to a girl. Well...as long as he stayed calm...and she stayed away.

'Just focus on poker. Just a keep up a poker face. Poker face. Poker face.' Razor thought, taking a few stead breathes as he shook his head and got his chips ready.

"Anyway. Nice to meet you all. I'm Razor Ironclaw, or just Razor. I'll be the one taking your bits at the end of this game so save yourself the embarrassment and just fold your hands when you get em." Razor gloated with a smirk. Though every once in awhile he glanced over at the mare to make sure she was...well not tooooo close to him.

As he looked around he noticed the last chair was empty, "Hey where is the final guy?"

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Apple Bloom was in way above her head. Literally, too. She was above the heads of friends and family and she was lost in a world she didn't really understand, and it was all her fault. She had just been poking around after a long family vacation that was winding down. Tired, she had just been inspecting some odd looking boxes at some loading docks not far from the train station. She was always intrerested in what was being sent where and why- part of being an Apple pony was understanding the basics of logistics, and understanding logistics required you understood what was needed where. She had been peering into an empty box when somepony's flank had haphazardly bumped into her, sending her into the box. A moment later and before she could yell for help, a veritable ton of uncooked hard pasta was tossed on top of her. The next three hours passed by roughly as she could hardly get a squeak out.

Finally, after a lot of struggling and a small thought that the worst way to go was under what felt like a hundred tons of pasta, she burst out of the box, It broke to be more accurate and spilled the pasta and the pony out in a whirlwind of motion. Just as quickly as it had happened, the little filly was made dully aware that it was over. She coughed a few times and looked around- kitchen. That was good! She was sure that any place that was civilized enough to have a kitchen was civilized enough to get her home in a jiffy. She started walking around when a giant horn sounded, vibrating the young pony in place. She wobbled for a second before shaking her head back into coherency.

“Oh for land's sake...” she muttered in fear. She was on an airship! That would have been fun most days. But that meant she was really, really far away from home and the stories she heard about airships weren't fun. If you were a lost filly and got on an airship with an evil captain they might use for coal, or send you off to become a laborer in the factory that made the airships! Applejack had told her those stories were just that- stories. Fiction designed to scare. But something overtook her and she couldn't help but think that those stories had to come from somewhere.

So this scared filly poked her head out of the kitchen and-

“Miss Wander, is it you?” an old, gravelly voice asked as Apple Bloom jumped up in shock. She turned to the voice and saw a face that matched the voice. Old, wrinkled, friendly, wearing glasses the size of a hoof.

“We've been expecting you....hacck...haaaack...” he began, trying to adjust his glasses as he handed her a folder. Apple Bloom took it reluctantly and opened it, revealing a picture of a young mare who looked a lot like her. This poor elderly gentlecolt couldn't see at all!

“Errr, Ah'm not-”

“We've got the game all ready, when you feel like joining them...it is about to begin.

Apple Bloom's left eyebrow rose.

“What game?”


A few minutes later, Apple Bloom sauntered into the poker room with a cocksure smile and a debonair light teal hat with a feather in the cap and a dull pink cape. She swished it as she took her place at the table. She was terrified, but wouldn't let it show. She was in way over head and still had no plan, but assumed play-acting as some rich socialite with a gambling addiction was better than becoming an airship laborer attached to a magical collar that assured obedience. Darn Diamond Tiara and her stories.

“Gentlecolts, a pleasure to meet you!” Apple Bloom allowed her natural accent to attach a bit of a southern belle character, somewhat hiding the roughness of her words.

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Razor noticed someone speaking and turned around and...he blinked. He blinked again. And then a third time.

"It's a kid?" He said, scratching the back of his head confused. She had on a little hat and cloak that told him this filly was part of the higher ups of the ship. He had a cloak too with his family crest on it, but he had left that back in his room. Cloaks made the wings itchy and besides, this Airships captain knew his family enough to know him.

Still...it was a kid. While he wasn't the tallest griffon around, he at least could be recognized as an adult....at times. But this was a full blown filly! Who lets a kid play poker?

'Egh..rich pony families do weird things I guess.' He thought, but he still was skeptical.

"....I find it odd that a kid is playing poker but...well I've seen you ponies do stranger things. So lets break out the cards and start giving me out your bits." He said as the automated deck shuffler, a recently created and installed invention amongst airship casinos shuffled and shot out the two cards for the players.

Razor glanced at his cards, before looking around at all the others. See if he could catch any tells. The kid he felt would be the easiest to read.

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The pony raised a brow, as he noticed the Unicorn’s glare. The pony pulled an invitation out from his waist coat and showed it to his friend. But his eyes didn’t leave the Prince. A rival’s glare. It was welled up from a bit of bad blood between him and the prince that started only a short while ago, on a boat. A smile on his lips, as he put the card away and explained.

“I was invited,” The pony started, his eyes flickering with annoyance, “I don’t know how or who caught wind of me after I try so hard to go unnoticed. But I couldn’t bring myself to look away from a title starting with an N. And my name. I suspected it was you, but now I can see it wasn’t.”

The pony slid into a chair near pocket change, and looked down to the pile of chips in front of Blueblood. The prince clearly was playing quite seriously tonight. Or maybe this was just chump change for him. “And. Yes I do take a heavy appreciation for architecture. It is a small hobby of mine, and one I have grown very fond of. Plus it shows the outstanding accomplishments of ingenuity and engineering.”

The pony then reached into his waistcoat once more, and pulled out a small bag that was tied with one draw string. He tossed it up into the air a few times before finally letting it drop onto the table. He gave the bag’s opening a small tap with his hoof, to get it ready for when he buys himself a set of chips.

His gaze however was adverted when he heard something else come in. Besides the DJ, the griffon, and his friend. It was a foal. Such an instance caused the stallion to smile. But when he slowly leaned over the table to get a better look at her. The smile turned into a grin.

"Aaaand I believe we have a younger member in the game. But, aren't you a little... too young?"

He asked, the competitive tension in his gaze was now completely absent. And once again, the coffee scented stallion turned away to look to the griffon whom mentioned something about ponies being weird.

“Hey now! I’ve dated a griffon once. And trust me… you griffons are weirder. Or... she was... well," The pony then trailed off, now covering his face with his hoof. "Oh... never mind, she was insane. Lovely. But insane."

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And sure enough, another pony entered the room. This one thankfully was a gal, and a rather mesmeric musical mare to boot. He couldn't put his hoof on it, but he was sure he had seen this unicorn before. Was it at a party? Was she the disc jockey? He threw a polite smile her way and hoped they would be serving drinks soon. He looked forward to a night of cards with both old and hopefully new friends. As the good Prince spoke, Pocket Change turned his attention towards the stallion. While he was sure the bit about him being Princess Celestia's 'nephew' was utter nonsense, especially since his beloved Monarch's sister could not have a child wild imprisoned on (or was it in?) the moon. He did believe the hushed rumors of Blueblood being tied directly to the original unicorn royal bloodline of Princess Platinum, but this was never confirmed.

Prince Blueblood simply mentioned there would be more coming to their little card game. Now who could this be? Maybe an celebrity like Sapphire Shores? Or another member of royalty? Imagine playing cards with Princess Luna! Or maybe one of Princess Celestia's Champions? He could see Lady Applejack being quite the poker player? Or maybe Lady Rarity? He had heard news about her little encounter with Blueblood during one of the previous Grand Galloping Gala.

So who would this be? It sure wasn't what the stallion had expected, as it was a kid. A well dressed one, but a filly, or maybe a small mare? Didn't matter to him, but he had a feeling she was going to need to show photo identification if she wanted a drink. And since Pocket Change was a proper Canterlot pony, he generally kept his language family friendly. He smiled at the extra little pony before catching a few things the griffon had said. His ears perked up a little. Wasn't he a kid? Or at least a teenager? The stallion had something snarky to say, but kept it to himself for the moment. He did notice the discomfort he had shown when the sun-glass wearing mare had sat down next to him. Had they known each other?

While he never dated a griffon before, he never found them to be 'weird' or at least no weirder than ponies. "A year ago, my little team of explorers came across a great tower in the north that was inhabited by a fierce clan of white coated griffons known as the 'Iceguard'. Both regal and beautiful they are. They were tasked to watch the further north, for something called the 'Sleeper'. I had assumed it was a dormant dragon, but the more I think back, I do believe they were waiting for the return of King Sombra."* He felt a little sad as he remembered his old friends, Cleverboots, Ember Spark and Emerath, and he wondered where they were, and what they had been doing lately.

The unicorn caught his cards using his telekinesis magic and held them up so that only he may see them.

OOC: Stuff

MY DICE ROLL. Using an 1D10 Dice is

A 10!

Thankfully they post links so you know I was honest:


* http://www.canterlot...the-polar-star/

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The entering griffon had not done much to earn him approbation from the nominal host of this little gathering. Indeed, the Prince had given him an austere look from the first, which the many mirrors multiplied until the effect was like being in the middle of a circle of disapproving relatives. "The decor is my own design." He said, fixing his stare for a good five seconds before turning his attention to the sixth and final entrant.

Like most everypony else, he was taken aback somewhat by the unexpectedly... size? Youth? Asking a lady's age wasn't done, even by one such as Blueblood, so coming right out and asking was out of the question. He merely remarked, "And that's the last. I do hope you won't be so dilatory in settling your debts tonight." The chips would act as counters, but no actual money would change hooves until after the game.

Technically, his was the first deal, though the cards were shot out automatically. He only gave his a glance, his features not one iota more smug or self-satisfied than was usual with him. Apparently, having to smile politely and superiorily through countless Society shindigs was great training for developing a poker face. He followed the developing conversation with mild interest, chiming in, "All I'll say, is that for sheer lunacy, I'll match our aristocracy over anything your Republic brought forth any day of the week." The Prince seemed to think this was some sort of social one-upmanship, and he was determined not to lose. "I can't think now of any family in Canterlot that doesn't have some mad uncle or aunt locked away in the attic. Occasionally, however, they escape; don't they, Java?"

There was no change in Blueblood's voice at all, but the look he shot his rival was unmistakable. Truth be told, the other pony had not done much to bely the reputation the Prince had determined to fix upon him. Society Gossip was full of only slighty exaggerated tales of his... exploits, and if called, the Prince would share them in spades!

Dice Rolls: 2 for his cards, 6 for his bluff (out of a 10-sided dice)


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Java just finished paying for his chips, right as he caught wind of the prince's little insult. The Stallion smiled as he looked up, his set of cards sliding into position just in front of himself. “Yes, I guess so,” Java began as he moved his hooves to slowly lift the bottom edge of the cards in front of himself. His eyes danced over the result without much of a care, before he set them down and leaned back.

The pony really could have gotten away with displaying some emotion for this hand. He knew better than to try and bluff for such a garbage heap of a hand. Most people would go ahead and call him for his bluff, and he'd be out of a good small fortune. So he'd just play it safe and fold his hand when it comes to his turn. His hoof out stretched to give one of his chips a curious tap.

“But every family has their little secrets. I understand you know the uh... attic relative well, yes?” He continued, just agreeing for now. He really didn't mind the verbal blow from Blueblood given that no one else knows of his own blood line. So the reference would likely go over the others' heads. But he was easily able to process a counter-strike. After all, the Prince has greater since of publicity than he did. And the word of the prince's actions tend to travel fast across the ponies of Canterlot, like a crack of lightning.

“But, I never had the chance to ask you. How did that little date with the cute little white mare from Ponyville go,” The pony stopped at that question. Looking up from his chips with a wide, malicious grin. He inhaled sharply as he now leaned forward to place his hooves on the table. “I could hardly find the time to go to the Galla every year. But that year sounded the most interesting.”

The pony leaned a little closer, his grin growing more dangerous as he whispered the next set of words in a lilting manner with deadly precision on each note he made. He knew well in advanced that there could have easily been a double meaning behind what he had said. And he wanted it to be that way. To make things... a little difficult to recover from as either one could have been pretty damaging to his reputation. “I heard there was some fiery passion between you and her.”

He quickly leaned back in his seat, and spun around in the swivel chair. "But! What do I know! I am just a mad stallion in a vest~"

Likely the worst roll for this first round.

1 out of 10. He's folding on his next turn. By the way, shouldn't we be using a D20?


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Vinyl decided to overlook the fact that the final pony seemed a little...younger than the rest - wasn't her business who the prince had invited, and she really didn't wanna raise the point that this particular pony might not exactly be the kind who'd be footing her own bills all that long. Instead, she focuses on the fact that she'd gotten her cards and that the table was, as of the current moment, getting a little lively. The conversation had turned somewhat more interesting, and Vinyl took it upon herself to be a little more observational in the hopes that perhaps it would aid her in some way later.

" Griffs are cool and such - you ponies ever been to a Griffon Rave? " She says with a small smirk.

" Seriously, place winds up covered in more feathers than a pillow factory explosion - I was sneezin' for at least a week afterwards, and finding feathers in my mane for a month...but they're a fun bunch, if ya don't mind a little culture shock here and there! "

With a small tweak of the shades, the Dualtone maned Unicorn looks at her cards and rubs her muzzle ponderously - hmm...she wasn't sure if she should be overly intrigued...still, she had what she had and if it turned out to be an advantageous hand, then so be it. She suspected that it wasn't exactly likely that she was going to be in for an easy ride though, and thus put on her best straight face to keep herself from giving anything away too soon - it was far too early in the game for anything else but quiet stoicism as far as her odds were concerned. For the time being, it was better that she simply kept her wits about her and played her usual outward cool detachment rather than giving her thoughts about the game away for even a moment...but she figured there'd be plenty to say a little later on when things really started heating up!

{ Rolled an 8 - http://invisiblecast...r/view/4639910/ }

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Apple Bloom sauntered into her seat with all the confidence of a lie. She knew that under any real direct questioning asking if she was, well, her, she'd fail. She had to keep up the act to the degree that they wouldn't think to ask. Question was, what was the act? Less than two minutes ago she had lied to a half-blind old stallion and said she was somepony who had yet to show up. She could only hope that the other pony didn't show up because she rather enjoyed living free and not being turned into an airship slave pony. The real goal was to see if she could get to the next airship stop and then get off. There were members of the Apple family everywhere and if she could just contact them once on the ground everything would be grand. She just had to play this game until then and then she'd have a great story to tell. Who knew- maybe she'd have a killer CUTIE MARK STORY to tell!

The looks of the others told her she would have a problem if she didn't take charge. The last thing she wanted or needed was for them to think she could be anything other than the confident young mare who was in charge of the table, and part of that was an understanding that she had of the game they were playing. She actually played cards somewhat often but usually with her friends. This was much tougher competition. Luckily, she understood the game well enough. Her hand so far looked pretty good, a cocksure smile finding its way on. Not that it relied on the cards. Unlike her sister, Apple Bloom had no moral disengagement with some white lies and would look confident no matter what during this game.

“You may all stop giving me those looks,” Apple Bloom purred in a southern belle accent, slowly articulating herself to sound different enough, “though I-” she emphasized that I, “am quite used to it. Let me guess- all of you fine stallions and predators think I'm a filly of some sort? How typical, though it is no fault of your own. I have been cursed with such a small body for such a big mare,” Apple Bloom smiled, swishing her man off to the side, bowless as it was.

“So, how did the Prince contact the rest of you?”


OOC- Rolled a 10.


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If it was any satisfaction to Java, his verbal counter elicited more of an actual reaction from the Prince than the near-useless hand he'd been dealt. His eyebrow moved almost one-quarter of an inch! "Oh? I'm not surprised you heard of that; it was the talk of the town a couple of years ago. Our second date was considerably eventful, though by no means any less delightful." And his royal lips curled up into their own, more subtle, smile. Veterans of Social Combat among the High echelons of Canterlot would have perceived the hidden meanings bound up in Blueblood's rejoinder:

1. That's old news; you'll have to do better than that.

2. But of course, you can't do better than that, because you're so far out of the Game, you might as well be a commoner.

3. I've been playing since you were literally in diapers, so you may as well fold and go home now.

In any High-society gathering, it would have been enough to put a rival out of the running; nopony who was anypony would have talked to Java after that. Of course, most didn't talk to him already, so the victory was mostly hollow. Also, at least half of those present wouldn't have picked up on those clues at all, so it was a wasted effort. Still, it was a masterful defense of it's kind; like most ponies commonly labeled as idiots, Blueblood did not so much suffer from a lack of intelligence as much as a surplus of overspecialized knowledge.

For the rest, it would have been surprising enough to any familiar with the events of a certain Gala that there had been an actual second date between him and Rarity. True, it would never have happened if Auntie Celestia had not specifically arranged for an opportunity for her nephew to apologize and make up for a ruined evening, but to be fair, he had done his best to do so.

The little one got his attention, briefly. So, she'd been born small, eh? He was glad she brought it up, it would have been deucedly awkward to tip-hoof around the issue all night. "Oh, my secretary sent out the invites, I don't usually bother with that sort of thing." His tone suggested that he might take a more active role in such tasks in the future.

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The pony’s eyes flicked upwards to the pony’s brow, noticing the slightest hint of a reaction. The Pony smiled to himself as he continued to spin in his chair like a little foal who’s found some new little play thing. True, he might be a new challenger when it comes to the Noble’s little game. But he wasn’t playing the standard rules of Social Combat. No, he was merely prying. Plucking away the princes’ barriers to see what he really like. It was a strategy of debate and arguments. A stratergy of common ponies below the noble world. Meant to be as manipulative as possible. It followed the old philosophy that you’d have to have a lot of trust to get into an argument with another pony, because it shows your real nature. Sure, it was a risky tactic that could easily backfire. But the pony really had nothing to loose in such an engagement. In fact, he had plenty to gain, even from a loosing streak. The pony’s reputation with the nobles is already absent, that they had all practically forgotten he was a noble. A little something that Java ensured when he was just a foal, and decided to remove himself from their world.

“No, I doubt you would be. But, it gave me a new light on our beloved prince. I hadn’t thought the handsome stallion of the canterlot castle would be more feminine than his looks protests~”

Of course, that wasn’t meant as a jab to the stallion. Clearly marked as the stallion paused for a moment to think about what he had just said. The stallion turning his gaze back to the prince. It was a small slip up, but once again, the stallion still found the Prince a handsome devil. Just one he knows not to bother with procuring. He took a moment to notice the smile, and read it’s message. He then continued his spinning.

The pony now startling to chuckle to himself as he finally stopped to look at the other stallion. The grin showing that he understood the other’s little self inclined victory. But with it’s own hidden message.

1. I know it’s old news sweetie, I am just being ice.

2. You have very little to actually attack me with, while I have enough to send you crying to auntie.

3. If you really want to continue this little game, then I’ll be happy to give you something to level the grounds. But the gloves are off.

“Yes. Well, as an engineer I have to do a lot of traveling. And keeping up with social affairs past what I could actually care for, and barely call news. For that moment of inspiration…” This was said in a halfhearted manner. Java would openly admit that he really couldn’t give two bucks about the lives of well-known figure heads, when he barely knew them in pony. Though he believed in equal opportunity in expanding his own knowledge, and solving problems. But the next thing he said, was actually a small and brisk hint to the prince. “But I did get to see plenty of interesting things, like the Ulsyai festival.”

And then, the little mare had then shot out some disarming news. Something about her being of a smaller stature? “Oh… well, forgive me for being rude then,” Java hummed, now looking down to the little filly with a blank exp<b></b>ression.

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Razor blushed a bit when the filly told them all she was merely short. He actually felt bad, since he got such comments himself.

"Oh...uh...very sorry about that miss. I...I should have been more polite." He said, rubbing the back of his head uneasily. Feel his face all hot now.

" Griffs are cool and such - you ponies ever been to a Griffon Rave? " She says with a small smirk.

" Seriously, place winds up covered in more feathers than a pillow factory explosion - I was sneezin' for at least a week afterwards, and finding feathers in my mane for a month...but they're a fun bunch, if ya don't mind a little culture shock here and there! "

Razor blinked and looked over at the mare, "Raves? You a DJ or something? Or just a wild party girl?"

"Of course though we can be a fun bunch to be around. Honestly, I don't know why you ponies would think otherwise."

Razor tossed a few chips onto the table and the deck machine started the first three cards. Razor relooked at his hand cards then to the first three of the river. He might have something.....

He then looked to Blueblood and Java, "I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say you two spend a lot of time in the higher social circles of Equestria right?"


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Pocket Change cringed a little as the good prince mentioned something about a 'mad uncle or aunt locked away in the attic'. While it was his older brother who was kept safely away in his parent's basement, it was mostly for his own good, considering he had a terrible case of Agoraphobia, along with Coulrophobia, Eleutherophobia, Enochlophobia, Gymnophobia, among many others. They managed to get poor Sprocket outside once rather recently, but they picked a poor day to do so, when the whole family attended the wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Most in Canterlot know how that all turned out.

The conversation between his friend and 'Game Master' Java and Prince Blueblood was starting to get incredibly awkward, and the unicorn tried his best not to get involved. Apparently the two had some sort of spat together, but it wasn't so much so that Blueblood did not simple have a guard escort the brazen stallion out of the room. Maybe the Prince enjoyed having somepony who didn't feel the need to kiss his backside. Still, Pocket was a good Canterlot pony who had long been taught to always behave in front of Royalty.

Deciding that it would be wise to just stay positive for the game, Pocket decided to engage in conversation with the lovely dual tone mained mare, "My ex-girlfriend was always dragging me to the next rave, and while I'm not much of a fan of the style of music that they played in those little parties, I was however, a fan of how she danced with me when the records were spinning." He glanced at his cards and threw the proper amount of chips in the pile, "Don't know how some ponies manage to keep up on their hooves all night and usually all morning long. I'm guessing stamina potions, caffeine, and or extension magics.

"I'm Pocket Change of Canterlot Commons.", he smiled at the disc jockey, "I believe we attended a few of your parties since I do remember watching an very agile young mare with similar glasses preform near the college park in Canterlot. I believe you were 'scratching' while standing on your head.."

If needed. Here's my tie-breaker roll: 10 once again! I wish these were the same dice I used in my other PBEMS


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Vinyl smiles and turns to the griffon who'd addressed her - there was always something that struck her as amusing when anyone asked that question, and she couldn't help herself but give a small chuckle.

" You could say I'm both. " she says with an air of confidence as she flicks her tail gently in small amusement. " Names Vinyl Scratch, better known as DJ Pon3 - Best DJ on Equestrian soil, so I've been told...always a pleasure t'mix it up with griffons! "

Admittedly, she knew that there wasn't always going to be prior knowledge of who she was, and sometimes she really needed to tug back on her ego a little when she was dealing with folks who had never heard of her - heck, she still needed to do the same when folks DID know her, 'lest she say something that might make her look far more arrogant than she wanted to come across...sure, she was often one of the more talked about acts in most of the underground and magitechnical music scenes, but she wasn't the ONLY name on that list and she was fully aware of that. Sure, it was nice to indulge in a little self-fantasy about being the best of a particular area of musically renowned ponies, but that didn't allow her full permission to overblow her own trumpet - well, most of the time anyway.

It was then that Pocket change intro'd himself to the mare - Vinyl gave him a small grin and tweaked the shades slightly as she recalled the event somewhat, although it was a fair time back. " Yeah, That was a fun gig - college stuff is always fun, butcha gotta be careful of the whole rules an' regs they throw down to keep things sane at the place...naturally, I made it work, but I still got some evil eyes from the folks in charge, lemme tell ya. Guess they just didn't dig the scene! " She smiles impishly, a small shrug of 'whatever' to emphasise her point.

" Buuut as far as tonights entertainment goes... " Vinyl tosses a few of her own chips on the table and gave a smirk. " Let the good times roll, no matter who ya are! "

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Apple Bloom had done a good job throwing the other members of the game off of her filly scent, or at least she thought so. She wasn't a grade-a liar like Diamond Tiara but she could tell a few whoppers and get away with it at times. At the very least if they did suspect something they no longer prodded her for answers, and that would have to do. She also knew that she couldn't keep it going forever. Her voice work wasn't that great and as it cracked so would her facade, and if the Prince pushed for more information she would be a goner! Luckily, a few of them seemed so happy to banter back and forth a bit spitefully that she was more than pleased to fall back into the background. The game continued and her cards were looking mighty fine.

As were her companions. She didn't recognize a bunch of them, but that faded. Well, it didn't need to fade with Blueblood. She knew who he was. While reports regarding his behavior was anything but fun times at the royals, he was still a member of the family that deserved respect. She didn't really like lying to him, but she supposed if she could lie to Twilight (even if she was not a Princess at the time) then she could tell a fib to him. She also didn't need to come to terms with Vinyl Scratch. Apple Bloom knew her songs pretty well. It was one of her hidden musical pleasures. While she was a country filly at heart, she'd been to a few parties in her life where the sport of music Vinyl made fit the mood. Another pony at the table slowly dawned on Apple Bloom- they'd met at the kissing booth. Eclectic group to say the least. Apple Bloom nodded politely at Java, inspecting her own cards all the while. Oh, she had a good hand. A small smirk crept on. This would be fun...until it wasn't anymore.

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If Java's playing style was anything like his conversation, Blueblood would gauge him as a pony more likely to raise than fold. There were not many proper responses to a sentence that was both a compliment to his looks and an insult to his mannerisms, but the Prince was not the undisputed champion of High Society for nothing. "Nor," He replied, casting a weather eye over the rapidly rotating stallion, "Would I have expected the one who acted the most like a foal at this not to be the one who most looked one."

Indeed, Java had probably done more than anything else to dispel any lingering suspicions that Blueblood had about Applebloom. As long as nothing too egregious exposed her deception, she'd be safe from him. Java's rather superior grin frankly puzzled him, until the brown pony mentioned Unyasi. Oh. Oh dear. He'd heard about that. Well, all things considered, it would have been remarkable if he hadn't, given that the incident was only portrayed in the best-selling book series in Equestria, starring the most famous adventurer in Equine literature! Even Blueblood had to admit that he'd never made a bigger fool of himself than when he mistook Daring Do for a jewel thief, and teamed up with a painfully obvious villain to track her down.

His only reaction to the mention of the place was a carefully blank expression, which anypony could see clearly as meaning "touche." Raising here would not be a wise play. Probably best to focus on cleaning his clock at cards. The Prince returned his attention to the game, and thus incidentally to the other players. "Oh, I'm more in them than he is." He replied to the griffon's question, trying to get a reading on him and the others. The dealer had to start the betting, so he did, but he folded at the first raise. It didn't do to give one's own bad position right away, but there was no shame in backing down before another pony who betrayed their own confidence. It put them off guard, and unbalanced their bluffing game. He leaned back, idly listening to the other conversations.

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Java's eyes tilted to the side, and saw the madame's smile. The pony sighed for a moment, when the mare gave away the outcome of her cards to easily. Naturally, the pony felt compelled to give the mare some advice. But, she could easily be one of those experienced players who purposely give away subtle hints, just to fool the other ponies into doing what they want. And so the stallion, smiled, and looked back down and motioned to the dealer to go ahead and supply him a new set of cards. He slid a few chips ahead of himself, while listening to the other's conversations. Even laughing when he heard Bluebloods insult in return. Actually, it could have easily been a compliment, if Java was actually sure his mental sanity was degrading or not. But Java did seem a bit surprised that his little mention of Unyasi had disarmed the stallion. He was actually sure that the prince would have thrown something else his way. Or maybe take him up on his offer. Either way, that did destroy Java's manipulative plans for the evening. But, the pony drew his hoof over his lips, like he was pulling a zipper close. It was just a way to assure Blueblood he had no plans in mentioning without being provoked.

"Well," Java hummed as he slowed himself down to a stop. His gaze now turned to Razor as he gave him his answer. "The prince speaks partial truth. Actually. It's a huge understatement. You're more likely to find him at a high society social, than I. Really, I only go when I am forced. That's usually by my folks, or business," Java hummed as he now observed his new set of hands. He chuckled a bit after seeing that all he had got was crap, and quickly threw it into the center of the table, face down. In some cases his decision was a bad choice. But the pony knew what he was doing. He was getting them cocky. But, it also took him a moment that he let his societal status slip. "And when it's just business. I don't mingle. I just go in, get what I need done and leave. I don't enjoy most of their behavior and tendencies, so they just don't make good company to me. I never even knew that it was possible for a pony to hold an entire conversation about their income. Or the quality of a wine when it taste the same as a lower quality version, when both are properly distilled. The list goes on. Feels like they only gather to have a burn fight most of the time. Or as some freakish scheme to climb up the ladder. Some of them are real nice ponies, however. Which is a pleasant surprise here and there. But not a lot of them."

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  • 2 weeks later...

While Blueblood didn't think much of Java's reasons for covering up his family name, the Prince would admit that the name the other had chosen for himself was at least not deceptive. The mad engineer's company did indeed feel bitter on the tongue, but it did indeed stimulate the mind. In almost no other circumstance would Blueblood make so much effort to approach wit in his conversation instead of empty aristocratic phrases.

That little remark on wine, for example. The Prince prided himself, not without justice, on a good tongue and palate for the stuff, and that had taken years to acquire. To have the subject so dismissed stung about as much as telling a PhD that their diploma wasn't worth the paper it was printed on! *This vulgarian shall have to be educated as to his error,* he determined, pondering the best way to go about it. Taste the same when distilled indeed!

It didn't take him long to hit upon the idea, once he remembered Vinyl Scratch, sitting on the other side of the table. Casually addressing himself to the mare, he said, "I wonder how many total performances you've done, though I daresay you've lost count by now. I suppose there were some where you were really, as they say, on top of your game? I wonder what you would say of a pony who said there was no difference between one of your good days, and a mediocre performance in the same genre, merely because they couldn't tell the difference when both were played back at 5 times the speed at which they were meant to be heard." That was, in every way, a parallel to Java's own thoughts on fine wine, and the work that went in to make it, and to find it, too.

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Vinyl was no stranger to critical attacks on her and others musical works - she'd had hecklers before, and knew that they could be ruthless when given reason to be, thus had no desire to play into this little confrontational situation for long. So instead of riling herself up with an emotional response, she took a small inward breath and released before giving the royal a wink from behind the shades as she glances in his direction - she didn't exactly plan on getting too tangled up with the princes idea of cheap shots, but she knew that she needed to at least make an effort to give a reply that would demonstrate that she could handle herself just fine in this little battle of wits.

" Listen, champ... " she says, chuckling gently as she simply rolled her eyes at the stallion. " I know how this all works, so if ya think shootin' low at my musics gonna score you an advantage over me then you might wanna rethink the gameplan - it's cheap, tacky and doesn't fit well. "

The mare pauses and raises an eyebrow lightly as she gives a smirk. " Sorta like what you're wearing right now, I s'pose - now, if your only idea of making music is to ding a dinnerbell for service, I don't think you're in any position to be takin' potshots at a professional on canterlots musical circuit, ya get me? But hey, don't let me stop you from makin' a flank of yourself - again! "

With that, the dualtoned mare simply returns to looking at her cards momentarily...perhaps she'd responded too strongly for her own good, but somepony needed to show a little backbone here!

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