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Big Time


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Name: Big Time

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Light Blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane is black, as is his tail. Constantly wearing sunglasses.

Eye Color: Dark Green

Cutie Mark: A movie reel and a star

Physique: Healthy and clean. Rarely ever seen dirty.

Origin: Fillydelphia

Roleplay Type: FiM/Show Roleplay

Occupation: Talent Agent

Motivation: This pony got his cutie mark after getting one of his best friends the singing part she wanted in a school play. It wasn’t until his friend found her cutie mark that he got his. Ever since then, he focused on getting other ponies to come out and use their special talents to get bits and become famous.

Likes: Meeting new ponies, small talk, big talk, making bits

Dislikes: Losing bits, spiders, getting dirty

Character Summary: Big Time’s special talent came as no surprise to his parents. His father, a dark blue pegasus pony, was in the Fillydelphia High School debate team, and remained in the politics business of Equestria. His mother, a tall lavender earth pony, was a professional actress. With his father’s silver tongue, and living with his mother’s experience in show business, Big Time’s destiny was inevitable.

Though living a very wealthy and luxurious life, Big Time didn’t get to spend much time with his parents as their job required most of their attention. The closest thing to a parental figure Big Time had was his nanny Silver Platter. She cared for him, but also taught him how to take care of himself after he was grown and out of the house.

After obtaining his cutie mark in elementary school, Big Time began aiding other classmates of his (mainly the colts and fillies cruelly entitled “blank flanks”)in getting their cutie marks as well. He was revered as the classmate to go to should you need to find your cutie mark.

When middle school came around, Big Time found his special talent was becoming less and less necessary, since all of his classmates had their cutie marks by that time. Feeling lost and distracted during class, the colt was sent by one of his teachers to the school counselor. The counselor told Big Time that he should look into being a Talent Agent. This gave the colt a sense of direction, as well as sparked a few ideas in his mind.

Big Time pointed out how well the counselor did his job, flattering the stallion with compliments. After buttering up his potential “victim”, the colt planted the idea of going bigger than simply helping one pony at a time, to holding big self-help groups. One step at a time, he aided his school counselor into becoming renowned for his advice-giving. By the time Big Time was in High School, the counselor even got his own live talkshow! Though Big Time was too young to legally be paid for his job, the counselor gave him a large amount of bits to show his gratitude.

After graduating with a high Grade-point average, Big Time went on to search for more potential clients. Though his father told him he was going to college, Big Time disobeyed and began making a living off finding mares and stallions and provoking the star that is in all of them to come out. Though he says he has only the best intentions, his primary motivation is bits.

“Every little bit counts” his father taught him


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WOW! A talent agent pony!

My character Jubilee will definitely want to meet him!

The sunglasses are a nice touch too!

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WOW! A talent agent pony!

My character Jubilee will definitely want to meet him!

The sunglasses are a nice touch too!

Thank you! :)

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Unbelievable this is just wow wonderful a pony who helps others talent shine ever brighter love it.


Gracias mi amigo! :D

Mi amiga :P

Oh yeah XD mi amiga

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